Aeolic Greek

Aeolic Greek
Region Boeotia, Thessaly, Aeolis
Era c. 800 – 300 BC
Language codes
ISO 639-3
Glottolog None

Distribution of Greek dialects in Greek in the classical period.[1]
Western group: Central group:
Eastern group:

In linguistics, Aeolic Greek (/ˈɒlɪk/; also Aeolian /ˈliən/, Lesbian or Lesbic dialect) is the set of dialects of Ancient Greek spoken mainly in Boeotia (a region in Central Greece); Thessaly, in the Aegean island of Lesbos; and the Greek colonies of Asia Minor (Aeolis).

The Aeolic dialect shows many archaisms in comparison to the other Ancient Greek dialects (Attic, Ionic, Doric, Northwestern and Arcadocypriot), as well as many innovations.

Aeolic Greek is widely known as the language of Sappho and of Alcaeus of Mytilene. Aeolic poetry, which is exemplified in the works of Sappho, mostly uses four classical meters known as the Aeolics: Glyconic (the most basic form of Aeolic line), hendecasyllabic verse, Sapphic stanza, and Alcaic stanza (the latter two are respectively named for Sappho and Alcaeus).

In Plato's Protagoras, Prodicus labelled the Aeolic dialect of Pittacus of Mytilene as "barbarian" (barbaros),[2] because of its difference from the Attic literary style:[3]

He didn't know to distinguish the words correctly, being from Lesbos, and having been raised with a barbarian dialect




Proto-Indo-European and Proto-Greek * changed to Aeolic p everywhere. By contrast, PIE * changed to Attic/Ionic, Arcadocypriot, and Doric t before e and i.

Similarly PIE/PGk * always became b and PIE *gʷʰ > PGk *kʰʷ always became ph (whereas in other dialects they became alternating b/d and ph/th before back/front vowels).

Labiovelars were treated the same way in the P-Celtic languages and the Sabellic languages.

Sonorant clusters

A Proto-Greek consonant cluster with h (from Indo-European *s) and a sonorant (r, l, n, m, w, y) changed to a double sonorant in Aeolic (rr, ll, nn, mm, ww, yy) by assimilation. In Attic/Ionic and Doric, the h assimilated to the vowel before the consonant cluster, causing the vowel to lengthen by compensatory lengthening.

PIE VsR or VRs → Attic/Ionic-Doric VVR.
VsR or VRs → Aeolic VRR.[4]

Loss of h

Lesbian Aeolic lost in initial h- (psilosis "stripping") from Proto-Indo-European s- or y-. By contrast, Ionic sometimes retains it, and Attic always retains it.

Retention of w

In Thessalian and Boeotian (sub-dialects of Aeolic) and Doric, the Proto-Indo-European and Proto-Greek semi-vowel w (digamma) was retained at the beginning of a word.


Long a

In Aeolic and Doric, Proto-Greek long ā remains. By contrast, in Attic, long ā changes to long ē in most cases; in Ionic, it changes everywhere.[5]


In Boeotian, the vowel-system was, in many cases, changed in a way reminiscent of the modern Greek pronunciation.


In Lesbian Aeolic, the accent of all words is recessive (barytonesis), as is typical only in the verbs of other dialects.[6]


Contracted or vowel-stem verbs that are thematic in Attic/Ionic are often athematic (-mi) in Aeolic.[7]

The same is also found in Irish, where this selection has been generalized, i.e. -im, also in Slovak -m (as opposed to other Slavic languages which still retain the original (based on PIE) opposition -u/-m).

Aeolic athematic infinitive active ends in -men or (Lesbian) -menai. ~ Attic/Ionic has -enai.

In the Lesbian dialect this ending also extends to the thematic conjugation, where Attic/Ionic has -ein. All three of these Aeolic endings occur in Homer.

Proto-Greek -ans and -ons-ais and -ois (first- and second declension accusative plural). ~ Attic/Ionic -ās and -ōs (= -ους).[8][9]

Dative plural -aisi and -oisi. ~ Attic/Ionic -ais and -ois.

The participle has ois and ais for Attic ōs (= ους), ās.[10]





See also


  1. Roger D. Woodard (2008), "Greek dialects", in: The Ancient Languages of Europe, ed. R. D. Woodard, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 51.
  2. Protagoras by Plato - Greek text
  3. James A. Towle, Commentary on Plato: Protagoras 341c
  4. V = vowel, R = sonorant, s is itself. VV = long vowel, RR = doubled or long sonorant.
  5. Smyth, Greek Grammar, par. 30 and note, 31: Attic long e, long a
  6. Smyth, par. 162 note: (Lesbian) Aeolic recessive accent
  7. Smyth, Greek Grammar, par. 656: contract verbs in Aeolic
  8. Smyth, par. 214 note 9: first declension in dialects
  9. Smyth, par. 230 note: second declension in dialects
  10. Smyth, par. 305 note
  11. Athenaeus Deipnosophists -9.369
  12. Boiotia —Anthedon
  13. Boiotia — Orchomenos — early 1st century BC
  14. Krannon — c. 250 - 215 BC SEG 23:437, 7
  15. Selected Papers in Greek and Near Eastern History by David Malcolm Lewis, Peter John Rhodes
  16. Skotoussa — 197-185 BC SEG 43:311
  17. Thessalia — Larisa — 220-210 BC - SEG 27:202
  18. Deipnosophists 14.663-4(pp.1059-1062)
  19. MagnesiaDemetrias — late 2nd century BC
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