Liberal Catholic Church Grail Community

The Liberal Catholic Church Grail Community is a part of the Liberal Catholic tradition and the One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. It is not Roman Catholic, Protestant or Evangelical, it is an esoteric, mystical, apostolic and liberal church. It is open to theosophical ideas and reincarnation.


The Liberal Catholic parish of Grays, Essex formed around Rev. Roy Bannister in 1972. The parish was moved to join the L.C.C. Oklahoma Synod in May 1988 and became independent in October 1989 as the L.C.C. Grail Community. In 1992 the headquarters moved to Devon. Throughout this period a number of priests, bishops and parishes have been joined The Grail Community. In 2012 the L.C.C. Grail Community formed itself as a not for profit Company and is currently working towards charitable status.

Apostolic Succession

Bishop Roy Bannister was consecrated by Bishop John Schwarz III, Presiding Bishop of the L.C.C. Oklahoma Synod who was consecrated by Bishop Ernest Jackson, previously Regionary Bishop of the L.C.C. Canada, consecrated by Bishop F. W. Pigott assisted by Bishop J. I. Wedgewood. Assistant Bishop of the Grail Community Michael van Buren was consecrated by Bishop Roy Bannister. Bishop Roy Bannister passed to the Greater Light in September 2010. Bishop Michael van Buren then became Bishop-in-charge.


The L.C.C. Grail Community teaches that each person is a part of the One Divine Source, in the Christ Life and that each of us is here to discover the Christ Principle within ourselves to make it a living reality in our lives and to return to the One Divine Life from which we all came. It teaches freedom of thought: it does not impose any dogma on members and each person is free intellectually to believe what they have found to be true. It is a Trinitarian church, teaching that The Divine manifests itself in the three aspects of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All spiritual paths are respected and valued in The Grail Community including those of other faiths and Christian denominations. Inter-religious understanding and tolerance is promoted and encouraged as a part of it morals and ethics. Fearing God and a fear of being punished or spending an eternity in hell have no place in its teachings. It sees the angels as not just messengers but beings who assist in all human, spiritual and natural endeavours. It teaches the ancient Christian doctrines of reincarnation and karma, believing them to be consistent with early Christian doctrines and scriptures. The L.C.C. Grail Community is actively engaged in many charitable projects including a children’s home and school in Kenya to name a few. It offers the seven historic sacraments of the Church. The L.C.C. Grail Community particularly emphasises teaching, healing, spiritual psychology, ritual and meditation in a caring, open minded atmosphere where personal boundaries are respected. It promotes a code of morals and ethics to live by which come from the important teaching of The Lord Christ: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind and with all thy strength. This is the first and great commandment; and the second is like unto it: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets" (Matt. 22:37-40). Many of its members choose to be vegetarian, non-smoking and non-drinking, as a spiritual discipline and also out of respect for living things, it is not a requirement but a choice for each person to make.

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