L'Officiel du jeu Scrabble

L'Officiel du jeu Scrabble has been the official dictionary for Francophone Scrabble since January 1, 1990. It is published by Larousse and is often abbreviated to ODS. The current version is ODS6.


Number of words

Version Entries Words 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
ODS1 56 664 344 000 73 507 2 149 6 776 15 606 28 244 41 981 51 867 54 469 49 469 39 170 27 304 16 862 9 523
ODS2 58 155 353 532 74 534 2 233 6 984 16 016 28 957 43 115 53 273 55 887 50 804 40 265 28 121 17 428 9 841
ODS3 60 137 364 370 75 560 2 319 7 184 16 396 29 611 44 109 54 620 57 412 52 357 41 696 29 273 18 309 10 449
ODS4 60 894 369 085 75 571 2 364 7 277 16 622 29 996 44 664 55 309 58 149 53 026 42 227 29 666 18 550 10 589
ODS5 63 419 378 989 77 589 2 441 7 483 17 035 30 633 45 642 56 573 59 526 54 442 43 517 30 690 19 280 11 061
ODS6 64 973

N.B. A word and its plural form count as a single entry, but as two words

New words

Suppressed words


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