Kostas Smoriginas

Kostas Smoriginas (born April 22, 1953) is a Lithuanian theatre and cinema actor and musician.[1]

During 1995-1998, he, together with actors Saulius Bareikis and Olegas Ditkovskis formed a musical group "Actors' Trio" ("Aktorių trio"), toured Lithuania and abroad and released several albums. Since the 2000s he performs solo. [1]


Since 1976 he played in over 40 films, [2] [3] including:


Aktorių trio



  1. 1 2 3 4 "Kostas Smoriginas" at cinema.lt
  2. Костас Сморигинас at kinopoisk.ru
  3. Kostas Smoriginas on IMDb
  4. (in Lithuanian) Laureates list at Lithuanian Culture Ministry website
  5. "Kostas Smoriginas", in: Tarybų Lietuvos enciklopedija (Soviet Lithuanian Encyclopedia), Vilnius, Vyriausioji enciklopedijų redakcija, 1988, vol. 4, p. 49
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