Leonid Yatsenko

Leonid Yatsenko
Director of The Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine
Assumed office
Personal details
Born 25 April 1954 (1954-04-25) (age 63)
Stepanovka, Zhytomyr region in Ukraine
Nationality  Ukraine
Profession scientist, physicist

Yatenko Leonid (Ukrainian: Яценко Леонід Петрович; born 25 April 1954) is a Ukrainian physicist, professor, Doctor of Science, Director of The Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine,[1] Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.


Leonid Yatsenko was born on April 25, 1954 in Stepanovka, Zhitomor Oblast in Ukraine (then - one of the republics of the USSR). In 1970 he entered Kiev National Taras Shevchenko University, Radio physics department. In 1973 he was selected to be transferred to the Moscow Physical Engineering Institute, which he graduated with honors in 1976. Diploma thesis title: "Nonlinear power resonances in ring gas lasers". In 1980 obtained Ph.D. (Candidate of Sciences) at the Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia with the thesis "The theoretical investigation of macroscopical parameters influence on the characteristics of opticalfrequency standards". After that moved back to Kiev and started working at the Institute of Physics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He's been working there since then and till present time. Married Elena Udovitscka on August 11, 1984. Daughter Julia was born on July 17, 1985. Daughter Olga was born on October 28, 1988. In 1993 obtained academical title of senior research fellow. In 1996 took a doctoral degree (doctor of science) with a thesis "Resonance phenomena in gas lasers". Since 1997 - leading research fellow of the Institute. Became Ukrainian State Prize Winner of 1998, which was awarded for the work on "Basic physics, development and creation of high-stable laser systems for metrology, analytical measurements and basic research". (see more on Honours and Awards) In 2001 obtained status of professor.1996–present time - various international visits and collaborations. (see Conferences and Collaborations) 2003, Munich - invited talk "Dynamics of Coherent Excitation of Atoms and Molecules: Basic Problems and Applications" at the CLEO/EUROPE-EQEC. Since 06.05.2006- Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In 2008 was chosen to be director of Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine. In 2015 he was elected as an Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.


Principal Investigator of several projects funded by the International Science Foundation,[2] INTAS,[3] the Science and Technology Centre in Ukraine,[4] DFG, NATO–Scientific Affairs Division, and the State Foundation for Basic Research (Ukraine).

Honours and awards

Ukrainian State Prize of 1998 Winner.[5] The prize was awarded for the work on “Basic physics, development and creation of high-stable laser systems for metrology, analytical measurements and basic research”. The International Renaissance Foundation's contest “Scientists and Teachers” winner (1998).


Scientific advisor of three PhD dissertations. Currently scientific advisor of two PhD students and two diploma students. In 2002 presented of a series of lectures “Coherent effects in the interaction of light with atoms and molecules” to the Radio physics department of the Kiev National Taras Shevchenko University.


Monograph (in co-authorship with Danileiko M.V.) “Resonance effects in gas ring lasers”, Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1994

More than 110 scientific papers (among them 1 in Physical Review Letters and 11 in Physical Review A).

17 patents of the former USSR and of Ukraine.

Most Significant Relevant Publications

V.S.Voitsekhovich, M.V.Danileyko, A.M.Negriyko, V.I.Romanenko, L.P.Yatsenko. Light pressure on atoms in counterpropagating amplitude-modulated waves. Soviet Physics - Technical Physics 33, 690 (1988)
V.S.Voitsekhovich, M.V.Danileyko, A.M.Negriyko, V.I.Romanenko, L.P.Yatsenko. Observation of a stimulated radiation pressure of amplitude-modulated light on atoms. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 49, 138 (1989).
V.S.Voitsekhovich, M.V.Danileyko, A.M.Negriyko, V.I.Romanenko, L.P.Yatsenko. Stimulated light pressure on atoms in counterpropagating amplitude-modulated waves. Sov. Phys. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 72, 219 (1991).
V.S.Voitsekhovich, M.V.Danileyko, A.M.Negriyko, V.I.Romanenko, L.P.Yatsenko. Pressure of light on atoms in the field of frequency-modulated waves. The Ukrainian Journal of Physics. 36, 155 (1991) (translated from Ukrainskii Fizicheskii Zhurnal, 36, 192 (1991).
V.S.Voitsekhovich, M.V.Danileyko, A.M.Negriyko, V.I.Romanenko, L.P.Yatsenko. Observation of light pressure on molecules. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 59, 381(1994).
V. I. Romanenko, L. P. Yatsenko. Asymmetry of the scattering amplitude of atoms in the field of short counterpropagating light pulses. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Lett. 63, 968 (1996)
L. Yatsenko, R. Unanyan, K. Bergmann, T. Halfmann and B.W. Shore, "Population Transfer through the Ionization Continuum using Laser-controlled Stark Shifts", Opt. Comm. 135, 406 (1997).
V. I. Romanenko, L. P. Yatsenko. Scattering of atoms in the field of counterpropagating light waves. Effect of initial conditions. JJournal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 86, 312 (1998)
V. I. Romanenko, L. P. Yatsenko. Scattering of Atoms in a Bichromatic Field of Oppositely Propagating Light Pulses. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 90, 407 (2000)
S. Guérin, L. P. Yatsenko, and H. R. Jauslin. Dynamical resonances and the topology of the multiphoton adiabatic passage. Physical Review 63, 031403(R) (2001).
T. Rickes, L.P. Yatsenko, S. Steuerwald, T. Halfmann, B.W. Shore, N.V. Vitanov, and K. Bergmann, Efficient adiabatic population transfer by two-photon excitation assisted by a laser-induced Stark shift. J. Chem. Phys. 113, 534-546 (2000).
S. Guerin, L. P. Yatsenko, and H. R. Jauslin Dynamical resonances and the topology of the multiphoton adiabatic passage. Phys. Rev. A 63, 031403R (2001).
K. Böhmer, T. Halfmann, L. P. Yatsenko, B. W. Shore, and K. Bergmann Stimulated hyper-Raman adiabatic passage. III. Experiment. Phys. Rev. A 64, 023404 (2001).
M. Cashen, O. Rivoire, V. Romanenko, L. Yatsenko, and H. Metcalf Strong optical forces in frequency-modulated light. Phys. Rev. A 64, 063411 (2001)
N. V. Vitanov, B. W. Shore, L. Yatsenko, K. Böhmer, T. Halfmann, T. Rickes, and K. Bergmann Power broadening revisited: Theory and experiment. Optics Communications, 199, 117-126 (2001).
T. Halfmann, K. Böhmer, L.P. Yatsenko, A. Horsmans, and K. Bergmann Coherent Population Trapping involving Rydberg States in Xenon probed by Ionization Suppression. Eur. Phys. J. D 17, 113-123 (2001).
L. P. Yatsenko, S. Guerin, and H. R. Jauslin Topology of adiabatic passage Phys. Rev. A 65, 043407 (2002)
M. Cashen, O. Rivoire, L. Yatsenko, and H. Metcalf Coherent exchange of momentum between atoms and light. J. t B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 4, 75-79 (2002).
L. P. Yatsenko, V. I. Romanenko, B. W. Shore, and K. Bergmann Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage with partially coherent laser fields Phys. Rev. A 65, 043409 (2002).
L.P. Yatsenko, N.V. Vitanov, B.W. Shore, T. Rickes, and K. Bergmann Creation of Coherent Superpositions Using Stark-Chirped Rapid Adiabatic Passage. Optics Commun., 204, 413-423, (2002).
S. Guérin, L. P. Yatsenko, H. R. Jauslin, O. Faucher, and B. Lavorel Orientation of polar molecules by laser induced adiabatic passage Phys. Rev. Letters, 88, 233601 (2002) .
K. Böhmer, T. Halfmann, L.P. Yatsenko, D. Charalambidis, A. Horsmans, and K. Bergmann, Laser-Induced Continuum Structure in the Ionization Continua of Xenon Atoms. Phys. Rev. A 66, 013406 (2002).
R. Unanyan, S. Guérin, N.V. Vitanov, L. P. Yatsenko, and H. R. Jauslin Adiabatic creation of entangled states by a bichromatic field designed from the topology of the dressed eigenenergies. Phys. Rev. A 66, 032311 (2002)
E.R.Orap, V.I.Romanenko, and L.P.Yatsenko. Light pressure on the atoms in the field of counterpropagating light waves with sinusoidal and stochastic phase modulation. Ukr.Fiz.Zhurn. (Ukrainian Journal of Physics) 48, 211 (2003).
V.I.Romanenko, L.P.Yatsenko, and K.Bergmann Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage and dark resonances in an open three-level Λ-system. Ukr.Fiz.Zhurn. (Ukrainian Journal of Physics) 48, 533 (2003).
N. V. Vitanov, L. P. Yatsenko, and K. Bergmann, Population transfer by an amplitude-modulated pulse. Phys. Rev. A 68, 043401 (2003).
L. P. Yatsenko, B. W. Shore, N. V. Vitanov, and K. Bergmann Retroreflection-induced bichromatic adiabatic passage. Phys. Rev. A 68, 043405 (2003).
L. P. Yatsenko, M. Loeffler, B. W. Shore, and K. Bergmann Interferometric Analysis of Nanostructured Surface Profiles: Correcting Material-Dependent Phase Shifts. Applied Optics, 43, 3241-3250 (2004).
L. P. Yatsenko, B. W. Shore, and K. Bergmann Theory of a Frequency Shifted Feedback Laser. Optics Commun., 236, 183-202 (2004).
L. P. Yatsenko, B. W. Shore, and K. Bergmann, Ranging and Interferometry with a Frequency Shifted Feedback Laser. Optics Commun., 242, 581-598 (2004).
N. Sangouard, S. Guérin, L. P. Yatsenko, and T. Halfmann Preparation of coherent superposition in a three-state system by adiabatic passage. Phys. Rev. A70, 013415 (2004).
L. P. Yatsenko, S. Guérin, and H. R. Jauslin Pulse-driven near-resonant quantum adiabatic dynamics: Lifting of quasidegeneracy. Phys. Rev. A70, 043402 (2004).
L. P. Yatsenko and H. Metcalf. Dressed-atom description of the bichromatic force.[6] Phys. Rev. A70, 063402 (2004).
V. I. Romanenko, Ye.G. Udovitskaya, R.A. Malitskiy, and L.P. Yatsenko Nonlinear effects in the interaction of elliptically polarized laser radiation with the strong absorbing molecular gas. Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5507, p. 377-385 (2004).
B. W. Shore, D. Charalambidis, M. Shapiro, P. L. Knight, T. Halfmann, K. Bergmann, L. P. Yatsenko, O. Faucher, S. Cavalieri, and P. LambropoulosComment on "Electromagnetically Induced Quantum Memory" Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 269301 (2004).
R. Garcia-Fernandez, A. Ekers, J. Klavins, L. P. Yatsenko, N. N. Bezuglov, B. W. Shore, and K. Bergmann Autler-Townes effect in a sodium molecular-ladder scheme Phys. Rev. A 71, 023401 (2005).
R. Garcia-Fernandez, A. Ekers, B. W. Shore, J. Klavins, L. P. Yatsenko, and K. Bergmann Investigation of Autler-Townes effects in sodium dimers.
V. M Akulin et al. (eds.), Decoherence, Entanglement and Information Protection in Complex Quantum Systems,. 391-394. 2005 Springer.
V. I. Romanenko and L. P. Yatsenko Coherent Momentum Transfer due to Interaction between Three-Level Atoms and Counterpropagating Laser Pulses. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 100, 242-255 (2005).
L. P. Yatsenko, V. I. Romanenko, B. W. Shore, T. Halfmann, and K. Bergmann Two-photon excitation of the metastable 2s state of hydrogen assisted by laser-induced chirped Stark shifts and continuum structure. hys. Rev. A 71, 033418 (2005).
R. Garcia-Fernandez, A. Ekers, L. P. Yatsenko, N. V. Vitanov, and K. Bergmann Control of Population Flow in Coherently Driven Quantum Ladders. Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 043001 (2005).
T. Peters, L. P. Yatsenko, and T. Halfmann. Experimental Demonstration of Selective Coherent Population Transfer via a Continuum.[7] Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 103601 (2005).
V. I. Romanenko and L. P. Yatsenko Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in the fields with stochastic amplitude. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 101, 788 (2005).
A. A. Rangelov, N. V. Vitanov, L. P. Yatsenko, B. W. Shore, T. Halfmann, and K. Bergmann Stark chirped rapid-adiabatic-passage technique among three states. Phys. Rev. A72, 053403 (2005).
Á. P. Conde, L. P. Yatsenko, J. Klein, M. Oberst, and T. Halfmann, Experimental demonstration of population inversion driven by retroreflection-induced bichromatic adiabatic passage. Phys. Rev A 72, 053808 (2005).
L.P. Yatsenko, V.M. Khodakovsky, V.V. Ogurtsov, G. Bonnet, B. W. Shore, and K. Bergmann Frequency Shifted Feedback Lasers. Theory, Experiments and Applications. Proc. SPIE. (accepted), (2005).
X. Lacour, S. Guerin, H. R. Jauslin, N.V. Vitanov, and L.P. Yatsenko Single qubit quantum gates by adiabatic passage with static phases. Optics Commun., (submitted).
V.V. Ogurtsov, L.P. Yatsenko, V.M. Khodakovsky, G. Bonnet, B. W. Shore, and K. Bergmann Experimental Characterization of an Yb3+-doped Fiber Ring Laser with Frequency Shifted Feedback. Optics Commun., (submitted).
V.V. Ogurtsov, L.P. Yatsenko, V.M. Khodakovsky, G. Bonnet, B. W. Shore and K. Bergmann. High accuracy ranging with Yb3+-doped fiber-ring frequency-shifted feedback laser. Optics Commun., (submitted).
M. Heinz, F. Vewinger, U. Schneider, L. P. Yatsenko and K. Bergmann. Phase control in a coherent superposition of degenerate quantum states through frequency control. Optics Commun. Special issue on Quantum Control of Light and Matter (accepted).


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