Limbu (Unicode block)

Range U+1900..U+194F
(80 code points)
Plane BMP
Scripts Limbu
Major alphabets Limbu
Assigned 68 code points
Unused 12 reserved code points
Unicode version history
4.0 66 (+66)
7.0 68 (+2)
Note: [1][2]

Limbu is a Unicode block containing characters for writing the Limbu language.

Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
1.^ As of Unicode version 10.0
2.^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points


The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Limbu block:

Version Final code points[lower-alpha 1] Count L2 ID WG2 ID Document
4.0 U+1900..191C, 1920..192B, 1930..193B, 1940, 1944..194F 66 L2/99-245 N2042 Everson, Michael; McGowan, Rick (1999-07-20), Unicode Technical Report #3: Early Aramaic, Balti, Kirat (Limbu), Manipuri (Meitei) and Tai Lü scripts 
L2/01-137 Michailovsky, Boyd (2001-03-29), Draft proposal: Unicode Coding of the Limbu Script 
L2/01-138 N2339 Michailovsky, Boyd (2001-03-29), Proposal summary form for Limbu 
L2/01-231 N2339 Michailovsky, Boyd (2001-03-29), Proposal to encode Limbu in the BMP 
L2/01-139 Michailovsky, Boyd (2001-03-30), Printed samples of Limbu Script 
L2/02-055 N2410 Michailovsky, Boyd; Everson, Michael (2002-02-05), Revised proposal to encode the Limbu script in the UCS 
L2/02-135 N2428-1 Sato, Takayuki K. (2002-03-25), Comments from Limbu experts on n2339 
L2/02-136 N2428-2 Nembang, Til Bikram; Pokharel, Madhav Prasad; Kurumbang, Dilendra; Limbu, Kumar (2002-04-09), Comments on the "Proposal to encode Limbu in the UCS" 
L2/02-137 N2428-3 Limbu, Kumar (2002-04-09), Limbu Examples 
L2/03-253 Kai, Daniel (2003-08-13), Lepcha, Limbu, Syloti, Saurashtra, Tai Le and Bugis Proposals 
L2/03-255 Kai, Daniel (2003-08-13), Introduction to the Limbu Script 
7.0 U+191D..191E 2 L2/11-008 N3975 Pandey, Anshuman (2011-01-14), Proposal to Encode the Letters GYAN and TRA for Limbu in the UCS 
  1. Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names


  1. "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2016-07-09.
  2. "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2016-07-09.
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