Liberty 1784: The Second War for Independence

Liberty 1784: The Second War for Independence
Author Robert Conroy
Country United States
Language English
Genre Alternate history
Publisher Ballantine Books
Publication date
Pages 368
ISBN 978-1476736273

Liberty 1784: The Second War for Independence is an alternate history novel written by Robert Conroy.


The Point of Divergence occurs in 1781, when General George Washington's attempt to trap the British forces under General Cornwallis at the Battle of Yorktown ends catastrophically for the Continental Army when the French fleet is destroyed in the Battle of the Chesapeake. The American Revolutionary War soon collapses, and the British regain control over the colonies and begin a new bloody reign of terror. Washington is brought back to London and is executed for treason. A group of rebels flee westward and set up a colony in the Northwest Territory near what is now Chicago. They call it Liberty. The British, looking to finish off the rebels, send a very large force under John Burgoyne to destroy them. Burgoyne is desperate for redemption and the Americans are equally desperate to survive.


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