List of Cistercian monasteries in France

The following is a list of Cistercian monasteries in France, including current and former Cistercian abbeys, and a few priories, on the current territory of France, for both monks and nuns.

These religious houses have belonged, at different times, to various congregations or groups within the Cistercian order, among which the most important, for the French monasteries, are:

Many of these monasteries during the course of their existence have been both Cistercian and Benedictine: see also List of Benedictine monasteries in France.

The dates in brackets are those of the beginning and the end of a monastery's status as a Cistercian house, which may be different from its dates of foundation and suppression.

The names of currently active Cistercian abbeys and independent priories are in bold. Apart from a very few unusually significant ones, dependent priories no longer operational are not usually listed.


Acey Abbey (Jura)
Aulps Abbey (Savoy)


Bonneval Abbey (Aveyron)
Boulaur Abbey (Gers)


Chaalis Abbey (Oise)
La Chalade Abbey (Meuse)



L'Étanche Abbey (Rollainville, Vosges)


Fontaine-Guérard Abbey (Eure)
Fontenay Abbey (Côte-d'Or)


Gruchet-le-Valasse Abbey (Seine-Maritime)


Hautecombe Abbey





Loc-Dieu Abbey (Aveyron)
Longuay Abbey (Haute-Marne)


Mazan Abbey (Ardèche)




Pontigny Abbey (Yonne)
Site of Port-Royal-des-Champs (Yvelines)



Ré Abbey, La Flotte, Île de Ré


Saint-Antoine-des-Champs (Paris)
Sénanque Abbey (Vaucluse)




Le Valasse Abbey (Seine-Maritime)
Valloires Abbey (Argoules, Somme)
Villelongue Abbey (Aude)


See also


  1. "Abbaye cistercienne de Notre-Dame d'Acey".
  2. "女子会談話集".
  3. Altbronn Abbey website
  4. Payrin-Augmontel municipal website: l'abbaye d'Ardorel
  5. "Abbaye d'Auberive".
  6. It is unclear how this monastery related to the Cistercians
  7. "Location montagne pas cher Vallée d'Aulps, location appartement et gite haute savoie".
  8. "Association culturelle de l'abbaye de Beaulieu en Rouergue - centre d'art".
  9. Fondation Bon Sauveur website: Bégard Abbey
  10. Bellaigue was founded in 950 as a Benedictine priory, became an abbey in 1136, became Cistercian in 1137, was suppressed in 1791 and re-founded as a Benedictine abbey in 2000;Bellaigue Abbey (Benedictine) website, including a page on the Cistercian abbey
  11. "ビジネスを加速!Belval - ビジネスを加速させるヒントを紹介".
  12. "concert EVR à la Benisson Dieu generated by".
  13. "Abbaye Notre-Dame de Bon-Secours".
  14. Bon-Repos Abbey website
  15. latterly occupied by the Communauté des Béatitudes
  16. Bonneval, Communauté de. "Abbaye cistercienne Notre-Dame de Bonneval".
  17. "Accueil - Abbaye de Bonport".
  18. Boulaur Abbey website
  19. "Accueil - Diocèse de Coutances et Avranches".
  20. now a hotel
  21. latterly attached to the Congregation of the Feuillants
  22. "Abbaye cistercienne Lachalade".
  23. "Abbaye de Chambarand".
  24. Champagne Abbey website (now a farm hotel)
  25. "Abbaye Notre-Dame de Cîteaux".
  26. "La page de l'abbayes de Clairlieu".
  27. La Clarté-Dieu: Friends website
  28. Wipp-creations. "Abbaye de la COUDRE (Laval, Mayenne)".
  29. Stoffels, Pierre-André Burton - Michel. "L'Abbaye Sainte-Marie-du-Désert vous accueille".
  30. "Bienvenue sur le site de l'Abbaye cistercienne Notre Dame de Bonne Espérance, à Échourgnac".
  31. Quantin, Thomas. "Abbaye Notre Dame de l'Étoile".
  32. "".
  33. "Abbaye de Fontenay - Erreur 404".
  35. Fontmorigny Abbey website
  36. "Actualités et Curiosités à Foucarmont - Commune rurale de Haute-Normandie au coeur de la vallée de l'Yères…".
  37. "Diocèse d'Angers, site officiel".
  38. "毛穴たるみで悩める30代後半主婦に適しているケアはコレで決まり!".
  39. Diocese of Reims website: Igny Abbey
  40. "Le Landais Abbey website".
  41. "".
  42. "Abbaye de Lérins".
  43. transferred from Vergy to Beaune
  44. "Abbaye de Longpont France Aisne".
  45. Melleray Abbey website
  46. Website of Saint Mesmin's Abbey, Micy, now occupied by the Micy Carmel
  47. united with Cîteaux in 1619
  48. Puy-Guillaume website: Montpeyroux Abbey
  49. Mortemer Abbey website
  50. "".
  51. "Abbaye de Noirlac".
  52. "Abbaye Notre-Dame d'Oelenberg - Ordre Cistercien de la Stricte Observance (Trappistes), au diocèse de Strasbourg (Alsace)".
  53. "Histoire de l'Abbaye Notre-Dame d'Ourscamp - Serviteurs de Jésus et de Marie".
  54. Transferred from Beauvais to Paris in 1671
  55. founded 1987; Bernardines' website: Le Touvet
  56. "Pontigny Abbey website".
  57. Website of the Musée national de Port-Royal-des-Champs
  58. "Abbaye Notre-Dame du Port du Salut".
  59. founded as a hermitage in 1104; became Cistercian in 1128
  60. "Accueil - Abbaye de Reigny".
  61. "Perspectives On Online Gambling - Games & Casinos".
  62. Boulaur Abbey website: Rieunette Priory
  63. Stoffels, soeur Marie-Christine Vilmain, Michel. "Bienvenue sur le site de l'Abbaye du Rivet".
  64. "ROYAUMONT - abbaye & fondation - Accueil".
  65. transferred to Barbeau Abbey: see also the Château de Sainte-Assise built on the site
  66. "Sénanque accueil".
  67. "index".
  68. "Abbaye de Sylvanès - Accueil".
  69. Tamié Abbey website
  70. very close to Cîteaux; first Cistercian nunnery, and motherhouse of the Cistercian nuns; transferred to Dijon in 1626
  71. Diocese of Vannes website: Timadeuc Abbey
  72. Jürgen Klötgen, "L'Abbaye de Tyronneau - Notice historique pour servir à la mémoire des cisterciens dans le Maine", in Revue Historique et Archéologique du Maine, Le Mans, 1990
  73. "Ubexy Abbey website".
  74. "Abbaye du Val des Choues".
  75. "L'Abbaye - Abbaye de Valloires".
  76. "Abbaye de Valmagne - Abbaye cistercienne, jardins, produits bio, vins bio, salle de réceptions".
  77. Vauluisant Abbey website
  78. "Abbaye des Vaux de Cernay - Abbaye des Vaux de Cernay".
  79. Gueit, Christian. "L'ABBAYE de VIGNOGOUL".
  80. Villeneuve Abbey website (now a hotel and restaurant)
  81. "Abbaye Cistercienne de Villers-Bettnach".
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