List of rulers of Belarus

History of Belarusian states can be traced far to Principality of Polotsk. From 13th century lands of modern Belarus were a major part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania which later became part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In 19th century Belarus together with Lithuania formed the Northwestern Krai of Russian Empire. At the beginning of the 20th century there was a short-lived Belarusian National Republic, and in 1922 Belarus became part of the USSR as Belarusian SSR except West Belarus, which was under Polish rule, which was briefly interrupted due to Soviet occupation during Polish-Soviet War. In 1991, Belarus regained its independence.

Pre-Rurikid rulers


Rurikid Belarus

In 978, with the marriage of Rogneda, daughter of Ragvalod, with Vladimir I of Kiev, the Principality of Polotsk became property of the Rurik Dynasty. It was ruled by Rurikid members until the second half of the 14th century, when it was taken by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Between 978 and 1101, the Principality of Polotsk's domain was uncontested in the majority of the Belarusian territory. Polotsk possibly reached the peak of its influence with the access of Vseslav the Seer to the Kievan throne, but at the death of the latter Polotsk was split in three smaller principalities: a smaller Polotsk, the Principality of Minsk and the Principality of Vitebsk.

Rurik Dynasty

The Rurikids were descendants of Rurik (Hrørekr), a Varangian pagan konung or chieftain, who supposedly was of haplogroup N1c1, which is common among Finno-Ugric peoples and not so rare in Baltic region.[1]

Portrait Name Born Reign Marriage (s) Death Notes
Vladimir I the Great
Vladimir Basil Sviatoslavich
(Володимир Великий/Володимѣръ Свѧтославичь)
Old Norse: Valdamarr Sveinaldsson
Son of Sviatoslav I the Brave and Malusha/Malfrida
978-987 Olava/Allogia
at least one son

A Greek nun
(widow of his brother)
at least one son

Rogneda of Polotsk
(possibly in bigamy)
eight children

Adela (of Bulgaria?)
at least two children (maximum four)

Malfrida (of Bohemia?)
Before 1000
two children

Anna Porphyrogenita of Byzantium
three children

Regelindis (?) of Saxony (granddaughter of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor)
After 1011
one or two daughters

two children
15 July 1015
Berestove, Kiev
aged 57–58
His early rule is characterized by a staunch pagan reaction but in 988 he was baptized into Orthodoxy and successfully converted Kievan Rus' to Christianity. In 987 gave Polotsk to his son Iziaslav.
Old Norse:[4][5][6] Ragnheiðr[7][8] Ragnvaldsdotter
Daughter of Ragvalod I
987-1000 Vladimir I the Great
eight children
aged 33–34
Co-ruling with her son, Iziaslav I.[9]
Iziaslav I
Son of Vladimir I of Kiev and Rogneda of Polotsk
987-1001 Unknown
two children
aged 22–23
Co-ruling with his mother, Rogneda.[9]
Izgoi Vseslav I
Всеславъ сн҃ъ Изѧславль
First son of Iziaslav I
1001-1003 Unmarried 1003
aged c.12-13
An izgoi (orphan protected by the church), inherited the Principality, but died still as a minor.
Izgoi Bryachislav I
Брѧчиславъ сн҃ъ Изѧславль
Second son of Iziaslav I
1003-1044 Unknown
at least one son
aged 46–47
An izgoi until his majority (c.1011), inherited the Principality from his minor brother. Challenged the authority of his uncle, Yaroslav the Wise.
Izgoi Vseslav II the Seer
Vseslav Basil Bryacheslavich
(Всеслав Брячиславич)
Son of Bryachislav of Polotsk
six sons
24 April 1101
aged 61–62
An izgoi until his majority (c.1055), followed the politic of his father, and reached, in 1068, the status of Prince of the Kievan Rus', being deposed in the following year. Was also deposed from Polotsk, which was ruled by the sons of Iziaslav I of Kiev unitl 1071. After his death, Polotsk was divided between his sons.
Mstislav I
Mstislav Iziaslavich
(Мстислав Изяславич)
After 1043
First son of Iziaslav I of Kiev and Gertrude of Poland
1069 Unknown
at least one son
less than 25-26
Dethroned Vseslav the Seer, but died in the same year.
Sviatopolk I
Sviatopolk Michael Iziaslavich
(Всеволод Ярославич)
Old Norse: Sveinpolk Izjasleifsson (?)
8 November 1050
Second son of Iziaslav I of Kiev and Gertrude of Poland
1069-1071 Unknown name
(daughter of Spytihněv II of Bohemia)[10]
three children

Olenna of the Kipchaks
four children
26 April 1113
aged 62
His descendants lost their rights to the Kievan throne. Kept the Polotsk throne until 1071, when Vseslav took it back.

Decline of the Principality of Polotsk

On the death of Vseslav the Seer, the Principality was divided between his sons and descendants, in three major principalities:

  Principality of Polotsk   Principality of Minsk   Principality of Vitebsk

Rurik Dynasty


RulerBornReignDeathRuling partConsortNotes
Gleb I 10601101-111913 September 1119Minsk Anastasia of Turov-Pinsk
four children
Son of Vseslav II. After his death his Principality was ruled by the Princes of Kiev, until 1146.
Rogvolod II Boris I Before 11011101-11281128Polotsk Unknown
three children
Son of Vseslav II.
Sviatoslav I Before 11011101-11291129Vitebsk Sophia (Komnene?)
five children
Son of Vseslav II. Between 1129 and 1132 Vitebsk was ruled by Kiev.
Vladimir II Monomakh 10531119-112519 May 1125Minsk Gytha of Wessex
five or six children

Euphemia of Byzantium
six or seven children

Unknown name
(daughter of Aepa Ocenevich, Khan in Cumania)
After 1107
no known children
Son of Vsevolod I of Kiev. Also Prince of the Kievan Rus'.
Mstislav II the Great 1 June 10761125-113214 April 1132Minsk Christina of Sweden
ten children

Liubava Dmitrievna of Novgorod
two children
Also Prince of the Kievan Rus'.
David I Before 11011128-11291129Polotsk Unknown
three children
Son of Vseslav II.
Iziaslav II 1096[11]1129-113213 November 1154[11]Polotsk Agnes of Germany
before 1151
five children

Rusudan of Georgia[11]
no children
Son of Mstislav I of Kiev. Also Prince of Kiev. Occupied Polotsk.
Vasilko I Sviatoslavich?1132-11441144Vitebsk Unknown
seven children
Son of his predecessor.
Yaropolk I 10821132–113918 February 1139Minsk Helena of Ossetia
one child
Brother of Mstislav II. Also Prince of Kiev.
Sviatopolk IIAfter 1096113220 February 1154Polotsk Euphemia of Olomouc[12]
1143 or 1144
no children
Brother of his predecessor. Also Prince of Novgorod and Pskov.
Vasilko I Sviatoslavich?1132-11441144Polotsk Unknown
seven children
Son of Sviatoslav of Vitebsk, who was son of Vseslav II.
Vseslav III Vasilkovich?1132-11621186Vitebsk Unknown
three children
Son of his predecessor. 1st time.
Viacheslav I 108311392 February 1154Minsk Unmarried
before 1139
one child
Brother of his predecessor. Also Prince of Kiev.
Vsevolod I 11041139-11461 August 1146Minsk Maria of Rus'
one child
Grandson of Sviatoslav II of Rus', married Maria, sister of Mstislav I, Yaropolk II and Viacheslav I. Also Prince of Kiev.
Rogvolod III Vassili?1144-1151After 1171Polotsk Unknown
five children
Son of Rogvolod II. 1st time
Rostislav I Glebovich?1146-11511165Minsk Sophia of Volhynia
before 1158
seven children
Son of Gleb I. 1st time.
Volodar I Glebovichc.10901151-1159c.1180Minsk Richeza of Poland
1135 or 1136
three children
Brother of his predecessor, 1st time.
Rostislav I Glebovich?1151-11591165Polotsk Sophia of Volhynia
before 1158
seven children
Son of Gleb of Minsk, who was son of Vseslav II.
Rostislav I Glebovich?1159-11651165Minsk Sophia of Volhynia
before 1158
seven children
2nd time.
Rogvolod III Vassili?1159-1162After 1171Polotsk Unknown
five children
Son of Rogvolod II. 2nd time
Vseslav III Vasilkovich?1162-11671186Polotsk Unknown
three children
Son of Vasilko I. 1st time.
Roman I Bryachislavich?1162-11651186Vitebsk Unknown
three children
Kinsman of his predecessor.
Volodar I Glebovichc.10901165-c.1180c.1180Minsk Richeza of Poland
1135 or 1136
three children
2nd time. The inheritance of his heir (Vladimir Volodarovich) to Polotsk made a possible reunion of the two principalities.
David I 11401165-116723 April 1197Vitebsk Unknown
three children
Son of Vseslav II.
Volodar I Glebovichc.10901167c.1180Polotsk Richeza of Poland
1135 or 1136
three children
Son of Gleb of Minsk, who was son of Vseslav II.
Vseslav III Vasilkovich?1167-c.11801186Polotsk Unknown
three children
2nd time.
Bryachislav II Vasilkovich?1168-1175After 1186Vitebsk Unknown
two children
Brother of Vseslav III. 1st time
Vseslav III Vasilkovich?1175-11781186Vitebsk Unknown
three children
2nd time.
Bryachislav II Vasilkovich?1178-1181After 1186Vitebsk Unknown
two children
2nd time.
Boris II Davidovich?c.1180-c.1185c.1185Polotsk Unknown
five children

Sviatocna (Elisabeth?) of Pomerania
one child
Son of David Sviatoslavich of Vitebsk, who was grandson of Vseslav II.
Vladimir III VolodarovichBetween 1135 and 1150c.1180-12161216Minsk UnknownSon of Volodar I Glebovich. Possibly co-ruling in Minsk with his brother.
Vasilko I VolodarovichBetween 1135 and 1150c.1180-12161222Minsk UnknownBrother of his predecessor. Possibly co-ruling in Minsk with his brother.
Vseslav III Vasilkovich?1181-11861186Vitebsk Unknown
three children
3rd time.
Vasilko II Bryachislavich?1186-1221c.1221Vitebsk Unknown
two children
2nd time.
Vladimir II VolodarovichBetween 1135 and 1150c.1185-12161216Polotsk UnknownSon of Volodar I Glebovich.
Vasilko II VolodarovichBetween 1135 and 11501216-12221222Polotsk UnknownBrother of his predecessor.
Bryachislav III Vasilkovich?1221-1232c.1255Polotsk Unknown
five children
Son of Vasilko II Bryachislavich. Also Prince of Polotsk. After his death Vitebsk was annexed to Lithuania.
Sviatoslav I Mstislavich?1222-12321239Polotsk UnknownSon of Mstislav III of Kiev.
Bryachislav II Vasilkovich?1232-c.1255c.1255Polotsk Unknown
five children
Son of Vasilko Bryachislavich of Vitebsk, descendant of Vseslav II. After his death Polotsk was annexed to Lithuania.

Lithuanian Princes of Polotsk

Palemonid dynasty
Gediminid dynasty

Grand Dukes of Grand Duchy of Lithuania

Title: Grand Duke ("Вялікі князь" in Belarusian, "Wielki książę" in Polish, "Kunigaikštis" or "Didysis Kunigaikštis" in Lithuanian)

Elected kings of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Leaders of Belarus since 1918

Belarusian National Republic (1918–1920)

Chairmen of the Rada

Chairman of the Provisional Revolutionary Workers–and–Peasants' Soviet Government

Chairmen of the Central Executive Committee

Belarusian National Republic in Exile (1920–present)


(In Vilnius to 1925, then in Prague, presently in Canada)

West Belarus under Polish rule (1919-1939)

Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic (1920–1991)

First secretaries of the Byelorussian Communist Party

Republic of Belarus (1991–Present)

Chairmen of the Supreme Soviet


See also


  1. DNA Testing of the Rurikid and Gediminid Princes
  2. Лаўр., 56;
  3. Іпац., 53;
  4. Рыдзевская Е. А. Древняя Русь и Скандинавия IX—XIV вв. / Отв. ред. И. П. Шаскольский // Древнейшие государства на территории СССР. Материалы и исследования. 1978 г. — М.: Наука, 1978. — 240 с.
  5. Джаксон Т. Н. Глава 8. «Palteskja ok þat ríki allt, er þar liggr til» // Austr í Görðum: древнерусские топонимы в древнескандинавских источниках. — М.: Языки русской культуры, 2001.
  6. Duczko W. Ruś Wikingów. Historia obecności Skandynawów we wczesnośredniowiecznej Europie Wschodniej. — Warszawa, 2007. — S. 108.
  7. Рогнедь // Этимологический словарь русского языка / М. Р. Фасмер. — М.: Прогресс, 1964—1973.
  8. Михеев С. М. Легенда о Владимире и Рогнеде и скандинавская традиция (к параллели с легендой о сыновьях Хейдрека) // Именослов. История языка. История культуры. — СПб., 2010. (Труды Центра славяно-германских исследований. I.) — С. 169—179.
  9. 1 2 As was the Norse royal custom, she was sent with her elder son to govern the land of her parents, i.e. Polotsk.
  10. According to A. Nazarenko. It was thought not long ago that the first wife of Sviatopolk was Barbara Komnene, a supposed daughter of Alexios I Komnenos. However, the lack of tradition of such a name in the Byzantine Empire led to doubt. Today she may be considered fictional.
  11. 1 2 3
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