Land reform in Athens

Two major land reforms were attempted at ancient Athens in the 6th century BC.


Already in the 8th century BC, Hesiod referred to land shortage related to the problems of dividing inheritance. In the Odyssey it is mentioned that the worst fate of a man, other than death, is to remain without land and thus have to serve another person. People with no land had to leave Athens and settle in colonies in the west (Sicily and Italy) and east (Asia Minor).

In the end of the 7th century and beginning of 6th century BC, land concentration occurred and most land were held by nobility. Athenians with small farms could not survive dry years, so they had to borrow from the rich and pay a yearly usury of about 1/6 of the yearly crop. This high usury left them little money to return the loan, so the debts could not be paid and the poor actually became serfs to the rich. Some of them were even sold abroad as slaves (since it was forbidden to sell Athenians as slaves in Athens).

Solon's reforms

At about 575 BC, embitterment among the poor has risen, and the rich have begun to fear an uprising which might lead to tyranny as it often happened in other Greek polices. So both sides agreed to call Solon, who was considered wise and impartial, to arbitrate the dispute.

Solon decided on the following reforms:

To appease the rich, Solon divided the Athenians to four income groups, with civil rights increasing from the lower to the higher income.


No group in Athens were thoroughly satisfied:

However, they agreed to live by the new laws for about 100 years, and during this time, the poverty in Athens has been somewhat alleviated.

Peisistratos' reforms

At about 560 BC, continuing unrest lead to the tyranny of Peisistratos. There are differing opinions regarding his land reforms:


The power of aristocracy in Athens was reduced, poverty was somewhat reduced, agriculture and other crafts were promoted.

See also


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