Legal opportunism

Legal opportunism is a wide area of human activity, which refers generally to a type of abuse of the proper intention of legal arrangements (the "spirit of the law" as distinguished from the letter of the law). More specifically, it refers to deliberately manipulating legal arrangements for purposes they were not meant for, guided by self-interested motives.

Usually, legal opportunism is understood to occur legally: it is itself not necessarily a "crime" (a violation of the law or an unlawful act), but it could be considered "immoral" ("there ought to be a law against it"). The general effect of legal opportunism, if it really occurs, is that it discredits the rule of law or destroys the legitimacy of particular legal rules in the eyes of the people affected by them. Inversely, if people perceive a legal framework as arbitrary, obstructive or irrelevant, they are tempted to search for opportunities to find ways "around the law", without formally breaking the law.

Typical of legal opportunists is that they accept or approve of the application of legal rules when it suits their own interest but reject or disapprove of the application when the rules are against their interest (or if taking self-interested action would mean breaking the law).[1] The law should serve them, and not the other way around; or, there is "one rule for them, and another rule for other people."

Often, legal opportunism is enabled because a rule must be interpreted in order to apply it (i.e., how exactly it applies in the given situation is not self-evident or obvious), where the chosen interpretation is precisely the one that favours one's self-interest. If a situation is governed by many different and possibly conflicting rules, some choices may be possible in deciding exactly which rule applies. The opportunist then picks the option that suits himself. It may be that the original circumstances a rule was intended for have changed, so that the rule in reality gains a different significance from what it originally had—creating an ambiguity that some could exploit opportunistically.

Since there are many dubious ways to manipulate the applicability of legal rules and procedures for selfish purposes, a general definition of legal opportunism (one which covers all cases) is exceptionally difficult. All the types of opportunism mentioned in this article may appear in a specifically legal form. Legal opportunism can involve practices such as the following:

It should be noted, that in an adversarial system all kinds of tactics can be legitimately used by lawyers in a self-interested way to help them win their case, without being illegal. Therefore, to prove "legal opportunism" as a specific form of abuse of the legal process, for some selfish purpose, can be quite a challenge.

Normally, a modern system of law assumes, that citizens as legal subjects all have the same legal status before the law, and that the law is applied uniformly to all citizens in the same way, under the same circumstances. However,

All of these make possible an opportunist exploitation of legal frameworks by legal subjects, for self-interested motives without necessarily violating any legal principle, though the intention of the law (the real purpose or aim that inspired it) is negated.

See also


  1. Joanna Brylak, "Legal awareness and access to law". University of Warsaw, c. 2007, p. 5.
  2. "It should be no surprise that when rich men take control of the government, they pass laws that are favorable to themselves. The surprise is that those who are not rich vote for such people, even though they should know from bitter experience that the rich will continue to rip off the rest of us. Perhaps the reason is that rich men are very clever at covering up what they do." - Andrew Greeley, "U.S. should try to reduce income disparity". Chicago Sun-Times, 18 February 2001.
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