Les Blancs

Les Blancs
Written by Lorraine Hansberry
  • The Woman
  • Dr. Marta Gotterling
  • Peter (AKA, Ntali)
  • Charlie Morris
  • Ngago
  • Dr. Willy DeKoven
  • Major George Rice
  • Madame Neilson
  • Eric
  • Tshembe Matoseh
  • Abioseh Matoseh
  • Minor characters: African Villagers, Warriors, Soldiers, Prisoners, African Child
Date premiered November 15, 1970 (1970-11-15)
Place premiered Longacre Theatre, New York City
Original language English
Subject Africa, colonialism, revolution
Setting Ztembe, a fictional South African country

Les Blancs is a play written by Lorraine Hansberry. It debuted on Broadway on November 15, 1970 and ran until December 19th of that same year. It debuted to heavy criticism. It was Lorraine Hansberry’s final work and she considered it her most important, as it depicts the plights of colonialism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It is her only play that takes place in Africa, and it uses dance and music both as signifiers of black and African cultures; a concept called the Black Aesthetic.

Plot (Contains Spoilers)

Act 1.

Writer Charlie Morris arrives at the Mission. He meets Dr. Marta Gotterling and Dr. Willy DeKoven. Major George Rice informs Charlie of the ongoing conflict between the Colonial Reserve and the Resistance.

Tshembe Matoseh returns to the village for the funeral of his father, who founded the Resistance. He tells his half-brother, Eric, of his family in England, and they discuss the struggle for independence. Abioseh Matoseh, the oldest brother, returns from London. He is in the process of ordination as a priest. Tshembe rejects Roman Catholicism, which creates a conflict of cultures between the brothers.

Charlie is attempting to convince Dr. Gotterling to join him for a walk when Major Rice and soldiers arrive and tell them of a family who has been murdered by the Resistance. Tshembe enters, and Major Rice searches him for a weapon. Rice calls the country “our home” and calls the hills “our hills,” indicating his sense of ownership of the land. In a conversation full of tension, Charlie expressed a desire to transcend race relations and Tshembe cast doubts on the possibility. The Woman dances onto the stage and holds a spear out for Tshembe to take, a symbol of the urge he feels to join the Resistance.

Act 2.

Charlie questions Dr. Gotterling about Madame Nielsen’s husband, Reverend Nielsen, who founded the Catholic mission. Dr. Gotterling defends Reverend Nielsen's decision to found the mission.

Tshembe discovers Eric keeps cosmetics and uses his sexuality to question his masculinity. Charlie and Tshembe talk, but Tshembe is tired of words and tries explain to Charlie that nothing can come of their talking. Peter and Ngago enter to recruit Tshembe to join the Resistance. Tshembe tells them he will go speak to Kumalo, a national leader and negotiator, instead.

Rice orders troops to be quartered at the Mission. Kumalo has been arrested, and Reverend Nielsen still has not made an appearance. Charlie tries to get Madame Nielsen to offer a statement on the conflict in the country. Tshembe now responds to the appearance of The Woman.

Eric expresses his desire to join the Resistance, but Tshembe mocks his biracial identity and, again, questions his masculinity. Abioseh calls the Resistance the “Terror.” Tshembe is critical of both his brothers. Abioseh goes to tell Major Rice about Peter’s role in the Resistance.

Charlie, Tshembe, and Dr. DeKoven speak, and Dr. DeKoven states that the charitable work he does enables colonialism. It is revealed that Major Rice is Eric's father, having raped the his, Tshembe's, and Abioseh's mother. Rice and the soldiers kill Peter.

Ngago calls the Kwi people to overthrow the colonists. Tshembe and Charlie speak for the last time about race relations. Madame Nielsen reveals Reverend Nielsen believed that God intended to separate people by race, and she recruits Tshembe to join the Resistance.

Abioseh seeks approval from Madam Nielsen for joining the clergy and telling Major Rice about the Resistance. Tshembe enters and shoots Abioseh. A battle breaks out, and Madame Nielsen is killed in the crossfire.

Characters and Character Relationships (Heavy Spoilers)

Influential Off-screen Characters

Production and reception

The title is a reference to Jean Genet's play The Blacks: A Clown Show. The play is about the experience of settlers, natives, and one American journalist in an unnamed African country in the waning days of colonial control.

Hansberry originally planned to have a female protagonist, but revised the play so the only black woman has no name and no lines, referred to only as "woman".[1]

The 1970 Broadway production at the Longacre Theatre was nominated for two Tony Awards, for Best Costumes and Lili Darvas was nominated for Best Featured Actress in a Play her performance as Madame Neilsen. James Earl Jones received a Drama Desk Award for his performance.[2]

A new production of Les Blancs will play at the National Theatre, London, from March 2016.

Published 4 years after Hansberry’s death, compiled and edited by her husband Robert Nemiroff from incomplete drafts,Hansberry considered Les Blancs her most important play. Les Blancs is the only play of many left behind after her death that Nemiroff finished and adapted into a final version.

Hansberry attributed her interest in colonialism as beginning when she watched newsreel footage of the Italian conquest of Ethiopia, and her mother telling her that the Pope had ordained the invasion. After taking courses on African history and culture underneath WEB DuBois, Hansberry went on to work for Paul Robeson’s newspaper Freedom. Here she worked alongside Africans and African Americans working towards liberation, influencing the ideas that would later become Les Blancs.

Hansberry began writing Les Blancs in 1960 after having what her husband called a “visceral response” upon seeing the U.S. production of Jean Genet's Les Negres(The Blacks). Feeling the Frenchman’s view of colonialism as too rooted in a romantic exoticism of Africa, she hoped to write a more realistic account of African colonialism and the issues of power, politics, and identity that came with it.

Hansberry spent years working on Les Blancs, constantly rewriting and editing, taking it with her to and from hospital visits as her health deteriorated. Hansberry took what would later become Act I scene iii to the Actor's Studio Writer's Workshop where, encouraged by the response, she witnessed the only performance of Les Blancs to happen in her lifetime. Using her husband as her sounding board and editor, she almost completed the play before her death. Using notes from her collection, discussions they’d had about the work together, and at times creating some of his own dialogue to fill the gaps, her husband spent years working on it before release.

Hansberry used the independence movements of Ghana and Kenya as inspiration for her background, using Jomo Kenyatta as a template for the revolutionary leader in the play.

Written as part of the Black Arts Movement, Les Blancs grapples with the ideas of pan-Africanism and the global nature of colonialism seen in many of the other works coming out at the time.[3]



Rape is present throughout this story. Tshembe won’t be friends with Charlie, an American journalist, because of the country he represents. No matter how much Charlie wants to help, Tshembe won’t let him play down the abuse they’ve exercised over his people. Major Rice is the perfect example in how he raped Tshembe’s mother to produce Eric. Tshembe is forced to deal with his own family being raped, and his people being abused by white America. This manifests itself with the Rice example but also applies to the way in which America has come in to “save” the country. They are oppressing the people and forcefully removing them from their traditions while trying to assimilate them into more Americanized desires. Tshembe’s unrest toward Charlie has to do with the systemic violence that literally and metaphorically rapes his country.


Tshembe struggles to find his identity. He is well traveled and well learned, but has trouble making sense of his life. He doesn’t know where he should take his stand. Whether or not he should live for himself and exercise his freedom by staying in Europe and living for what makes him happy, his wife and son. His nation is fighting a war that almost guarantees his death if he returns to fight with them. Participating in political action in Europe and other colonizing nations is frustratingly useless. Tshembe is tired of talk but doesn’t know where to stand because of how much each decision would cost him. He finally decides to fight for his nation and give his life to die there. Tshembe kills his brother Abioseh placing his alliance with the natives, and beginning the end of the fantasy of colonized peace.


Assimilation is a present theme amongst the three brothers: Tshembe, Abioseh, and Eric. Abioseh is fully assimilated into western culture by becoming a Catholic Priest. He is preaching “white mans” gospel which is contrary to the message of salvation of his own people. Adopting the religion, and even worse becoming a preacher of it, is the farthest one can go in disowning his own people, or so Tshembe thinks. For most of the story Tshembe operates in a middle ground between Eric and Abioseh. Tshembe is well educated, and well traveled, but used his education to fight for political support of his people. The story ends with him joining the native rebels complicating this middle ground stance. Eric resists assimilation completely as he isn’t educated and spends most of his time living the native life and getting drunk. The back and forth of Tshembe and Abioseh seem foreign to him and his simple pursuit of life in the village.

Culture Clash

The ideals for ending the war and violence are completely different between Dekoven, and Tshembe vs. Charlie. We see this in the revolution and the conversations between Dekoven and Charlie. Dekoven explains to Charlie that the issue and the hatred of the Black man is not that they are lazy like most of America thinks, but that they refuse to work for them and live for the same things they do. As Charlie condemns the rampant killings that the rebels are resorting to Tshembe defends it as the only way for the world to pay attention, the only reason Charlie himself is there right now. Charlie represents the heart of a white man that cares but the ignorance of a culture that can’t understand the systemic unchanging oppression.


  1. McDonald, Kathlene (2012). Feminism, the Left, and Postwar Literary Culture. Univ. Press of Mississippi, ISBN 9781617033018
  2. https://www.ibdb.com/broadway-production/les-blancs-3564/#awards
  3. Hansberry, Lorraine (1994-01-01). The Collected Last Plays. Vintage Books. ISBN 9780679755326.

Hansberry, Lorraine: “ Blancs: the Collected Last Plays.” Random House Inc. New York, NY: 1972. Print Borrios, Olga: “The Intellectual Spear: Lorraines Hansberry’s Les Blanks,” Revista de Associacion Espanol de Estudios Ingleses y Norteamericanos, 1996. (1-2) pgs 28-36. Journal Article.

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