Ciudad de las Ideas (conference)

La Ciudad de las Ideas
Motto “Don’t believe everything you think.”
Formation 2008
Type NGO
Steven Pinker at Ciudad de las Ideas 2008: Cynosura

La Ciudad de las Ideas (CDI) is a conference created by Andrés Roemer, to empower citizens and present innovative ideas in science, technology, art, design, politics, education, culture, business, entertainment and other areas of knowledge. CDI created a 21-minute format to encourage debate. Daniel Dennett called it the " brain Olympics.”

CDI speakers have included Nobel Prize winners Jerome Isaac Friedman, Mario J. Molina, Jody Williams, Daniel Kahneman and Paul Krugman; researchers Robert Sapolsky, Steven Pinker, Eduard Punset, Clotaire Rapaille, Tim Berners-Lee, David Buss, Richard Dawkins, Michael Shermer, Craig Venter and Randi Zuckerberg; and Oscar nominees Adame Pesapane (PES) and Oliver Stone.

Since 2008, up to 3,600 attendees have gathered every November in the center of Puebla.[1][2]

The head and curator of CDI is Andrés Roemer, partner of the NGO Poder Civico A.C., together with Ricardo Salinas Pliego, President and CEO of Grupo Salinas. The thematic approach of the curator of the speakers is as follows: "Scholars/Policy and Makers" (leading academics and public policy makers), "Mex-I-Can" (talented Mexicans), "W-Under18" (children and young people), Debates, Art, Emotional, Technology, Artistic Interventions, and Entertainment.

The festival has been promoted in Azteca Trece and Proyecto 40 and on the event's website, social media, and through a science bookstore located at the festival site.[3][4][5][6][7]

Since June 9, 2008, over 231 festival speakers have had their presentations published online. Fifty percent of the audience are between 16 and 25 years old.


2008: Cynosura

The first conference took place in Puebla’s Convention Center in 2008. Its name is derived from the star Polaris, also named Cynosura by the Greeks, pertaining to the Ursa Minor constellation. Cynosura took place from the 6th to the 8th of November, with the speakers allotted 21 minutes to present. The conference commemorated the 100-year anniversary of the scandal caused by the String Quartet No.2 in F Sharp Minor by Austrian composter, Arnold Schoenberg, with the atonality that disrupted traditional classic music.

2009: Re-evolution

Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris and Daniel Dennett at Ciudad de las Ideas 2009. Re-evolution

From 2009 onwards, the University’s Cultural Complex of the Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla became the International Brilliant Minds Festival’s official venue. La Ciudad de las Ideas celebrated the International Year of Astronomy with a "night of telescopes" and, from 2009 to 2012, innovative ideas in science and humanities were acknowledged with the Innovation for Humanity Prize and the Entrepreneur for Humanity Prize.

The winners of the Innovation for Humanity Prize in 2008 were Daniel Dennett and Steven Pinker, while the Entrepreneur for Humanity Prize acknowledged nearly 300 individuals.

2010: The origins of the future

In 2010, CDI commemorated two historical events relevant to Mexico: the Bicentennial Independence Day Anniversary and the Centennial Anniversary of the Mexican Revolution. The 2010 edition took place in the University Cultural Complex at the Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla from the 11th to the 13th of November, where over 33 speakers attended.

The winners of the Innovation for Humanity Prize in 2009 were Dan Ariely and Philip Zimbardo, and the Entrepreneur for Humanity Prize acknowledged 200 individuals.

2011: Reset

This edition of CDI took place from the 10th to the 12th of November, 2011 in the University Cultural Complex at the Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla. As in 2009, the "night of telescopes" took place on Friday the 11th at 7pm.

The winners of the Innovation for Humanity Prize in 2010 were Michio Kaku and Richard Dawkins. The Entrepreneur for Humanity Prize was awarded to 120 individuals.

2012: The Magic of If

Ciudad de las Ideas 2012. Magic of if

The fifth edition of the festival was titled “The Magic of If”. This edition took place from the 8th to the 10th of November 2012 in the University Cultural Complex at the Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla. It included a new section dedicated to Mexican talent, called “Mex-I-can” and, on the other hand, the time for speakers to present reduced from 21 to 12 minutes.

The winners of the Innovation for Humanity Prize in 2011 were Eduard Punset, Oliver Stone and Dambisa Moyo. For the 2012 edition, the Entrepreneur for Humanity Prize was transformed into a prize with great reach and significance, turning into an initiative that stimulates social entrepreneurship projects, called Gifted Citizen Prize.

2013: Dangerous Ideas

The festival's sixth edition took place the 7th to the 9th of November, 2013, with the title of “Dangerous Ideas”. Ciudad de las Ideas 2013 also took place in the University Cultural Complex at the Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla and includes a new curatorial topic, “W-Under 18” that invited children and youth that are changing the world, like Jack Andraka, Boyan Slat, and Umi Garrett.

Gifted Citizen Initiative

Comunidad Gifted Citizen en 2012

This initiative began at La Ciudad de las Ideas 2012. Submitted projects are evaluated by a committee and the conference Board of Directors.[8] The projects can be scientific, technological, social, ecological or artistic in nature, as well as concerning development or human rights. The most outstanding project is awarded US$100,000. This prize is given in association with the Singularity University. Furthermore, the prize is backed up with the help of sponsors like Comex, Grupo Salinas, Aeroméxico, and the State of Puebla Government.

The GZ Prize was known as the "Entrepreneur for Humanity Prize" in the 2009, 2010 and 2011 conferences.

2012[9] 2013[10] 2014[11] 2015[12] 2016[13]
Jordi Martí GascónJonathan Adiri and Jorge SotoAndrew BastawrousShanyn RonisRoopam Sharma


The following is a list of people who have spoken at the Ciudad de las Ideas:[14]


Theme: "Cynosura"

Speakers CDI Areas Topic
Amir Aczel Science and Technology The World of Mathematics and Luck
Jay Bakker
David P. Barash Sexuality Is Monogamy a Myth?
Eugene Bardach Economy and Politics Public Policy of the Future
Sam Barondes Brain Depression
Étienne-Émile Baulieu Science and Technology Eternal Youth
Shmuley Boteach Debate Is Religion Good For Humanity?
Louann Brizendine Psychology and Sociology The Female Brain
David Brooks Psychology and Sociology How To Transmit a Message
Chandler Burr Art New York Times Perfume Critic
David Buss Sexuality Sexuality
Robert Cooter Economy and Politics Law and Development
Dinesh D'Souza Debate Is Religion Good For Humanity?
Juan Ramón de la Fuente Health The Pains of Humanity
Daniel Dennett Debate Is Religion Good For Humanity?
John Esposito Debate Is Religion Good For Humanity?
Helen Fisher
Horacio Franco Artistic Intervention
Julio Frenk Environment The Planet’s Health
Gerd Gigerenzer Psychology and Sociology Character
Daniel Gilbert Psychology and Sociology Happiness
Dean Hamer Psychology and Sociology Genes
Dan Heath Psychology and Sociology Made To Be Remembered
Carl Honoré Ethics and Philosophy The Slow Movement
David Konzevik Economy and Politics Future
Lawrence M. Krauss Science and Technology Our Universe
Steven Landsburg Psychology and Sociology More Sex Is Safer Sex
Judith Eve Lipton Brain What Dominates Us?
David Livingstone Smith Psychology and Sociology Why Do We Lie?
Ingrid Mattson Religion The Islamic World
Mexico Ensemble Artistic Intervention
Claire Nouvian Science and Technology The World of the Ocean
Eric T. Olson Brain The Mind
Steven Pinker Brain Our Instincts
Eduard Punset Psychology and Sociology Falling Out of Love
Clotaire Rapaille Ethics and Philosophy Culture Codes
Roberto Rojo Environment The Incredible World of Insects
Enric Sala Environment The Planet
Robert Sapolsky Psychology and Sociology We the Primates
Michael Shermer Debate Is Religion Good For Humanity?
Talea Ensemble Artistic Intervention
Eugenio Toussaint Artistic Intervention
Villeda Childs:
Ana Caridad
Miguel Ángel
Artistic Intervention
Voz en Punto Artistic Intervention
Jody Williams Ethics and Philosophy Peace
James Q. Wilson Economy and Politics Politics of Development
Benjamin Zander Ethics and Philosophy The Art of Possibilities


Theme: "Re-Evolution"

Speakers CDI Areas Topic
Dan Ariely Brain The Irrational vs the Rational
Julian Baggini Brain Do You Think You Think What You Think?
Deborah Berebichez Brain Science In Heals
Steve Berlin Johnson Brain Everything Bad Can Be Good For You
Shmuley Boteach Debate Intelligent Design
Neville Brody Brain Creativity
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita Science and Technology The Predictable Future
Randy Cohen Brain The Good
Jerry Coyne Science and Technology Evolution: a Fact
Dinesh D'Souza Debate Intelligent Design
Frans de Waal Science and Technology The Third Chimpanzee
Daniel Dennett Brain Consciousness
Joseph Epstein Psychology and Sociology Envy
Cordelia Fine Brain The Mind
Helen Fisher Brain Why Do We Love?
Francis Fukuyama Economy and Politics Geopolitics of the Future
Karl Grammer Brain The Humane
Sam Harris Debate Intelligent Design
Marc Hauser Brain Does Morality Exist?
Christopher Hitchens Debate Intelligent Design
Bjarke Ingels Science and Technology Building a Better Future
Emmanuel Jal Artistic Intervention
Lena Maria Klingvall Brain Defiance
Catherine Mohr Science and Technology The Science of the Future
Opera Gala INBA:
Encarnación Vázquez
José Luis Ordoñez
José Luis González
Artistic Intervention
Carlos Prieto Economy and Politics Freedom and Culture
Eduard Punset Brain Memory
Clotaire Rapaille Ethics and Philosophy Culture Codes: UP
Ranulfo Romo Brain The Brain vs the Mind
Joseph Barry Schwartz Psychology and Sociology The Paradox of Choice
Nassim Nicholas Taleb Art The Black Swan
Tambuco Artistic Intervention
Carol Tavris Ethics and Philosophy Guilt
Jakob Trollback Art The Art of Video Art
Natasha Tsakos Art Contemporary Performance
Marije Vogelzang Brain Gluttony
Frank Warren Ethics and Philosophy PostSecret Our Secrets
Jamie Whyte Brain Crime against Logic
Robert Wright Brain The Logic of Man’s Destiny
Philip Zimbardo Brain Evil


Theme: "The Origins of the Future"

Speakers CDI Areas Topic
Amir Aczel Science and Technology Physics For Everyone
Chris Anderson Science and Technology The World of the Future
Sir Tim Berners-Lee Science and Technology The Creation of the www
David Buss Psychology and Sociology Why Do Women Have Sex?
Richard Dawkins Debate Does the Universe Have a Purpose?
Jared Diamond Brain The Benefits of Being Multilingual
Ze Frank Psychology and Sociology The Power of a Smile
Jerome Isaac Friedman Economy and Politics The Everyday Economy
Malcolm Gladwell Psychology and Sociology Dangerous Optimism
Terry Grossman Science and Technology Eternal Youth
Carl Honoré Education Under Pressure (The Current State of Education)
Sheena Iyengar Psychology and Sociology Choice under a Different Perspective
Emmanuel Jal Art Music with Meaning
Daniel Kahneman Economy and Politics Economy and Human Conduct
Michio Kaku Science and Technology The Present Future
John Kasaona Economy and Politics Alternatives That Change Lives
David Kirkpatrick Science and Technology The Facebook Effect
David Konzevik Economy and Politics
Nancy Lee Etcoff
Jonah Lehrer Psychology and Sociology How Do You We Choose?
Henry Markram Brain “The Blue Brain” Project
Mario J. Molina Environment Climatic Imperative
Paté de Fuá Artistic Intervention
Steven Pinker Brain More Future and Less Crime
Elizabeth Pisani Health Pandemics
Matt Ridley Psychology and Sociology Realistic Optimism
Sir Ken Robinson Education The Element
Hans Rosling Brain Statistics with Meaning
Daniel Schacter Psychology and Sociology The Seven Sins of Memory
Nancy Segal Psychology and Sociology Identical At Birth
Michael Shermer Psychology and Sociology For Skeptics
Rodolfo Stavenhagen Psychology and Sociology Justice
Sean Stephenson Inspirational Impossible Doesn’t Exist
Adora Svitak Inspirational Child Prodigy: a Message
Adrianna Svitak Artistic Intervention
Natasha Tsakos Artistic Intervention
Frank Warren Psychology and Sociology PostSecret


Theme: "Reset"

Speakers CDI Areas Topic
Amir Aczel Psychology and Sociology Luck and Possibilities
Vicente Amigo Artistic Intervention
Óscar Bacallado de la Cruz I’ll Tell You a Tale
Isabel Behncke Psychology and Sociology Bonobos and Sex
Eythor Bender
Tamara Mena
Science and Technology The Technology of the Human Body
Arthur T. Benjamin Science and Technology The Magic of Numbers
David Buss Psychology and Sociology Why Women Have Sex
Dinesh D'Souza Debate Does Life Have a Purpose?
Craig Dykers Architecture and Design The Architect Behind the Museum At Ground Zero
David Eagleman
Juan Enríquez Cabot Science and Technology Living In the Future
Joseph Epstein
Joshua Foer Brain Memory For Everyone!
Dan Gilbert Brain Stumbling Upon Happiness
Dennis Hong Science and Technology Life For Robots
Jack Horner Science and Technology The Dinosaurs
Maz Jobrani Entertainment Comedy
Salman Khan Education Online Universal Education
David Konzevik Economy and Politics
Nicholas D. Kristof The message
Paul Krugman Psychology and Sociology The Liberal World
Robert Kurzban Brain Hypocrisy
La Fábrica de Tangos Artistic Intervention
Nancy Lee Etcoff
Steven Levitt Psychology and Sociology Why Society Acts the Way It Acts
David Livingstone Smith Brain Evil
Gary Marcus Brain The Origins of the Human Mind
Geoffrey Miller Psychology and Sociology Why Do We Shop?
Dambisa Moyo Economy and Politics The Paradox of Subsidizing the Poor
PES Art The Art of Animation
Mario Alonso Puig Brain Telling a Story
Eduard Punset Brain Falling Out of Love
Radaid Artistic Intervention
Deb Roy Brain The Origin of Language
Robert Sapolsky
Michael Shermer Brain Why We Believe What We Believe
Mark Spitz Inspirational Breaking Records
Morgan Spurlock Art Creativity in the Cinema
Oliver Stone Art Film As a Thought Catalyzer
Daniel Tammet Brain Beyond Autism
Jennifer Thompson
Ronald Cotton
Ethics and Philosophy Against the Death Penalty:
The Real Case of an Innocent Man Sentenced to Death
Kjetil Trædal Thorsen Architecture and Design
Karla Wheelock Inspirational How to Reach the Peak of Success?
Esther Wojcicki Education Education Revolution
Rabbi David Wolpe Debate Does Life Have a Purpose?


Theme: "Magic of If"

Speakers CDI Areas Topic
Nadia Al-Sakkaf Psychology and Sociology The Battle for Women and Children’s Rights
Anderson and Roe:
Greg Anderson
Elizabeth Joy Roe
Artistic Intervention A Piano with Two Souls
Alfonso Arau Art Film
Anthony Atala Science and Technology Organ Regeneration
Paul Bloom Psychology and Sociology The Science of Knowledge
Kate Bolick Psychology and Sociology Single Women
Susan Cain Psychology and Sociology The Power of Introverts
Simonetta Carbonaro Psychology and Sociology Consumerism
Joe Castillo Art Making Castles in the Sky
Salomón Chertorivski Woldenberg Economy and Politics Is Childhood Destiny?
Dalton Conley Economy and Politics Judge: What Defines Us
Aubrey de Grey Science and Technology Live Forever
François Delarozière Art A Symphony of Creativity
Peter Diamandis Science and Technology The Myth of Scarcity
Shirin Ebadi Ethics and Philosophy NO to the Fear of Failing
Horacio Franco Artistic Intervention Poetry of the Wind
David Gallo Science and Technology Oceanic Depths
Robert Lane Greene Psychology and Sociology You Are What You Say
Joseph T. Hallinan Psychology and Sociology Why Do We Make Mistakes?
Neil Harbisson Science and Technology A Symphony of Colors
Rahaf Harfoush Debate Do Social Media Push Or Pull Society Together?
Martie Haselton Psychology and Sociology Women’s Secret
Isaac Hernández Artistic Intervention Perfection in Motion
José Hernández Inspirational Reaching the Stars
Jack Hitt Psychology and Sociology The American Life
Salim Ismail Debate Do Social Media Push Or Pull Society Together?
Mimi Ito Debate Do Social Media Push Or Pull Society Together?
Alberto Kalach Architecture and Design Green Architecture
Sheril Kirshenbaum Psychology and Sociology The Science of Kissing
Ottmar Liebert Artistic Intervention Sound and Art
John T. Manning Science and Technology Judge: What Defines Us?
Stephen Marche Debate Do Social Media Push Or Pull Society Together?
Jim Marggraff Science and Technology How to Write the Future of Today
Rosario Marín Inspirational Nothing Is Impossible
Eduardo Matos Moctezuma Economy and Politics Archeology
Jane Mendle Psychology and Sociology Judge: What Defines Us?
Jim Meskimen Entertainment The Great Imitator
Pamela Meyer Psychology and Sociology Lie Detector
Geoffrey Miller Sexuality Judge: What Defines Us?
Enrique Norten Architecture and Design Architectural Tendencies
Laura Packer Psychology and Sociology The Story Teller
Raghu Dixit Artistic Intervention From India to Mexico
Lisa Randall Science and Technology A Dimension Without Limits
Catherine Salmon Psychology and Sociology Judge: What Defines Us?
Dimitar Sasselov Science and Technology Searching in Space
Tali Sharot Psychology and Sociology Optimism
Philip Sheppard Art Notes That Inspire
Jason Silva Science and Technology Stories That Change Lives
Kevin Slavin Science and Technology Technology That Inspires
Laurence Steinberg Psychology and Sociology Judge: What Defines Us?
Bryan Stevenson Ethics and Philosophy Equality and Justice
Luis Fernando Tena Inspirational
Patrick Tresset Science and Technology Clumsy Robots
Robert Trivers Psychology and Sociology The Meaning of Life and Deception
Zeynep Tufekcioglu Debate Do Social Media Push Or Pull Society Together?
John Underkoffler Science and Technology The Future in Your Hands
Craig Venter Science and Technology The Future of the Human Genome
Ellsworth Wareham Science and Technology Longevity
Paul J. Zak Science and Technology Confidence
Randi Zuckerberg Debate Do Social Media Push Or Pull Society Together?


Theme: "Dangerous Ideas"

Speakers CDI Areas Topic
Manal Al-Sharif Psychology and Sociology “Women2Drive”
Jeff Allen Entertainment I Can Laugh About It Now
Arturo Álvarez-Buylla Brain Regenerative Medicine in Neurosurgery
Elena Álvarez-Buylla Science and Technology Plants Help Us Understand Stem Cells, Cancer and the Basis of a Healthy Diet.
Adrian Anantawan Artistic Intervention Moving Music Forward: Adaptation and Evolution
Jack Andraka Health Tapping Into the Hidden Innovator
Arcano Artistic Intervention Arcano Live
Josh Beckerman Entertainment The Foodie Magician
David Buss Debate Monogamy vs Polygamy
Shmuley Boteach Debate Monogamy vs Polygamy
Elisa Carrillo Cabrera Artistic Intervention Presentation to La Ciudad de las Ideas
Roz Chast Architecture and Design Theories of Everything
Deepak Chopra Debate The Encounter of the Century
Alain de Botton Education Anxiety in the Modern World
Richard Dawkins Debate The Encounter of the Century
Simon Aban Deng Psychology and Sociology Slavery in the XXI Century: Living Proof
Pere Estupinyà Sexuality S = EX2: The Science of Sex
Familydan Inspirational Fightthestroke
Alberto Brian Fernández Science and Technology Social Sense Vision
Helen Fisher Debate Monogamy vs Polygamy
Robert H. Frank Economy and Politics Success and Luck
Umi Garrett Artistic Intervention Piano Recital
Seth Godin Economy and Politics Dancing on the Edge of the Revolution
Alison Gopnik Psychology and Sociology The study of Children's Learning
José Luis Gutiérrez Artistic Intervention Cello Recital
Martie G. Haselton Debate Monogamy vs Polygamy
Amanda Hill Science and Technology Leading BBC Strategies
Salim Ismail Science and Technology Undertaken in Silicon Valley
Joseph Kim Psychology and Sociology What I Left Behind in North Korea
David Konzevik Economy and Politics
Jim Kwik Education SuperheroYou
Le Trio Joubran Artistic Intervention Palestinian Culture Music
Daniel Levitin Brain Your Brain on Music
Daniel Libeskind Architecture and Design Architecture and Memory
Alexa Meade Art The Canvas of the Body
Eduardo Merlo Education Puebla, Navel of the World
Kees Moeliker Science and Technology The Duck, His Mate, and the Pubic Lice
Kit Opie Debate Monogamy vs Polygamy
Ken Perenyi Art Art and Forgery
Daniel H. Pink Economy and Politics The Power of Noncommissioned Work
Robert Provine Brain Cracking Codes of Laughter
Elsa Punset Brain Make Information Knowledge
Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa Brain Neurosurgery and Oncology
Clotaire Rapaille Psychology and Sociology Move UP: Why Some Cultures Advance While Others Don’t
Preston Reed Artistic Intervention My Acoustic Technique Revolutionary
Alf Rehn Psychology and Sociology Dangerous Ideas
Daniel Reisel Psychology and Sociology The Power of Restorative Justice
Pedro Reyes Art Expanded Notion of Sculpture
Apollo Robbins Psychology and Sociology The Art of Misdirection
Jordan Romero Inspirational Conquering the Seven Summits of the World
Sanjit “Bunker” Roy Education Founded the Barefoot College
Christopher Ryan Debate Monogamy vs Polygamy
Robert Sapolsky Debate Monogamy vs Polygamy
Michael Shermer Science and Technology The Moral Arc of Science
Boyan Slat Environment How the Oceans Can Clean Themselves
Lior Suchard Entertainment Delusions
Talavya Artistic Intervention The Classical Art of Table
Marco Tempest Science and Technology Inventing the Impossible
Abdiel Vázquez Artistic Intervention Piano Recital
Xavier Velasco Art Suspicious Minds
Eric Whitacre Art Virtual Choir
Yo-yo Performer Black Entertainment Running the Yoyo


Theme: "Change the World"

Speakers CDI Areas Topic
John Aldridge Inspirational A Speck in the Sea
Guillermo Arriaga Art The Rigor in the Creation
Jolene Babyak Inspirational Growing up in “The Rock” Alcatraz
Roy Baumeister Debate Esteem in Education
Stefano Bertozzi Health Ebola
Paul Bloom Psychology and Sociology Angry
Shree Bose Health New Treatment of Ovarian Cancer
Kevin Briggs Inspirational Prevention and Intervention in Suicide
Baba Brinkman Art Looking a Revised Rap
Louann Brizendine Psychology and Sociology The Female and Male Brains in Jealousy
David Buss Sexuality Lust
Amy Chua Debate Esteem in Education
Billy Collins Art Poetry Presentation
Alberto Cruzprieto Artistic Intervention Piano Debate
Juan Ramón de la Fuente Health Aspen Institute Mexico. What Do We Do with Drugs?
Giles Duley Art Telling Stories. Making Changes
David Eagleman Brain Incognito
Zak Ebrahim Inspirational My Father Was a Terrorist. I Don’t
Erica Fernández Psychology and Sociology Mobilizing People to Take Action
John-Paul Flintoff Inspirational How Change the World?
Esteban Fuentes de María Art Art
Elizabeth Gilbert Art Against the Passion
Rebecca Goldstein Debate Esteem in Education
Gerardo Herrera Science and Technology The Liquid Universe, Higgs and Large Hadron Collider
Miguel Herrera Inspirational Life Experiences and Field
Pablo Herreros Science and Technology I, Monkey. Evolution of Humans and Primates
Werner Herzog Art Talking Cinema and Experiences
Carl Hoffman Science and Technology Highly Dangerous Journeys
Carl Honoré Debate Esteem in Education
Tom Hugh-Jones Environment Life Story: Filming Wildlife
Héctor Infazón Artistic Intervention Piano Debate
Ingoma Nshya Artistic Intervention Musical Performance
Salim Ismail Economy and Politics Exponential Organizations
Tim Jenison Art Tim’s Vermeer
Sarah Jones Art Performance. How Change The World?
Jeremy Kasdin Science and Technology Imagining Earths Around Other Stars. Images of Exoplanets
Piper Kerman Inspirational My Year in Women’s Federal Prison
Chris Kluwe Psychology and Sociology Virtual Reality and Society
David Konzevik Economy and Politics How Change Your Chip?
Lawrence Krauss Science and Technology Future of the Universe
David Kropfitsch Artistic Intervention Violin Recital
Jakob Kropfitsch Artistic Intervention Piano Recital
Johannes Kropfitsch Artistic Intervention Piano Recital
David Kwong Entertainment Deceptions and Crosswords
Tan Le Science and Technology Digital Technology of Brain
Cassandra Lin Environment Turn Grease into Fuel (TGIF) Project
Thalma Lobel Psychology and Sociology Sensation: The Influence of Our Senses in Our Lives
Lombard Twins Artistic Intervention Song and Fugue at Lombard Way
Paulo Lozano Tovar Science and Technology Democratizing Space
Jon Mooallem Environment Natural Ideas
Steve Moore Economy and Politics Discussing Economic Inequality with Robert Reich
Rita Moreno Art My Story
Ethan Nadelmann Economy and Politics Drug Policy Reform
Chris Nicola Inspirational The Secret of The Priest’s Grotto. Story of Survival in Caves in the Era of the Holocaust
Robert Reich Economy and Politics Discussing Economic Inequality with Steve Moore
Paul Rozin Psychology and Sociology Gluttony
Ricardo Salinas Pliego Economy and Politics How Change Your Chip?
Michael Shermer Ethics and Philosophy God
Thomas Suarez Science and Technology The Importance of Introducing Students to the Programming
Jill Bolte Taylor Brain My Stroke of Insight
Charlie Todd Entertainment Improv Everywhere: Causing Scenes
Richard Turere Environment Lion Lights
Armando Vera Entertainment Magic Hands
Léo Verrier Art Making Short Films
Esther Wojcicki Debate Esteem in Education
Farley Ziegler Art Tim’s Vermeer


Theme: “What’s the Point?”

Speakers CDI Areas Description
Escala Art All-female electric string quartet who performed on the finals of Britain’s Got Talent
Lawrence M. Krauss Science Cosmologist, particle physicist, and research of dark matter
Donald D. Hoffman Brain Cognitive scientist working in visual perception, attention and awareness
David Konzevik Economics Economist of renacentists culture
Gad Saad Psychology Phychologist specializing in the influence of advertising
José Miguel Sokoloff Art Creative president of Lowe Global Creative Council and Co.; activist in Colombia
Jason Padgett Science Mathematician and artist with acquired Savant syndrome
NoCoasters Quartet Entertainment Jazz quartet
Accent Entertainment Music group with singers from five countries
Jimmy Nelson Art Photographer
Maz Jobrani Entertainment Actor and comedian; founder of the Axis of Evil comedy tour
Kip Thorne Science Physicist known for theories of time travel
Adam Alter Psychology Working in human cognition and behavior
Patch Adams Inspirational Physician known for treating patients with laughter
Shlomo Kahn Entertainment Beatbox artist
Daniela Liebman Wunder-18 Piano prodigy
Trisha Prabhu Wunder-18 Entrepreneur seeking to prevent cyberbullying
Raymond Wang Wunder-18 Inventor of solutions in renewable energy, environmental management and biomechanics
Ryan Hreljac Wunder-18 Water activist in Africa
Karla Kanora Entertainment Singer and goodwill ambassador for UNICEF
Damon Horowitz Science Thinker on the intersection of technology and humanities
Peter Singer Ethics and Phl. Researcher of philosophy, ethics and bioethics
António Damásio Brain Neuroscientist working on brain processes underlying emotion
Esteban Hernández Mex-I-Can Ballet dancer from the San Francisco Ballet
Isaac Hernández Mex-I-Can Principal dancer of the English National Ballet; producer of The Despertares show; winner of 13 golden medals
Jurgita Dronina Art Principal dancer of the National Ballet of Canada; winner of the Alexander Radius prize
Yuan Yuan Tan Art Principal dancer of the San Francisco Ballet Company; winner of the Prix Nijinsky
Lorena Ochoa Mex-I-Can Mexican golfer, winner of two majors women’s British Open
Jorge Soto Mex-I-Can Technology entrepreneur; co-founder of Miroculus, a company working to detect blood cancers
Luis Roberto Flores Castillo Mex-I-Can Scientific leader of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Alejandro Madrigal Mex-I-Can Researcher in stem cells and cell regeneration therapy
Rodrigo Medellin Mex-I-Can Researcher on the study and conservation of mammals, particularly bats
Mario Rojas Art Tenor vocalist
Rebeca de Rueda Art Mexican soprano vocalist
Andrés Sarre Art Pianist; founder of Taller Lirico de Jalisco and opera promoter
José A. Meade Mex-I-Can Secretary of Finance to the government of Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto
Melody Yang Entertainment Soap bubble artist
Sugata Mitra Education Researcher into new information technology-based teaching methods for children
Susana Martínez Conde Brain Neurologist specializing in mind tricks and how the brain functions when perceiving optical illusions
Stephen Macknik Brain Neurologist specializing in illusions and attentional misdirection during stage magic performances
Simon Pierro Entertainment Digital tablets
Roman Mars Technology US radio host of the show 99% Invisible
Esther Perel Psychology Psychotherapist specializing in erotically smart relationships
Pussy Riot Inspirational Activist group opposing Russian human rights violations
César Gaviria Debates Former president of Colombia; former Secretary General of the Organization of American States
Ruth Dreifuss Debates Former president of the Swiss confederation
Vicente Fox Debates Former president of Mexico
Ricardo Salinas P. Debates President of Grupo Salinas and co-creator of La Ciudad de las Ideas
Mark Kleiman Debates Expert in crime reduction, justice, and drug policy; chairman of Botec Analysis
Antonio Mazzitelli Debates United Nations office representative on crime and drugs (UNODC) liaison and partnership office in Mexico
Viridiana Ríos Debates CEO of México ¿cómo vamos?, expert in Mexico's citizen security and rule of law
Kevin A. Sabet Debates Psychiatrist working in drug policy; US presidential adviser and co-founder of the Sam project
Orquesta Esperanza Azteca Art Children and youth musicians orchestra
Tara Lynn Orr Art Writer and producer of the short film "Bis Gleich"
Angelique Kidjo Art Double Grammy award winner
Gloria Álvarez Inspirational Political scientist; critic of systems and populist governments in Latin America
Ronald Heifetz Economics Advisor and expert on public leadership and transformation methods
Cass Sunstein Politics Lawyer specializing in US constitutional processes, legislation in several countries, and freedom
Juliana D'Agostini Art Pianist; winner of Brazilian young award in 2014
Verne Troyer Entertainment Actor known for playing "Mini-Me" in the Austin Powers movies
Daniel Kish Science Inventor of a biological sonar for blind people and founder of World Access for the Blind
Jo Berry Inspirational Founder of Building Bridges for Peace; professional speaker
Patrick Magee Inspirational Former member of the Irish Republican Army (IRA), supporter of peace and reconciliation in Ireland


Theme: “Play the Game”

Speakers CDI Areas Description
MAYUMANA Art Dance and percussion group
Tim Urban Science Bloggers; creator of the web "Wait But Why"
Judit Polgar Science Greatest female chess player of all time
Adam Gopnik Brain Social commentator and essayist for The New Yorker
Blitz the Ambassador Entertainment Hip hop artist
Derek Wang Wunder-18 Pianist; scholar of The Lang Lang foundation
Ximena Sariñana Entertainment Singer and actress winner of MTV awards, nominated for Grammy awards and Latin Grammy awards
Niall Ferguson Inspirational Historian and writer specializing in economic and financial history and British and American imperialism
Negin Farsad Entertainment Comedian
Rafael Fonseca Mex-I-Can Consultant at the Mayo Clinic and investigator of cell plasma, multiple myeloma, and bone myeloma
Lakshmi Pratury Science CEO of INK
Duo Straight Up Entertainment Circus performers and acrobats
Lane Sutton Wunder-18 Consultant in business, social networking and marketing
Beau Lotto and Amy O'Toole Wunder-18 Neuroscientist specializing in the biology and psychology of perception (Lotto), and one of the world’s youngest published female scientists (O'Toole)
Dafne Almazán Wunder-18 World’s youngest psychology mayor
William Gadoury Wunder-18 Discoverer of unexplored archaeological site of the ancient Maya civilization
Emmanuel Bishop Wunder-18 Violin prodigy, polyglot and speaker on Down syndrome
Tyler Cowen Debates Economist and free market advocate
Brian Little Psychology Professor and researcher of personality and well-being
Elizabeth Plank Science American journalist; social justice advocate and activist
Kenneth Lacovara Science Paleontologist; discover of a new dinosaur species
Uri Levine Science Entrepreneur; creator of the Waze app; chairman of Feex
La Santa Cecilia Entertainment Musician of world music, Latin and rock
Manuel Gutiérrez Novelo Mex-I-Can Inventor of immersive experience and virtual reality devices; co-founder of ImmersiON-Vrelia
Miguel Alcubierre Moya Mex-I-Can Theoretical physicist known for a mathematical model allowing faster-than-light travel
Guillermo de Anda Mex-I-Can Underwater archaeologist; researcher at the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH)
Gerardo Ceballos Mex-I-Can Researcher and conservation advocate
Norma Romero Mex-I-Can Coordinator of Las Patronas, which provides group assistance to migrants; human rights promoter
Julieta Venegas Entertainment Singer and composer
Ronald Arkin Debates Robotics researcher
James Bessen Debates Economist studying the impact of technology and innovation in the workforce
Matt Ridley Debates Author and journalist specializing in scientific dissemination
Nick Bostrom Debates Philosopher at Oxford University, known for works on existential risk, transhumanism, and the risks of superintelligence
Martin Ford Debates Futurist focusing on the impact of artificial intelligence and robotics on society and the economy
Tyler Cowen Debates Economist; free market advocate
Butterscotch Art Female beatbox artist
Riccardo Sabatini Science Physicist specializing in numerical modeling of materials, computational genomics, and food markets
Maria Konnikova Art Science and psychology creative writer; author of Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes
Franz Freudenthal and Alexandra Heath Science Medic and inventor of devices for the treatment of congenital heart disease in children; co-founder of Fundación Cardioinfantil La Paz (Freudenthal). Doctor studying heart disease in Bolivia, and co-founder of Fundación Cardioinfantil La Paz (Heath).
Tara Hunt Science Online marketing expert and authority on online communities
Mark Pollock Inspirational First blind man to race to the South Pole


Theme: “Beyond X”

Speakers Description
Mark J. Post Developer of the first artificial hamburger
Kris Verburgh Developer of a new discipline called Nutrigerontology, which studies the impact of diet in aging and in elderly associated diseases.
Juan Enríquez Cabot Considered a global authority in uses and benefits of genome research.
Edvard Moser 2014 Medicine Nobel Prize for the discovery of an "Internal GPS" which makes us able to orientate in space.
David Gross 2004 Physics Nobel Prize for the discovery of an asymptotic liberty
Robert Sawyer Fantasy and Science fiction writer, all-time greatest award winner. His novels have been published in 20 languages and read on board of a spacecraft
Helen Fisher Maximum exponent of love chemistry, pioneer in human personality biology and leadership neurochemistry.
Dan Ariely One of the most important specialists in behavioral economics and irrationality in decision-making.
Adam Riess 2011 Physics Nobel Prize for demonstrating the accelerated expansion of the Universe
Alejandro Aravena Pritzker Award winner, curator of the 15th Venice Biennale of Architecture
Steven Pinker One of the Time's 100 Most Influential People. Indispensable writer to understand mind and human nature
Lucien Engelen Ambassador for the Future Medicine and the Participative Health System
Chandler Burr Journalist and Perfume Curator
Robert Sapolsky Distinguished academic in Biology and Neurology
David Buss Professor of Social Psychology and Sociological writer
Bjarke Ingels Danish architect, he runs Bjarke Ingels Group, BIG
Jerry Coyne Ph.D. in Evolutionary Biology
Marco Tempest Known for his multimedia magic and the use of interactive technology and infography to do his magic
Adam Pesapane (PES) Artist, animator, and director of several short films and publicitary ads.
Escala Successful female electric string quartet, renowned for their presentation in the television show Britain's Got Talent
Salim Ismail Global Ambassador and CEO/Founder of Singularity University
Esther Perel World leading Psychotherapist in erotically intelligent relationships and the complex science behind human interaction
Kevin Kelly Founder and CEO of Wired magazine. Writer and student of Asian cultures and digital culture
Di-Ann Eisnor Chief of global alliances for WAZE. He worked with governments, international media and communitary local groups. He has lead the Global Connected Citizens program for the company to make the affordable motility affordable
David Eagleman Neuroscientist explorer of the mysteries of the brain

See also


  1. Mariana Fernández (12 March 2008). "Announce Festival Ciudad de las Ideas (Anuncian el festival La Ciudad de las Ideas)". Milenio. Retrieved 1 July 2013.
  2. Monitoring Report of Press and Public Relations (statistical) granted by The Crossing. Communication Services and Cultural Diffusion (La Travesía. Servicios de comunicación y Difusión cultural).
  3. Proyecto 40 (2013). "Proyecto 40. Proyéctate". Retrieved 18 September 2013.
  4. Poder Cívico (2012). "La Ciudad de las Ideas". Retrieved 18 September 2013.
  5. "Facebook Ciudad de las Ideas. Don’t believe everything you think". Retrieved 18 September 2013.
  6. "La Ciudad de las Ideas Twitter". Retrieved 18 September 2013.
  7. "YouTube Channel of La Ciudad de las Ideas". Retrieved 18 September 2013.
  8. Poder Cívico. "Gifted Citizen". Retrieved 18 September 2013.
  9. Poder Cívico. "Community GZ Winner 2012". Poder Cívico. Retrieved 18 September 2013.
  10. Gifted Citizen 2013 - La Ciudad de las Ideas 2013 "Dangerous Ideas". Parte 2
  11. "Andrew Bastawrous - Personally Speaking Bureau". Retrieved 11 March 2016.
  12. "Team". Retrieved 11 March 2016.
  13. "Roopam Sharma Winner Gifted Citizen 2016". Retrieved 17 June 2017.
  14. "Speakers (Ponentes)". Retrieved 31 March 2015.
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