List of birds of Brazil

The rufous-bellied thrush is the national bird of Brazil.

Brazil has one of the richest bird diversities in the world. The avifauna of Brazil include a total of 1799 species, of which 231 are endemic. Four have been introduced by humans, 69 are rare or accidental, and four are extinct or extirpated. An additional 24 species are hypothetical (see below).

Brazil hosts about 60% of the bird species recorded for all of South America. These numbers are still increasing almost every year, due to new occurrences, new species being described, or splits of existing species. About 10% of the bird species found in Brazil are, nonetheless, threatened.

In June 2013 a simultaneous discovery of fifteen bird species in Brazil was announced, the first such since 1871, when August von Pelzeln described forty new species.[1] The birds were from the families Corvidae, Thamnophilidae, Dendrocolaptidae, Tyrannidae, and Polioptilidae.[2] Eleven of the new species are endemics of Brazil and four also inhabit Peru and Bolivia.[1]

This list's taxonomic treatment (designation and sequence of orders, families, and species) and nomenclature (common and scientific names) follow the conventions of The Clements Checklist of Birds of the World, 2016 edition.[3] Except as an entry is cited otherwise, the list of species is that of the South American Classification Committee (SACC) of the American Ornithologists' Union.[4] The taxonomy used by the SACC differs from "Clements", and significant differences in names are noted.[5] Especially see typical antbirds and puffbirds; entries in those families increase the above total species count by two and decrease the endemic count by one, respectively.

Differences from "Clements" in the sequence of orders, families, and species within families are not noted. Several new species have been proposed and are under consideration by the SACC; one is listed here.

The following tags have been used to highlight certain categories, but not all species fall into one of these categories. Those that do not are commonly occurring native species.


Rheidae - Rheas

Greater rhea


Tinamidae - tinamous

Little tinamou
Red-winged tinamou


Anhimidae - screamers

Southern screamer

Anatidae - ducks, geese, and waterfowl

Black-necked swan
Black-bellied whistling-duck


Cracidae - guans, chachalacas, and curassows,

Dusky-legged guan
Chaco chachalaca
Bare-faced curassow

Odontophoridae - New World quail


Podicipedidae - grebes

Pied-billed grebe


Phoenicopteridae - flamingos

American flamingo


Spheniscidae - penguins

Magellanic penguin


Diomedeidae - albatrosses

Black-browed albatross

Procellariidae - shearwaters and petrels

Southern fulmar
Cape petrel

Hydrobatidae - storm-petrels

Wilson's storm-petrel


Phaethontidae - tropicbirds

Red-tailed tropicbird


Ciconiidae - storks



Fregatidae - frigatebirds

Magnificent frigatebird

Sulidae - boobies and gannets

Phalacrocoracidae - cormorants and shags

Anhingidae - anhingas



Pelecanidae - pelicans

Ardeidae - herons, egrets, and bitterns

Cocoi heron
Agami heron

Threskiornithidae - ibises and spoonbills

Roseate spoonbill


Cathartidae - New World vultures

Pandionidae - ospreys

Accipitridae - hawks, eagles, and kites

Great black hawk
White-tailed hawk
Roadside hawk
Black-collared hawk


Eurypygidae - sunbittern

Eurypyga helias


Rallidae - rails, gallinules, and coots

Purple gallinule
Common gallinule
Gray-cowled wood-rail

Heliornithidae - finfoots

Aramidae - limpkin


Psophiidae - trumpeters


Chionididae - sheathbills

Burhinidae - thick-knees

Recurvirostridae - stilts and avocets

Black-necked stilt

Haematopodidae - oystercatchers

Charadriidae - plovers and lapwings

Southern lapwing

Thinocoridae - seedsnipes

Rostratulidae - painted-snipes

Jacanidae - jacanas

Wattled jacana

Scolopacidae - sandpipers and allies

Upland sandpiper
Lesser yellowlegs

Stercorariidae - skuas and jaegers

Pomarine jaeger

Laridae - gulls, terns, and skimmers

Large-billed tern
Common tern


Columbidae - pigeons and doves

Band-tailed pigeon
White-tipped dove


Opisthocomidae - hoatzin



Cuculidae - cuckoos

Guira cuckoo


Tytonidae - barn-owls

Strigidae - owls

Burrowing owl
Spectacled owl


Caprimulgidae - nightjars and allies

Lesser nighthawk
Common nighthawk

Nyctibiidae - potoos

Great potoo

(The SACC places potoos in their own order, Nyctibiiformes)[11]

Steatornithidae - oilbird

(The SACC places the oilbird in its own order, Steatornithiformes)[12]

Apodidae - swifts

Chimney swift

(The SACC places swifts in their own order, Apodiformes)[13]

Trochilidae - hummingbirds

White-necked jacobin
Brown violetear
Violet-capped woodnymph
Glittering-throated emerald
Amethyst woodstar

(The SACC places hummingbirds in their own order, Trochiliformes)[14]


Trogonidae - trogons

Green-backed trogon


Momotidae - motmots

Alcedinidae - kingfishers

Green kingfisher


Bucconidae - puffbirds

Black-fronted nunbird

Galbulidae - jacamars

Rufous-tailed jacamar


Capitonidae - New World barbets

Ramphastidae - toucans

Chestnut-eared aracari
Toco toucan

Picidae - woodpeckers

White woodpecker
Lineated woodpecker
Campo flicker


Cariamidae - seriemas

Red-legged seriema, Cariama cristata


Falconidae - falcons and caracaras

Southern caracara
Aplomado falcon


Psittacidae - New World and African parrots

Hyacinth macaw
Red-and-green macaws
Jandaya parakeet
Turquoise-fronted parrot
Maroon-bellied parakeet
Monk parakeet
Yellow-faced parrot


Thamnophilidae - typical antbirds

Pectoral antwren
Barred antshrike
Variable antshrike

Melanopareiidae - crescentchests

Conopophagidae - gnateaters

Black-cheeked gnateater

Grallariidae - antpittas

Rhinocryptidae - tapaculos

Formicariidae - antthrushes

Furnariidae - ovenbirds and woodcreepers

Rufous hornero
Spix's spinetail
Rufous-capped spinetail
Pallid spinetail
Streaked xenops
Rufous cacholote
White-throated woodcreeper
Planalto woodcreeper

Tyrannidae - Tyrant flycatchers

Great kiskadee
White-crested elaenia
Common tody-flycatcher
Gray-headed tody-flycatcher
Cliff flycatcher
Eastern wood-pewee
Pied water-tyrant
White-headed marsh tyrant
Cattle tyrant
Dusky-capped flycatcher
Short-crested flycatcher
Rusty-margined flycatcher
Social flycatcher
Piratic flycatcher
Tropical kingbird
Vermilion flycatcher

Oxyruncidae - sharpbill

Cotingidae - cotingas

Spangled cotinga

Pipridae - manakins

White-bearded manakin
Red-headed manakin
Golden-headed manakin

Tityridae - tityras and allies

Masked tityra

Vireonidae - vireos

Red-eyed vireo
Rufous-browed peppershrike

Corvidae - crows, jays, and magpies

Plush-crested jay

Hirundinidae - swallows

White-banded swallow
Southern rough-winged swallow

Troglodytidae - wrens

House wren
Sedge wren

Polioptilidae - gnatcatchers

Donacobiidae - donacobius

Turdidae - thrushes and allies

Rufous-bellied thrush

Mimidae - mockingbirds and thrashers

Chalk-browed mockingbird

Motacillidae - wagtails and pipits

Parulidae - New World warblers

Tropical parula
Masked yellowthroat

Thraupidae - tanagers and allies

Gray-headed tanager
Blue-black grassquit
Double-collared seedeater
Chestnut-bellied seed-finch
Saffron finch
Great Pampa finch
Plumbeous seedeater
Red-capped cardinal
Yellow-billed cardinal

Emberizidae - buntings and New World sparrows

Rufous-collared sparrow

Cardinalidae - cardinals and allies

Icteridae - troupials and allies

White-browed meadowlark
Shiny cowbird
Scarlet-headed blackbird
Orange-backed troupial

Fringillidae - finches, euphonias, and allies

Hooded siskin

Passeridae - Old World sparrows

Estrildidae - waxbills and allies

Common waxbill

See also


  1. 1 2 "15 new species of birds discovered in Brazil". Wildlife Extra News. Retrieved 30 June 2012.
  2. "Novas aves da Amazônia" (PDF) (in Portuguese). Pesquisa FAPESP. Retrieved 30 June 2012.
  3. Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood. 2016. The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: v2016. Downloaded from retrieved 11 August 2016
  4. Pacheco, José Fernando, and Carlos Eduardo Quevedo Agne. 2016. Species lists of birds for South American countries and territories: Brazil. Version of 2 November 2016.
  5. A Classification of the Bird Species of South America, hereafter SACC List. Retrieved 23 April 2017.
  6. SACC List
  7. SACC List
  8. SACC List
  9. SACC List
  10. SACC List
  11. SACC List
  12. SACC List
  13. SACC List
  14. SACC List
  15. SACC List
  16. New Bird Species Discovered in 2014
  17. SACC Proposal Roster
  18. SACC List
  19. SACC List
  20. SACC List
  21. SACC List
  22. SACC List
  23. SACC List
  24. SACC List
  25. SACC list
  26. SACC list


  1. Clements and the SACC have split Epinecrophylla haematonota into three species. One retains the original name and the other two are E. amazonica and E. pyrrhonota (SACC Proposal 589A). Clements calls them, respectively, "rufous-backed", "Madeira", and "fulvous-throated" antwrens. The SACC has not assigned names (Proposal 589X) so the split has not been implemented and the SACC list includes only E. haematonota with the pre-split name "stipple-throated antwren". E. amazonica and E. pyrrhonota will probably be added to the country list when the SACC finalizes English names and implements the split.
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