Laura Pavel

Laura Pavel

Laura Pavel (born October 19, 1968) is a Romanian essayist and literary critic.


Daughter of Dora Pavel, writer, and Eugen Pavel, linguist, scientific researcher. Married to the literary critic Călin Teutişan. She has a BA in Letters of the „Babeş-Bolyai” University in Cluj-Napoca, the Romanian-English section (1992). PhD in Letters (Literary and Drama Theory), with a thesis dedicated to Eugène Ionesco (2002). She is part of the literary group gathered around the cultural journal Echinox. Research fellowships at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (1993), Indiana University of Bloomington (1997) and the University of Amsterdam (2000). Presently she is Professor at the Faculty of Theatre and Television of the „Babeş-Bolyai” University.

Published works

Volumes of essays and literary criticism

Prefaces; edited volumes


Collective volumes




Further reading

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