List of people from Brisbane

This listing includes notable people who were born in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia as well as notable people who are working in Brisbane, or who began their careers in Brisbane (please see the individual articles for references).


The Southern Cross landing in Brisbane in 1928
The Kingsford Smith Memorial, housing the Southern Cross

Notable Brisbane-born aviators include:

The aircraft is currently preserved and on display in the Kingsford Smith Memorial, a special a climate-controlled sealed glass building near the International terminal at Brisbane Airport

Government, politics and law

Notable Brisbane-born people in this section include:


Notable Brisbane-born people in research include:


Christopher Trotter's City Roo sculpture
Two more City Roo sculptures

Singers, dancers, musicians and composers

Notable Brisbane-born people

Brisbane is also the home of the following people

Music bands with Brisbane origins


Brisbane is also the home of:

Stage and screen

Brisbane-born actors, actresses, producers, playwrights and comedians include:

Actors, actresses and playwrights who began their careers in Brisbane, or live in Brisbane, include:

Writers and journalists

Writers and journalists who live in Brisbane include:

See also

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