Laima Andrikienė

Laima Liucija Andrikienė is a Lithuanian politician, Member of the European Parliament: Member of the European People's Party (EPP) Group, Member of International Trade Committee, Member of Sub-Committee on Security and Defense, Substitute Member of Foreign Affairs Committee, 1st Vice Chair of the Delegation to the EU-Kazakhstan, EU-Kyrgyzstan, EU-Uzbekistan and EU-Tajikistan Parliamentary Cooperation Committees and for relations with Turkmenistan and Mongolia and a Substitute Member of the Delegation for the relations with the United States.

Political career

Member of the European Parliament (EP) (2016-present)

Member of the European People's Party (EPP) Group; Member of the EP International Trade Committee; Member of Sub-Committee on Security and Defense; Substitute Member of the EP Committee on Foreign Affairs; 1st Vice Chair of the Delegation to the EU-Kazakhstan, EU-Kyrgyzstan, EU-Uzbekistan and EU-Tajikistan Parliamentary Cooperation Committees and for relations with Turkmenistan and Mongolia; Substitute Member of the Delegation for the relations with the United States.

Member of the European Parliament (EP) (2004-2014)

Member of the European People's Party (EPP) Group (2009-2014); Member of the EPP-ED (European People's Party - European Democrats) Group (Faction) Bureau (2007-2009); Member of the EP International Trade Committee (2009-2014); Substitute Member of the EP Committee on Foreign Affairs (2004-2014); Member of the EP Subcommittee on Human Rights (2004-2014); EPP-ED Group Coordinator in the Subcommittee on Human Rights (2007-2009); Vice President of the EP Subcommittee on Human Rights (2009-2012); Member of the EP Committee on Budgets (2004-2009); Co-Chair of the EURONEST PA Committee on Social Affairs, Education, Culture and Civil Society (2011-2014); Lithuanian nominee for the position of the EU Special Representative for Human Rights (EU SRHR) (2012)

Positions in the Lithuanian Government (1996-1998)

Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Lithuania (1996); Minister of European Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania (1996-1998).

Member of the Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas) (1990-2000)

Member of the Lithuanian Supreme Council - Re-constituent Seimas (Parliament) (1990-1992); Signatory of the Act of the Restoration of Independence of Lithuania (11 March 1990); Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Member of the Committee on Budgets (1990-1992). Member of the Parliament (Seimas) of the Republic of Lithuania (1992-1996, 1996-2000); Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs (1992-1996, 1996-2000), Vice-Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs (2000), Member of the Committee on European Affairs (1998-2000). Chair of the Lithuanian parliamentary delegation to the Baltic Assembly, Chair of the Presidium of the Baltic Assembly (1998-2000).

Other public activities

Member of the Board of Directors of Vilnius Yiddish Institute (since 2005); Member of the Academic Council of Kazimieras Simonavicius University (KSU) (Vilnius) (since 2012); Member of the Council of the Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats (Lithuanian political party) (since 2004); Founder (2013) and member (since October 2013), Association of the Friends of St James Ways in Lithuania; Member of the Board, PA International Foundation (October 2014 – May 2016); Founder and Council Member, Union of European Federalists, Lithuania (since 2012).

Academic career in 2002-2004

Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science of the Law University of Lithuania; Director of the Institute of EU Policy and Management of the Law University of Lithuania; Dean of the Faculty of Public Management of the Law University of Lithuania.

Professional career

Founder and co-owner, JSC Laitenis (consultancy) (2001-2004). Engineer at the Computing Centre of the Lithuanian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (1980-1983); research fellow, senior research fellow, Lithuanian Institute of Agricultural Economics (1983-1989); Assistant to the Deputy Prime Minister of Lithuania (October 1989 - February 1990).


Manchester University, UK (sponsored by the British Council, October 1988 - September 1989); International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP, premier professional exchange program, U.S. Department of State) (November - December 1994); School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington DC (sponsored by the Pew Foundation, January - June 1996); Others: USAID, Norwegian Helsinki Committee (1994), etc.

Education & scientific degrees

Druskininkai Secondary School No 1 (finished in 1975); Druskininkai 7-year Music School, piano class (finished in 1973); Degree in Economics and Mathematics from the University of Vilnius (1980); Doctorate in Economics (1986); Associate Professor (2004).

Honors and awards

Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the French Republic (1997); Independence Medal of the Republic of Lithuania (2000); Medal Ubi concordia, ibi victoria of the Baltic Assembly (2003); Cross of Commander of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas (2004); Honorary Doctor (Honoris Causa), Kingston University, UK (2007); Golden Sign of Honor of the Confederation of Lithuanian Industrialists (2008); Medal of the Founder and Volunteer of the Lithuanian Army (2012); Diplomacy Award of the Republic of China (Taiwan) (2014); Order of the President of Georgia (2014).


Author and co-author of publications (articles, books, academic monographs) on the issues of foreign policy, EU policies and management, interest groups and lobbying, economic reform, agricultural economics, and human rights. Among others: "Šiuolaikinės lobistinės veiklos tendencijos" (Contemporary Tendencies of Lobbying)" (Editor and Co-author; Vilnius, 2002); "Vertybės ir politika" (Tarptautinės konferencijos medžiaga; knygos sudarytoja; Vilnius, 2008), "Values & Politics" (Proceedings of the International Conference; Editor; Vilnius, 2008); Trilogy "Aš, Laima Andrikienė, prisiekiu… (I, Laima Andrikiene, swear…) (Vilnius, 2008-2012); "Šv. Jokūbo kelio šviesa / The Light of St. James Way" (Editor and Co-author; Vilnius, three editions: 2012, 2013, and 2014); "Vertybės ir politika II. Krikščioniškosios Europos šaknys" (Values & Politics II. Christian Roots of Europe) (Proceedings of the International Conference; editor; Vilnius, 2014).


Lithuanian - mother tongue; English - fluent; Russian - fluent; Spanish - sufficient.

• (Lithuanian) Official website • (English) Official website

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