Kurdish–Turkish conflict (2015–present)

Kurdish–Turkish conflict (2015–present)
Part of the Kurdish–Turkish conflict (1978–present) and the Spillover of the Syrian Civil War
Date24 July 2015 – present
(2 years, 3 weeks and 6 days)
LocationEastern and Southeastern Turkey, Syria–Turkey border, Iraqi Kurdistan, Northern Syria.
Status Ongoing

Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK)



Kurdistan Freedom Hawks
Commanders and leaders
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Hulusi Akar (from 18 August 2015)
Necdet Özel (until 18 August 2015)

Murat Karayılan
Bahoz Erdal

Cemil Bayık
Units involved

Turkish Armed Forces

Turkish National Police

Village Guards

Other forces:
Grey Wolves[2]

Some Kurdish tribes[3][4][5]




Around 10,000 Turkish police and military personnel[6]
360,000 active military personnel[7]
244,000 Police forces[8][9]
(2015 figures, of which not all are directly involved)
233,000 Security Guards[8]

65,000 Village Guards[4][10]
Casualties and losses
  • 977 security forces killed (per the Crisis Group)[13]
  • 871 security forces killed (Turkish claim)[14]
  • 7,183–9,327 security forces killed (PKK claim; as of Jan. 2017)
  • 1,378 militants killed (per the Crisis Group)[13]
  • 10,100 militants killed or captured (Turkish claim)[19]
  • 1,181 militants killed (PKK claim; as of Jan. 2017)[15][16][18]

408 civilians killed (independent estimates)[13][20]
219 unidentified killed (civilians or militants; per the Crisis Group)[13]
337 civilians killed (Turkish claim)[14]
500–1,000 civilians killed (HDP claim)[21]
2,000 killed in total (UN claim)[22]

500,000 displaced[23]

In late July 2015, the third phase of the Kurdish–Turkish conflict between various Kurdish insurgent groups and the Turkish government erupted following a failed two and a half year-long peace process, aimed at resolving the long-running conflict.

The conflict between Turkey and the PKK broke out in summer 2015 following a two-year-long peace negotiations, which began in late 2012, but failed to progress in light of the growing tensions on border with Syria in late 2014, when Turkey prevented Kurds sending support to their militants who were fighting against ISIS during the Siege of Kobani. Turkey was accused of assisting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) during the crisis,[24][25] resulting in widespread Kurdish riots in Turkey involving dozens of fatalities. The tensions further escalated in summer 2015 with the July 20 bombing in Suruç. On July 21, the PKK allegedly carried out a revenge attack and killed a Turkish soldier and wounded two more in Adıyaman.[26] Some PKK supporters then claimed responsibility for the July 23 killing of two Turkish police officers in Ceylanpinar,[27] describing it as a retaliation.[28] A week after, Group of Communities in Kurdistan (KCK) spokesman Demhat Agit denied official PKK involvement, saying "these are the units independent from the PKK. They are local forces which organized themselves and not affiliated with us."[29]

On 24 July 2015, Turkey announced an official military operation against PKK targets in Iraqi Kurdistan and Rojava respectively, claiming to inflict dozens of fatalities on PKK fronts – which caused the PKK to withdraw from the peace talks and announce a full-scale rebellion against the government. The same day, Turkey also performed a nationwide crackdown on so-called PKK operatives, arresting hundreds, including Peoples' Democratic Party members and leaders. The conflict then escalated, with PKK and its affiliated militias staging attacks across the country, and Turkish forces attacks in the form of aerial bombardments and operations in the east of the country, including the Siege of Cizre in September 2015. In October 2015, the PKK declared a unilateral cease-fire for the November general elections.[30]

As of November 2015, Turkish authorities claimed that a number of towns and areas in Eastern Turkey had come under the control of the PKK rebels and affiliated armed organizations. According to the Turkish government sources, between July 2015 and May 2016, 2,583 Kurdish rebels were killed in Turkey and 2,366 in northern Iraq, while 483 were killed among Turkish security forces.[31] The PKK claimed 1,557 Turkish security forces were killed in 2015 during the clashes in North and South Kurdistan, while it lost 220 fighters.[32] According to the International Crisis Group, 2,875 people, including 399 civilians, were killed in Turkey between July 2015 and June 2017,[13] including ethnic Kurdish lawyer Tahir Elçi.[33] In March 2017, the United Nations accused the Turkish government of "massive destruction, killings and numerous other serious human rights violations" against the ethnic Kurdish minority.[34]




2015 timeline


Suruç bombing and suspected Turkish ISIL retaliations

On 20 July 2015, a bombing in the predominantly Kurdish district of Suruç, allegedly perpetrated by the Dokumacılar group linked to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), killed 32 young activists and injured over 100. Most victims were members of the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) Youth Wing and the Socialist Youth Associations Federation (SGDF), university-aged students who were giving a press statement on their planned trip to reconstruct the Syrian border town of Kobanî in the de facto autonomous Federation of Northern Syria - Rojava.[37][38]

Operation Martyr Yalçın against PKK

The July 21 and 22 attacks were proclaimed a casus belli by the Turkish government, which resulted in Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu taking the decision to begin active air operations against PKK positions in Iraq. This was internationally perceived as the end of the ceasefire period in the Kurdish-Turkish conflict.[43][44][45] The New York Times assessed that "the Iraq raids, which began late Friday and continued into Saturday, effectively ended an unstable two-year cease-fire between the Turkish government and the Kurdish militants, also known by the initials of their Kurdish name, PKK".[46]

Operations Arslan Kulaksız and Hamza Yıldırım

Turkish Forces on 26 July reportedly again attacked the same village west of Kobani targeting Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) fighters, and fired on a YPG vehicle west of Tell Abyad.[50]



The Turkish police used "Armenian" as an insult to refer to the Kurdish people in Cizre and Burhan Kuzu, a senior adviser to the President of Turkey, claimed that PKK members were uncircumcised implying that they were non-Muslim Armenians, suggesting that non-Muslims are terrorists and trying to drive a wedge between "Muslim" Kurds and the PKK.[88]




2016 timeline


A Police officer was killed in Sur.[114] A Soldier and one civilian was killed in Silopi[116][117] A Turkish tank malfunctioned and was damaged in Cizre.[118] A total of 18 were killed that day.


The government held both the YPG and PKK responsible for the attack, even after the TAK claimed responsibility. It was later confirmed by DNA reports that the perpetrator was a TAK militant.[168][169][170]











2017 timeline





Turkish military and affiliates

Turkish Forces consisting of Turkish Land Forces troops, Gendarmerie operatives and Police Special Operations teams are backed by the rest of the Turkish Armed Forces. They are supported by a system of "village guards" which represent a feudal part of Turkey.[423] There have been recurring reports of the resurfacing Jitem "military police intelligence and anti-terrorist service" which had been responsible for massacres in the 1990s, and of irregular foreign jihadists, being employed.[424]

The Turkish government of president Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Justice and Development Party (AKP) are increasingly portraying the party they oppose as an enemy of an "islamic order", referring to the PKK and its affiliates and supporters as "atheists and Zoroastrians".[277][278][279]

PKK and affiliates

In 2008, according to information provided by the Intelligence Resource Program of the Federation of American Scientists the strength of the organization in terms of human resources consists of approximately 4,000 to 5,000 militants of whom 3,000 to 3,500 are located in northern Iraq.[425] With the new wave of fighting from 2015 onwards, observers noted that active support for the PKK had become a "mass phenomenon" in majority ethnic Kurdish cities in the Southeast of the Republic of Turkey, with large numbers of local youth joining PKK-affiliated local militant groups.[426]

According to Turkish estimates the PKK has a much larger size than the previously stated size standing at over 32,800 active fighters spanning across north-western Syria, south-eastern Turkey, northern Iraq and north-western Iran concentrated on the Qandil mountain range.[427]

PKK bases remain active in Northern Iraq and its leadership suspectedly in the Qandil Mountains in Iraq and Iran.[428][429] From the traditional preceding Turkish-PKK conflicts the PKK rebellion has transitioned into urban warfare in the country's densely populated south east.[430]


Civilian impact

According to Turkish Human Rights Foundation, there have been 52 intermittent curfews in seven predominantly Kurdish towns where 1.3 million people live, sometimes lasting as long as 14 days. The organization puts the civilian death toll since the summer of 2015 at 124.[431] The situation in the South-East has little coverage in the Turkish media. The authorities have enforced a blockade over the region and have shut down both cell phone coverage and the internet. Hundreds of houses, dozens of schools and official buildings have been damaged by artillery and gun fire from militants,[432] and civilians have been allegedly fired at. Turkish Forces have used measures like tank fire to clear out bomb-trapped barricades which lead to damage of residential buildings.[433] It is estimated that more than 200,000 people have been displaced. According to the HRW, civilian death toll is around 100. Diyarbakir branch of the Human Rights Association accuses Turkish Armed Forces and Gendarmerie of targeting civilians under the pretext of fighting terrorism.[434] Many residents in the southeastern cities have been trapped without food or electricity as clashes between Kurdish militants and Turkish security forces have intensified. In December 2015, town of Cizre, was under curfew for more than two weeks, with mounting civilian casualties. According to a teacher from the district of Silopi, the tanks fire all day and people have nowhere left to hide and they are dying in their own homes.[435]

Internal reactions

Academics petition

On January 11, 2016, more than 1000 scholars and academics from 90 Turkish Universities and abroad signed a petition entitled "We won’t be a party to this crime,"[436] calling for an end to the government's crackdown on the Kurdish activists and politicians, and a resumption of the peace process. They also criticized the use of tanks in urban centers calling it a deliberate massacre of Kurdish people.[437] On January 12, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan sharply criticized the dissident academics which included David Harvey, Immanuel Wallerstein, Slavoj Žižek and Noam Chomsky and accused them of being a fifth column of foreign powers.[438] He also called on the Turkish judiciary to move against the "treachery". All 1,228 Turkish signatories were subsequently placed under investigation.[436] Erdoğan invited Chomsky to visit the area in a televised speech to a conference of Turkish ambassadors in Ankara. However Chomsky rejected the offer and said: "If I decide to go to Turkey, it will not be on his invitation, but as frequently before at the invitation of the many courageous dissidents, including Kurds who have been under severe attack for many years." He also accused Erdoğan of aiding ISIS and the al-Nusra Front.[439] On January 14, Düzce University in northwest Turkey dismissed an associate sociology professor after she signed the declaration and On January 15, Erdogan attacked the signatories again, accusing them of supporting the Kurdish rebels and said " having a PhD title doesn't necessarily make you an intellectual. These are people in the dark. They are cruel and despicable."[440] That same day, Turkish authorities arrested 14 signatories, including 12 academics from Kocaeli University, accusing them of spreading "terrorism propaganda" and of insulting the state.[441] U.S. Ambassador John Bass released a statement expressing his concern regarding the arrests. He also said "Expressions of concern about violence do not equal support for terrorism. Criticism of government does not equal treason."[442] On January 16, main opposition leader Kemal Killicdaroglu sharply criticized Erdoğan over detention of dissident academics and called him a dictator. Two days later, lawyers for Turkish President filed a lawsuit against him and a prosecutor from the Ankara prosecutors' office also launched an investigation into his comments on charges of "openly insulting the president", a crime punishable by up to four years in jail.[443][444]

Resignation of UNESCO Ambassador

On May 25, 2016, the noted Turkish author and poet Zülfü Livaneli resigned as Turkey’s only UNESCO goodwill ambassador. In his post on Twitter, he noted "UNESCO’s silence on human rights violations and lack of fundamental freedoms." and he also refused to take part in the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul. He highlighted destruction of historical Sur district of Diyarbakir as his main reason for resignation.[445]

When [Kurdish region] Sur’s historical heritage is being destroyed, I can’t with a straight face urge people to protect the historical heritage of Istanbul

Protests in New York

On March 31, 2016, during a public speech by Erdoğan at the Brookings Institution, his supporters and opponents clashed outside the venue. His security guards assaulted Brooking's employees and ordered a well-known Turkish journalist, Amberin Zaman, to leave, calling her a "P.K.K. whore". Security staff members had to stop the guards from removing other journalists from inside the auditorium. Some Turkish guards were restrained by police officers.[446] National Press Club released a statement and expressed alarm at the events.[447]

Turkey's leader and his security team are guests in the United States. They have no right to lay their hands on reporters or protesters or anyone else for that matter, when the people they are apparently roughing up seemed to be merely doing their jobs or exercising the rights they have in this country.

Accusations of war crimes

According to Michael Rubin, a resident scholar at American Enterprise Institute, the destruction of Cizre, Şırnak, Nusaybin, and Sur districts of Diyarbakir by the Turkish security forces was reminiscent of communal retaliation than military necessity. He points out that the Turkish government's refusal to not allow international journalists and diplomats to visit the towns reflects the government desire to keep locals from giving testimony. He also highlights the fact that when the ceasefire broke down, PKK began targeting Turkish military and police while Turkish forces began targeting not only PKK rebels, but also ordinary civilians as well. He argues that those in the government and military gave orders to destroy whole towns and villages, and could consequently be subject to international law of armed conflict as defined by the Geneva Conventions.[448]

U.S. State Department 2016 Human Rights Report

According to the report, in February 2016, Turkish security forces killed at least 130 people, including unarmed civilians, who had taken shelter in the basements of three buildings in the town of Cizre. A domestic NGO, The Human Rights Association (HRA), accused security forces of killing more than 300 civilians in the first eight months of 2016. It also reported retrieval of 171 bodies from three basements in Cizre after February 5. The Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (HRF), reported that during the 79 day curfew in Cizre, close to 200 people were killed. On 3 March 2016, HRF's president, Șebnem Korur Fincanci, found a human jawbone in the remains of a basement in the Sur district of Diyarbakir, where according to HRA seven people were killed in February 2016.[449]

International reactions

Respect for human rights has deteriorated at an alarming speed in recent months in the context of Turkey's fight against terrorism.
There is a need to restart the Kurdish peace process. The European Union recognizes that PKK is a terrorist organization, but there is a need to re-engage from the Turkish authorities’ side with the Kurdish political representatives and the ones that express their position in a peaceful way.

The European Parliament has been highly critical with respect to human rights abuses and denial of political dialogue with respect to the Kurdish issue under the cloak of fight against terrorism in Turkey.[450][454][455] The institutions of the European Union have persistently criticized the broad application of anti-terror legislation as well as a criminal law against "denigrating Turkishness" in Turkey as stifling peaceful advocacy for Kurdish rights.[456][457]

Fighting against the PKK and defending itself against the PKK is Turkey’s most natural right. However, according to the German federal government’s conviction, this problem can reach a final and permanent result only on a political platform.

Conflict in Turkey's south-east has often reflected on Germany's Turkish and Kurdish minorities causing mass riots and the build up of ethnic tensions within Germany.[458][459]

We understand that it is difficult for current Turkish leadership to abandon attempts to explain their domestic problems by certain external factors. With the civil conflict with the Kurdish population unremitting, President Erdogan has not found a better justification for toughening the punitive operations in the [Kurdish-populated] southeast than to accuse Russia of supplying arms to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party.
Let me emphasize that we condemn PKK terrorism absolutely. But we don’t just make statements – we are also actively clamping down on PKK financing in the U.K., and doing our utmost to disrupt their international network and operations.
More and more information has been emerging from a variety of credible sources about the actions of security forces in the town of Cizre during the extended curfew there from mid-December until early March," he said in a press release. Most disturbing of all are the reports quoting witnesses and relatives in Cizre which suggest that more than 100 people were burned to death as they sheltered in three different basements that had been surrounded by security forces.

However, the Turkish foreign ministry offered an open invitation to U.N. agencies to visit the country’s southeastern provinces after the reports were made and refuted those statements, saying they were "based on insufficient information".[464] According to the UN Commissioner, unarmed civilians, including women and children, were shot by government snipers in the south-east during the clashes and Turkish forces also inflicted significant damage on the local infrastructure.[465] Turkish sources, who's reports were confirmed by the Turkey's foreign ministry had claimed late 2015 that the PKK were hiring foreign national snipers to target civilians and high ranking Military personnel in the same region.[466]

See also


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