LTTR is a feminist genderqueer collective with a flexible project oriented practice. LTTR produces an annual independent art journal, performance series, events, screenings and collaborations. The collective is rooted in community and collaborative processes without hierarchy.[1]


The editorial debates of LTTR and decision making surrounding the printed journal is based on the idea of making a significant contribution to contemporary feminist genderqueer concerns. It is edited by consensus in long-process editorial sessions. Each issue is initiated with an international open call and through interpersonal relationships from within their communities.[2] Each submission is considered independently and in regards to the working themes of the journal. Each issue includes handmade artists’ multiples and is published in a print run of 1000 copies. The idea of moving art out of the control of the professional art world underlies the thinking of many of the individuals and collectives associated with LTTR.[3]


LTTR is a shifting acronym; it started in 2001 as “Lesbians to the Rescue" and has since stood for phrases ranging from “Lacan Teaches to Repeat” to “Let’s Take the Role.”[4] The group was founded in 2001 with an inaugural issue titled “Lesbians to the Rescue,” followed by “Listen Translate Translate Record,” “Practice More Failure,” “Do You Wish to Direct me?,” and most recently "Positively Nasty." LTTR is dedicated to highlighting the work of radical communities whose goals are sustainable change, queer pleasure, and critical feminist productivity.[5] It seeks to create and build a context for a culture of critical thinkers whose work not only speaks in dialogue with one another, but consistently challenges its own form by shifting shape and design to best respond to contemporary concerns. LTTR was founded in 2001 by Ginger Brooks Takahashi, K8 Hardy and Emily Roysdon. Ulrike Müller joined LTTR in 2005 and Lanka Tattersal was an editor and collaborator for issue 4. [6]

As their project expanded, LTTR exhibited the journal at venues including Artists Space in New York City, the Generali Foundation in Vienna, the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, Los Angeles County Museum of Art and Documenta 12 in Kassel, Germany. [7] LTTR’s members have also used their bands, poster projects, workshops and sit-ins as media for exploring the political possibilities of feminist pop-cultural influence. [8]


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