Latin Extended-D

Latin Extended-D
Range U+A720..U+A7FF
(224 code points)
Plane BMP
Scripts Latin (155 char.)
Common (5 char.)
Major alphabets IPA
Medieval characters
Mayanist transcription
African languages
Assigned 160 code points
Unused 64 reserved code points
Source standards MUFI
Unicode version history
5.0 2 (+2)
5.1 114 (+112)
6.0 129 (+15)
6.1 134 (+5)
7.0 152 (+18)
8.0 159 (+7)
9.0 160 (+1)
Note: [1][2]

Latin Extended-D is a Unicode block containing Latin characters for phonetic, Mayan, and Medieval transcription and notation systems. 89 of the characters in this block are for medieval characters proposed by the Medieval Unicode Font Initiative.


Latin Extended-D[1][2]
Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
1.^ As of Unicode version 10.0
2.^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points


The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Latin Extended-D block:

Version Final code points[lower-alpha 1] Count L2 ID WG2 ID Document
5.0 U+A720..A721 2 L2/05-189 N2958 Lehtiranta, Juhani; Ruppel, Klaas; Suutari, Toni; Trosterud, Trond (2005-07-22), Report on progress in implementing the Uralic Phonetic Alphabet with indication of the need for additional characters and symbols 
L2/05-261 N2989 Ruppel, Klaas; Kolehmainen, Erkki I.; Everson, Michael; Freytag, Asmus; Whistler, Ken (2005-09-13), Proposal to add six additional Uralicist characters to the UCS 
5.1 U+A722..A725 4 L2/99-246 N2043 Everson, Michael (1999-07-24), On the apostrophe and quotation mark, with a note on Egyptian transliteration characters 
L2/00-293 N2241 Everson, Michael (2000-08-27), Proposal to add 6 Egyptological characters to the UCS 
L2/05-300 Anderson, Deborah (2005-10-13), Request for Egyptian transliteration characters as provided in N2241: Proposal to add 6 Egyptological characters to the UCS by Michael Everson 
L2/05-279 Moore, Lisa (2005-11-10), "C.2.1", UTC #105 Minutes 
L2/06-117R N3078R Proposed additions to ISO/IEC 10646:2003 Amendment 3, 2006-04-12 
U+A726..A72F 10 L2/05-097R2 Priest, Lorna; Constable, Peter (2005-07-28), Proposal to Encode Additional Latin Phonetic and Orthographic Characters (revision 2, 2005/08/11) 
N2945 Priest, Lorna; Constable, Peter (2005-08-09), Proposal to Encode Additional Latin Phonetic and Orthographic Characters 
L2/06-028 N3028 Everson, Michael (2006-01-30), Proposal to add Mayanist Latin letters to the UCS 
L2/06-114 Anderson, Deborah (2006-04-08), Expert Input on “Proposal to add Mayanist Latin letters to the UCS” N3028 (=L2/06-028) 
L2/06-121 N3082 Everson, Michael (2006-04-10), Revised proposal to add Mayanist Latin letters 
L2/06-133 N3094 Everson, Michael (2006-04-16), Discussion of the Mayanist Latin letter CUATRILLO WITH COMMA 
U+A730..A778 73 L2/98-214 N1747 Everson, Michael (1998-05-25), Contraction characters for the UCS 
L2/05-183 N2957 Everson, Michael; Haugen, Odd Einar; Emiliano, António; Pedro, Susana; Grammel, Florian; Baker, Peter; Stötzner, Andreas; Dohnicht, Marcus; Luft, Diana (2005-08-02), Preliminary proposal to add medievalist characters to the UCS 
L2/06-027 N3027 Everson, Michael; Baker, Peter; Emiliano, António; Grammel, Florian; Haugen, Odd Einar; Luft, Diana; Pedro, Susana; Schumacher, Gerd; Stötzner, Andreas (2006-01-30), Proposal to add Medievalist characters to the UCS 
L2/06-049 Pedro, Susana (2006-01-31), Letter of support for Medievalist letters (L2/06-027) 
L2/06-048 Emiliano, Antonio (2006-02-02), Letter of support for Medievalist letters (L2/06-027) 
L2/06-074R N3039R Feedback on N3027 Proposal to add Medievalist Characters, 2006-03-16 
L2/06-101 N3060 Feedback on N3027 "Proposal to add medievalist characters to the UCS", 2006-03-27 
L2/06-116 N3077 Everson, Michael; Baker, Peter; Emiliano, António; Grammel, Florian; Haugen, Odd Einar; Luft, Diana; Pedro, Susana; Schumacher, Gerd; Stötzner, Andreas (2006-03-31), Response to UTC/US contribution N3037R, “Feedback on N3027 Proposal to add medievalist characters” 
L2/06-108 Moore, Lisa (2006-05-25), "C.14", UTC #107 Minutes 
L2/06-252 West, Andrew (2006-07-28), Comments on Capital R Rotunda 
L2/06-318 N3160 Response to Project Editor’s contribution N3146, “Draft disposition of comments on SC2 N3875 (PDAM text for Amendment 3.2 to ISO/IEC 10646:2003)”, 2006-09-21 
U+A779..A787 15 L2/06-266 N3122 Everson, Michael (2006-08-06), Proposal to add Latin letters and a Greek symbol to the UCS 
U+A788 1 L2/06-244 Priest, Lorna (2006-07-20), Proposal to Encode Modifier Letter Low Circumflex Accent 
U+A789..A78C 4 L2/04-372 N2874 Priest, Lorna (2004-10-31), Proposal to Encode Additional Latin Orthographic Characters 
L2/05-097 Priest, Lorna; Constable, Peter (2005-03-31), Proposal to Encode Additional Latin Phonetic and Orthographic Characters 
L2/05-105 Esling, John (2005-05-02), Letter in support of additions to IPA block 
L2/06-279 Constable, Peter (2006-08-03), Letters to Lorna Priest and Peter Constable from Fernando Nava 
L2/06-294 Priest, Lorna (2006-08-04), Letter of support for L2/06-259 from Sotero Ramirez 
L2/06-259R N3216 Constable, Peter; Priest, Lorna (2006-10-20), Proposal to Encode Additional Orthographic and Modifier Characters 
U+A7FB..A7FF 5 L2/06-269 N3218 Perry, David J. (2006-08-01), Proposal to Add Additional Ancient Roman Characters to UCS 
6.0 U+A78D..A78E 2 L2/08-182 N3481 Priest, Lorna (2008-07-28), Proposal to Encode Additional Latin and Cyrillic Characters 
U+A790..A791 2 L2/08-404 Pentzlin, Karl; Yevlampiev, Ilya (2009-03-16), Proposal to encode four Latin letters 
U+A7A0..A7A9 10 L2/08-405 Pentzlin, Karl (2008-10-30), Proposal to encode 10 Latin letters with diagonal stroke 
L2/09-112R N3587 Proposal to encode 10 Latin letters for pre-1921 Latvian orthography, 2009-03-26 
U+A7FA 1 L2/09-028 N3571 Ruppel, Klaas; Aalto, Tero; Everson, Michael (2009-01-27), Proposal to encode additional characters for the Uralic Phonetic Alphabet 
L2/09-104 Moore, Lisa (2009-05-20), "119-C28", UTC #119 / L2 #216 Minutes 
6.1 U+A792..A793 2 L2/10-336R2 N3896 Priest, Lorna; Iancu, Laurențiu; Everson, Michael (2010-10-14), Proposal to encode C WITH BAR 
U+A7AA 1 L2/10-166 Priest, Lorna (2010-05-03), Proposal to encode Latin Capital Letter H with Hook 
L2/10-268 Priest, Lorna (2010-07-29), Annotation additions resulting from encoding LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH HOOK 
U+A7F8..A7F9 2 L2/10-161 Pentzlin, Karl (2010-04-30), Proposal to encode two missing modifier letters for extended IPA 
7.0 U+A794..A795 2 L2/10-357 N3914 Proposal to add characters used in Lithuanian dialectology to the UCS, 2010-10-29 
L2/11-135 Tumasonis, Vladas; Pentzlin, Karl (2011-05-02), Revised proposal to add characters used in Lithuanian dialectology 
L2/11-189 Whistler, Ken; Constable, Peter (2011-05-11), Review of Characters for Lithuanian Dialectology 
L2/11-191 Comments on N3914 - Characters for Lithuanian Dialectology, 2011-05-13 
L2/11-223 N4070 Tumasonis, Vladas; Pentzlin, Karl (2011-05-24), Second revised proposal to add characters used in Lithuanian dialectology to the UCS 
L2/11-248 N4116 Pentzlin, Karl (2011-06-09), Report on the ad hoc re "Lithuanian dialectology" (SC2/WG2 N4070) held during the SC2/WG2 meeting at Helsinki 
U+A796..A797, A7AB..A7AC, A7F7 5 L2/11-134R N4030R Everson, Michael (2011-05-04), Proposal for the addition of six Latin characters to the UCS 
L2/12-082 N4030R2 Everson, Michael (2012-02-08), Proposal for the addition of five Latin characters to the UCS 
U+A798..A79F 8 L2/08-428 N3555 Everson, Michael (2008-11-27), Exploratory proposal to encode Germanicist, Nordicist, and other phonetic characters in the UCS 
L2/09-256 Ellert, Mattias (2009-07-31), Comments on ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 N3555 / L2/08-428 
L2/10-346 N3907 Everson, Michael; Wandl-Vogt, Eveline; Dicklberger, Alois (2010-09-23), Preliminary proposal to encode “Teuthonista” phonetic characters in the UCS 
L2/11-137 N4031 Everson, Michael; Wandl-Vogt, Eveline; Dicklberger, Alois (2011-05-09), Proposal to encode “Teuthonista” phonetic characters in the UCS 
L2/11-203 N4082 Everson, Michael; et al. (2011-05-27), Support for “Teuthonista” encoding proposal 
L2/11-202 N4081 Everson, Michael; Dicklberger, Alois; Pentzlin, Karl; Wandl-Vogt, Eveline (2011-06-02), Revised proposal to encode “Teuthonista” phonetic characters in the UCS 
L2/11-240 N4106 Everson, Michael; Pentzlin, Karl (2011-06-09), Report on the ad hoc re "Teuthonista" (SC2/WG2 N4081) held during the SC2/WG2 meeting at Helsinki 
L2/12-269 N4296 Everson, Michael (2012-07-26), Request to change the names of three Teuthonista characters under ballot 
U+A7AD 1 L2/12-080 N4228 Jensen, Joshua M.; Pentzlin, Karl (2012-02-08), Proposal to encode a Latin Capital Letter L with Belt 
U+A7B0..A7B1 2 L2/12-270 N4297 Everson, Michael; Jacquerye, Denis; Lilley, Chris (2012-07-26), Proposal for the addition of ten Latin characters to the UCS 
8.0 U+A78F 1 L2/09-031R N3567 West, Andrew (2009-04-04), Proposal to encode a Middle Dot letter for Phags-pa transliteration 
L2/09-278 N3678 Anderson, Deborah (2009-08-05), On the proposed U+A78F LATIN LETTER MIDDLE DOT (L2/09-031R = N3567) 
L2/09-332 N3694 West, Andrew (2009-10-05), Rationale for Encoding Latin Letter Middle Dot 
L2/09-392 Anderson, Deborah (2009-10-21), Comments on N3694 “Rationale for encoding LATIN LETTER MIDDLE DOT” 
L2/10-118 N3812 Bibiko, Hans-Jörg (2010-04-07), On the proposed U+A78F LATIN LETTER MIDDLE DOT (L2/09-031R = N3567) 
L2/10-124 Hill, Nathan (2010-04-14), Latin letter middle dot 
L2/11-057 N3984 Pentzlin, Karl (2011-02-02), Notes on the naming of some characters proposed in the FCD of ISO/IEC 10646:2012 
N4339 Whistler, Ken (2012-09-21), Examples of Collation Tailoring for U+00B7 MIDDLE DOT 
L2/12-361 N4340 Whistler, Ken (2012-09-28), Comments in Response to Irish Comments on Middle Dot 
N4403 Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2014-01-28), Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 61, Holiday Inn, Vilnius, Lithuania; 2013-06-10/14 
U+A7B2 1 L2/12-320 N4332 Priest, Lorna (2012-09-27), Proposal to encode LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J WITH CROSSED-TAIL in the BMP 
U+A7B3..A7B7 5 L2/12-270 N4297 Everson, Michael; Jacquerye, Denis; Lilley, Chris (2012-07-26), Proposal for the addition of ten Latin characters to the UCS 
L2/13-163 Jacquerye, Denis (2013-07-24), Gabonese and Ivorian Latin characters 
9.0 U+A7AE 1 L2/12-035 N4195 Everson, Michael (2012-01-28), Preliminary proposal to encode "Unifon" characters 
L2/12-138 N4262 Everson, Michael (2012-04-29), Proposal to encode "Unifon" and other characters in the UCS 
L2/12-270 N4297 Everson, Michael; Jacquerye, Denis; Lilley, Chris (2012-07-26), Proposal for the addition of ten Latin characters to the UCS 
L2/13-163 Jacquerye, Denis (2013-07-24), Gabonese and Ivorian Latin characters 
L2/14-070 N4549 Everson, Michael (2014-02-24), Revised proposal to encode Unifon characters in the UCS 
  1. Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names

See also


  1. "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2016-07-09.
  2. "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2016-07-09.
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