Leinster group

In mathematics, a Leinster group is a finite group whose order equals the sum of the orders of its normal subgroups.[1][2]

The Leinster groups are named after Tom Leinster, a mathematician at the University of Edinburgh, who wrote about them in a paper written in 1996 but not published until 2001.[3] He called them "perfect groups",[3] and later "immaculate groups",[4] but they were renamed as the Leinster groups by De Medts & Maróti (2013), because "perfect group" already had a different meaning (a group that equals its commutator subgroup).[2]

Leinster groups give a group-theoretic way of analyzing the perfect numbers and of approaching the still-unsolved problem of the existence of odd perfect numbers. For a cyclic group, the orders of the subgroups are just the divisors of the order of the group, so a cyclic group is a Leinster group if and only if its order is a perfect number.[2] More strongly, as Leinster proved, an abelian group is a Leinster group if and only if it is a cyclic group whose order is a perfect number.[3]


The cyclic groups whose order is a perfect number are Leinster groups.[3]

It is possible for a non-abelian Leinster group to have odd order; an example, of order 355433039577, was constructed by François Brunault.[1][4]

Other examples of non-abelian Leinster groups include certain groups of the form , where is an alternating group and is a cyclic group . For instance, the groups  and are Leinster groups.[4]As well, the same examples can be constructed with symmetric, i.e. groups of the form , such as .[see Linster, Tom (2001)]

The possible orders of Leinster groups form the integer sequence

6, 12, 28, 30, 56, 360, 364, 380, 496, 760, 792, 900, 992, 1224, ... (sequence A086792 in the OEIS)



  1. 1 2 3 4 Baishya, Sekhar Jyoti (2014), "Revisiting the Leinster groups", Comptes Rendus Mathématique, 352 (1): 1–6, MR 3150758, doi:10.1016/j.crma.2013.11.009.
  2. 1 2 3 De Medts, Tom; Maróti, Attila (2013), "Perfect numbers and finite groups" (PDF), Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova, 129: 17–33, MR 3090628, doi:10.4171/RSMUP/129-2.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Leinster, Tom (2001), "Perfect numbers and groups", Eureka, 55: 17–27, arXiv:math/0104012Freely accessible
  4. 1 2 3 4 Leinster, Tom (2011), "Is there an odd-order group whose order is the sum of the orders of the proper normal subgroups?", MathOverflow. Accepted answer by François Brunault, cited by Baishya (2014).
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