Bronshtein and Semendyayev

Handbook of Mathematics

Bronshtein and Semendyayev, 13rd Russian edition by Nauka (Наука), 1986
Author Ilya Nikolaevich Bronshtein, Konstantin Adolfovic Semendyayev, et al.
Country Russia, Germany
Language Russian, German,[1] Slovenian,[1] Croatian,[1] Serbian,[1] English,[1] Japanese, Spanish, Chinese,[1] Hungarian,[1] Polish[1]
Genre Math
Publication date

Bronshtein and Semendyayev (often just Bronshtein or Bronstein) is the informal name of a comprehensive handbook of fundamental working knowledge of mathematics and table of formulas originally compiled by the Russian mathematician Ilya Nikolaevich Bronshtein and engineer Konstantin Adolfovic Semendyayev.

The work was first published in 1945 in Russia[2] and soon became a "standard" and frequently used guide for scientists, engineers, and technical university students. Over the decades, high popularity and a string of translations, extensions, re-translations and major revisions by various editors led to a complex international publishing history centered around the significantly expanded German version. Legal hurdles following the fall of the Iron Curtain caused the development to split into several independent branches maintained by different publishers and editors to the effect that there are now two considerably different publications associated with the original title – and both of them are available in several languages.

With some slight variations, the English version of the book was originally named A Guide-Book to Mathematics, but changed its name to Handbook of Mathematics. This name is still maintained up to the present by one of the branches. The other line is meanwhile named Users' Guide to Mathematics to help avoid confusion.


Bronshtein and Semendyayev is a comprehensive handbook of fundamental working knowledge of mathematics and table of formulas based on the Russian book Справочник по математике для инженеров и учащихся втузов (Spravochnik po matematike dlya inzhenerov i uchashchikhsya vtuzov, literally: "Handbook of mathematics for engineers and students of technical universities") compiled by the Russian mathematician Ilya Nikolaevich Bronshtein (Russian: Илья Николаевич Бронштейн, German: Ilja Nikolajewitsch Bronstein)[nb 1] and engineer Konstantin Adolfovic Semendyayev (Russian: Константин Адольфович Семендяев, German: Konstantin Adolfowitsch Semendjajew).[2][nb 2]

The scope is the concise discussion of all major fields of applied mathematics by definitions, tables and examples with a focus on practicability and with limited formal rigour. The work also contains a comprehensive list of analytically solvable integrals, that is, those integrals which can be described in closed form with antiderivatives.


The two Russian authors originally wrote the book in 1939/1940.[2] Hot lead typesetting had already started when the Siege of Leningrad prohibited further development and the print matrices were relocated.[2] After the war, they were considered lost, but could be found again years later, so that the first edition of Справочник по математике для инженеров и учащихся втузов could finally be published in 1945.[2][3]

The expanded German translation Taschenbuch der Mathematik (literally: "Pocketbook of mathematics") by Viktor Ziegler[2][3][nb 3] was first published in 1958 by B. G. Teubner in Leipzig.[2][3]

Based on the German translation, an English translation became available as well under the title A Guide-Book to Mathematics in 1964, first by Pergamon Press and The Macmillan Company, later by Springer Verlag and Verlag Harri Deutsch.

In 1966 it became apparent that the title needed considerable updates to meet new requirements.[2] The original authors felt too old to continue the work and the Russian publisher Nauka (Наука) seemed to have had lost interest in the further development as well for some while.[2][3] Therefore, in 1970 a consortium of East-German mathematicians were contracted by Teubner Verlag to start expand and revise the work.[2][3] This was coordinated by Viktor Ziegler,[nb 3] Dorothea Ziegler[nb 4] and Günter Grosche[nb 5] (Universität Leipzig).[2] While Semendyayev contributed some work,[3] he did not want some other new chapters to be included in the manuscript in 1976, therefore they had to be split out into a new volume II.[2] Finally, after almost a decade of work, the major new revision could be published in 1979, legally as a cooperation of Teubner and Nauka (Наука).[2][3]

The reworked two-volume German edition was well received and again became a "standard" in higher mathematics education in Germany.[2] This led to a string of high-volume revisions[2][3][4] and various translations (including into Russian, English, Japanese, and Spanish) to met the international demand. The English version was published by Van Nostrand Reinhold Company and Verlag Harri Deutsch as Handbook of Mathematics.

A decade later the German 'Wende' and the later reunification led to considerable changes in the publishing environment in Germany between 1989 and 1991.[5][6][7][8][9] The East-German publisher Teubner Leipzig was integrated into the West-German publisher Teubner Stuttgart.[10] These changes put an end to the cooperation of the East-German Teubner Verlag with the West-German Verlag Harri Deutsch, who had been licensing this and other titles for distribution in Germany and Switzerland,[3][nb 6] a business model no longer working in a free market. Licensing issues caused the development to split into two independent branches by the two publishing houses:

Verlag Harri Deutsch contracted Gerhard Musiol[nb 7] and Heiner Mühlig[nb 8] to translate[3] the last non-Teubner influenced edition (officially the latest revision (1977)[11] of the third Russian edition (1953),[11] which is actually the eleventh Russian edition (1967)) into German for a major rework of Taschenbuch der Mathematik as a single-volume title.[3] This was first published in 1992/1993. When Verlag Harri Deutsch closed two decades later, Europa-Lehrmittel took over in 2013, and they continue to maintain this work up to the present.[12][13] The new English translation (now by Springer Verlag) is still called Handbook of Mathematics.

In a parallel development, Eberhard Zeidler[nb 9] became editor for the latest existing German edition by Teubner (1990),[3] the version which had previously also been distributed by Verlag Harri Deutsch, and updated it significantly to become the Teubner-Taschenbuch der Mathematik[4] (literally: "Teubner pocketbook of mathematics") for Teubner. This was first published in 1995/1996 – still as a two-volume work. The work was continued by Vieweg+Teubner Verlag after the merger with Vieweg Verlag in 2003. When Vieweg+Teubner was bought by Springer and renamed Springer Vieweg Verlag, several new chapters were added and some more advanced contents stripped out for the single-volume Springer-Taschenbuch der Mathematik (literally: "Springer pocketbook of mathematics") in 2012/2013.[3] This is now accompanied by a completely reworked and considerably expanded four-volume series named Springer-Handbuch der Mathematik (literally: "Springer handbook of mathematics") by Zeidler also based on the former Bronshtein and Semendyayev.[3] So far, this latest revision of the alternative development branch isn't available in English, but volume I of the former Teubner-Taschenbuch der Mathematik has been translated and published by Oxford University Press as Oxford Users' Guide to Mathematics already.


1945–1978: Bronshtein and Semendyayev editions

Russian editions

Authors: Bronshtein, Ilya Nikolaevich (Бронштейн, Илья Николаевич); Semendyayev, Konstantin Adolfovic (Семендяев, Константин Адольфович).[2]

German editions

Authors: Bronshtein, Ilya Nikolaevich; Semendyayev, Konstantin Adolfovic; Miller, Maximilian.[nb 10]
Translator: Ziegler, Viktor.[2][4][nb 3]

Slovenian editions

Translator: Žabkar, Albin

Serbo-Croatian edition

Editor: Blanuša, Danilo.
Translators: Vistrička, Zvonko; Uremović, Ivan

English editions

Translators: Jaworowski, Jan W.; Bleicher, Michael N.

1979–1991: Grosche and Ziegler editions

German editions

Editors: Grosche, Günter;[nb 5] Ziegler, Viktor;[nb 3] Ziegler, Dorothea.[nb 4]
Authors: Beckmann, Peter; Belger, Martin; Benker, Hans; Denkmann, Norbert; Deweß, Monika; Erfurth, Horst; Gentemann, Helmut; Göthner, Peter; Gottwald, Siegfried; Grosche, Günter; Hilbig, Harald; Hofmann, Reinhard; Kästner, Herbert; Purkert, Walter; vom Scheidt, Jürgen; Semendjajew, Konstantin Adolfowitsch; Vettermann, Theodor; Wünsch, Volkmar; Zeidler, Eberhard.[2][4]

Editors: Grosche, Günter; Ziegler, Viktor; Ziegler, Dorothea.
Authors: Bär, Gunter; Deweß, Günter; Deweß, Monika; Gerber, Siegmar; Göhde, Dietrich; Jentsch, Lothar; Miller, Maximilian; Piehler, Joachim; Zeidler, Eberhard.[4]

English editions

Editor: Beckmann, Peter.
Translator: Hirsch, Kurt August

Russian editions

Editors: Grosche, Günter; Ziegler, Viktor; Ziegler, Dorothea.

Japanese editions

Translators: Miyamoto, Toshio (宮本 敏雄); Matsuda, Nobuyuki (松田 信行).

Spanish editions

Editor: Aparicio Bernardo, Emiliano.
Translator: Harding Rojas, Inés.

1995–2013: Zeidler editions

German editions

Editor (part I): Zeidler, Eberhard.[nb 9]
Authors (part I): Hackbusch, Wolfgang; Schwarz, Hans Rudolf; Zeidler, Eberhard.[3][4]

Editors (part II): Grosche, Günter; Ziegler, Viktor; Ziegler, Dorothea; Zeidler, Eberhard.
Authors (part II): Claus, Volker; Deweß, Günter; Deweß, Monika; Diekert, Volker; Fuchssteiner, Benno; Gottwald, Siegfried; Gündel, Susanne; Hoschek, Josef; Olderog, Ernst-Rüdiger; Richter, Michael M.; Schenke, Michael; Widmayer, Peter; Zeidler, Eberhard.[3][4]

Editors: Zeidler, Eberhard.
Authors: Hackbusch, Wolfgang; Hromkovič, Juraj; Luderer, Bernd; Schwarz, Hans Rudolf; Blath, Jochen; Schied, Alexander; Dempe, Stephan; Wanka, Gert; Gottwald, Siegfried; Zeidler, Eberhard.

Editors: Zeidler, Eberhard.
Authors: Hackbusch, Wolfgang; Hromkovič, Juraj; Luderer, Bernd; Schwarz, Hans Rudolf; Blath, Jochen; Schied, Alexander; Dempe, Stephan; Wanka, Gert; Gottwald, Siegfried; Zeidler, Eberhard.

English editions

Editor: Zeidler, Eberhard.
Authors: Hackbusch, Wolfgang; Schwarz, Hans Rudolf; Zeidler, Eberhard.
Translator: Hunt, Bruce.

1992–2016: Musiol and Mühlig editions

German editions

Editors: Musiol, Gerhard;[nb 7] Mühlig, Heiner.[11][nb 8]
Authors: Baumann, Ulrike; Brunner, Jürgen; Flach, Günter; Fleischer, Norbert Mozesovich (Флайшер, Норберт Мозесович); Grauel, Adolf; Reif, Roland; Reitmann, Volker (Райтманн, Фолькер); Steinert, I.; Marsolek, Lothar; Musiol, Gerhard; Mühlig, Heiner; Nickel, Heinz; Weber, Matthias; Ziesche, Paul.[11]

Editors: Musiol, Gerhard;[nb 7] Mühlig, Heiner.[nb 8]
Authors: Baumann, Ulrike; Bernstein, Swanhild; Brand, Joachim; Brunner, Jürgen; Buchleitner, Andreas (CD-ROM only); Flach, Günter; Fleischer, Norbert Mozesovich (Флайшер, Норберт Мозесович); Grauel, Adolf; Reif, Roland; Reitmann, Volker (Райтманн, Фолькер); Rumpf, Benno (CD-ROM only); Steinert, I.; Tiersch, Markus (CD-ROM only); Marsolek, Lothar; Mulansky, Bernd; Musiol, Gerhard; Mühlig, Heiner; Nickel, Heinz; Weber, Matthias; Wellens, Thomas (CD-ROM only); Ziesche, Paul.

Slovenian editions

Contributors: Barbič, Janez; Dolinar, Gregor; Jurčič-Zlobec, Borut; Mramor Kosta, Neža.
Translator: Barbič, Janez.

English editions

Editors: Musiol, Gerhard;[nb 7]Mühlig, Heiner.[nb 8]
Authors: Baumann, Ulrike; Brunner, Jürgen; Flach, Günter; Fleischer, Norbert Mozesovich (Флайшер, Норберт Мозесович); Grauel, Adolf; Reif, Roland; Reitmann, Volker (Райтманн, Фолькер); Steinert, I.; Marsolek, Lothar; Musiol, Gerhard; Mühlig, Heiner; Nickel, Heinz; Weber, Matthias; Ziesche, Paul.
Translator: Szép, Gabriella.

Editors: Musiol, Gerhard;[nb 7] Mühlig, Heiner.[nb 8]
Authors: Baumann, Ulrike; Bernstein, Swanhild; Brand, Joachim; Brunner, Jürgen; Buchleitner, Andreas (CD-ROM only); Flach, Günter; Fleischer, Norbert Mozesovich (Флайшер, Норберт Мозесович); Grauel, Adolf; Reif, Roland; Reitmann, Volker (Райтманн, Фолькер); Rumpf, Benno (CD-ROM only); Steinert, I.; Tiersch, Markus (CD-ROM only); Tóth, János; Marsolek, Lothar; Mulansky, Bernd; Musiol, Gerhard; Mühlig, Heiner; Nickel, Heinz; Weber, Matthias; Wellens, Thomas (CD-ROM only); Ziesche, Paul.

Croatian edition

Serbian edition

Translators: Šućur, Miljenko; Valčić Trkulja, Milena.


Due to Bronshtein and Semendyayev containing a comprehensive table of analytically solvable integrals, integrals are sometimes referred to as being "Bronshtein-integrable" in German universities if they can be looked up in the book (in playful analogy to terms like Riemann-integrability and Lebesgue-integrability).[26]

See also


  1. Ilya Nikolaevich Bronshtein (Илья Николаевич Бронштейн) (1903–1976, GND 104989742, 1089147996) worked on the state's technical university MAMI in Moscow, History of chair of mathematics at MAMI, in Russian
  2. Konstantin Adolfovic Semendyayev (Константин Адольфович Семендяев) (1908–1988, GND 104989750) worked in the department of applied mathematics of the Steklov Institute in Moscow. He carried out pioneering work in the area of numerical weather forecasting in Russia. Russian biography
  3. 1 2 3 4 Viktor Ziegler (1922-02-10, Kurschani to 1980-10-06, Leipzig, Germany).
  4. 1 2 Dorothea Ziegler née Hüttner (1924-06-26, Leipzig to 2013-01-18, Frauwalde), Germany.
  5. 1 2 Günter Grosche (–1998, GND 1014419204), Leipzig, Germany.
  6. 1 2 3 According to DNB-IDN 572534310, 572534353 the distribution license for Verlag Harri Deutsch was for the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) including Berlin (West), as well as for Switzerland, but not for Austria and other German-speaking regions. According to Hans-Joachim Girlich, Edition Leipzig was responsible for distribution to Austria.
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 Gerhard Musiol (*1930-11-26, Deutzen, Germany) Dresden, Germany. GND 106735462, 160023831.
  8. 1 2 3 4 5 Heiner Mühlig (1933–) Burgstädt, Germany. Dresden, Germany. GND 106922890, 1025708008.
  9. 1 2 Eberhard Zeidler (*1940-10-06) Leipzig, Germany. GND 121295869, 1090654693.
  10. 1 2 3 Maximilian Miller (1903–1980, GND 118733966), Dresden, Germany.


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 "2015/2016 Catalogue English version" (PDF). Haan-Gruiten, Germany: Verlag Europa-Lehrmittel Nourney, Vollmer GmbH & Co. KG. 2016-03-31. p. preface, 43. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2016-04-04. Retrieved 2016-04-04. Taschenbuch der Mathematik (Bronstein); Pocket Book of Mathematics; 9th ed, 1280 pp, softcover; Europa-No. 56702; Language: German; Translations available in: Chinese, Croatian, English, Hungarian, Polish, Serbian, Slovenian.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Ziegler, Dorothea (2002-02-21). "Der "Bronstein"". Archiv der Stiftung Benedictus Gotthelf Teubner, Leipzig (in German). Frauwalde, Germany. Archived from the original on 2016-03-25. Retrieved 2016-03-25.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Girlich, Hans-Joachim (March 2014). "Von Pascals Repertorium zum Springer-Taschenbuch der Mathematik – über eine mathematische Bestsellerserie" [From Pascal's finding aid to Springer's pocketbook of mathematics – about a bestseller series in mathematics] (PDF) (in German) (preprint ed.). Leipzig, Germany: University of Leipzig, Mathematisches Institut. DNB-IDN 1052022731. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2016-04-06. Retrieved 2016-04-06.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Weiß, Jürgen (2002-03-21). "Teubner-Einzeltitel" [Individual Teubner titles] (in German). Leipzig, Germany: Edition am Gutenbergplatz Leipzig (EAGLE). Archived from the original on 2016-03-31. Retrieved 2016-03-31.
  5. de Frondeville, Elisabeth (1992). Die Auswirkungen der deutschen Wiedervereinigung auf die Buchverlage der ehemaligen DDR (1.1.1990–1.9.1991) [Consequences of the German reunification for the publishing houses of the former GDR (1990-01-01 to 1991-09-01)] (Thesis) (in German) (1 ed.). Paris, France: Université de Paris VIII, Départment d'Etudes Germaniques. OCLC 489866216. SUDOC 011493771. DNB-IDN 1045409294. Retrieved 2016-03-31. (NB. This publication is the author's master thesis under Le Rider, Jacques and Mortier, Jean at the Université de Paris VIII in 1992.)
  6. Rumland, Marie-Kristin (1993) [1992]. Veränderungen im Verlagswesen und Buchhandel der ehemaligen DDR 1989–1991 [Changes in the publishing and bookselling business of the former GDR 1989–1991]. Deutsches Bucharchiv München (Thesis). Buchwissenschaftliche Beiträge aus dem Deutschen Bucharchiv München (in German). 44. Foreword by Swierk, Alfred G. (1 ed.). Wiesbaden, Germany: Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. ISBN 3-447-03419-X. ISSN 0724-7001. OCLC 30837656. ISBN 978-3-447-03419-7. DNB-IDN 931326907. Retrieved 2016-03-28. (NB. This book is based on the author's magister thesis (OCLC 758411591) at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg in 1992. According to Christoph Links this work contains a number of factual errors.)
  7. Elteste, Babette (1994). Die Neugestaltung des Verlagswesens in den Neuen Bundesländern [Reshaping of the publishing business in the new federal states of Germany] (Thesis) (in German) (1 ed.). Munich, Germany. OCLC 724083472. DNB-IDN 1000126986. (NB. This publication is the author's diplom thesis at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.)
  8. Reich, Regine (1997-06-08) [1996]. Zur Konkurrenzfähigkeit ostdeutscher Buchverlage auf dem gesamtdeutschen Markt: Eine Untersuchung der Verlage Aufbau, Reclam Leipzig und Fachbuchverlag [On the competitiveness of East-German book publishing houses on the total German market: Research on publishing houses Aufbau, Reclam Leipzig and Fachbuchverlag] (Thesis) (in German) (1 ed.). (Diplomica Verlag) / Bod Third Party Titles. ISBN 3-8324-0065-6. ISBN 978-3-8324-0065-1 ( ISBN 3-8386-0065-7 / ISBN 978-3-8386-0065-9 (Bod Third Party Titles). DNB-IDN 1051604672. Retrieved 2016-03-31. (NB. This book is based on the author's magister thesis at Leuphana Universität Lüneburg in 1996.)
  9. Krämer, Heinrich (2003-03-17) [2003-02-21]. "Die Wiedervereinigung der Verlagsfirmen B. G. Teubner in Stuttgart und Leipzig 1991: "Sonderlösung Teubner"" [The reunification of the publishers B. G. Teubner in Stuttgart and Leipzig 1991: "Special solution Teubner"]. Archiv der Stiftung Benedictus Gotthelf Teubner, Leipzig (in German). Schwieberdingen, Germany. Archived from the original on 2016-04-03. Retrieved 2016-04-02.
  10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bronstein, Ilja Nikolajewitsch (Бронштейн, Илья Николаевич); Semendjajew, Konstantin Adolfowitsch (Семендяев, Константин Адольфович); Baumann, Ulrike; Brunner, Jürgen; Flach, Günter; Fleischer, Norbert Mozesovich (Флайшер, Норберт Мозесович); Grauel, Adolf; Reif, Roland; Reitmann, Volker (Райтманн, Фолькер); Steinert, I.; Marsolek, Lothar; Musiol, Gerhard; Mühlig, Heiner; Nickel, Heinz; Weber, Matthias; Ziesche, Paul (1993). "Foreword". In Musiol, Gerhard; Mühlig, Heiner. Taschenbuch der Mathematik [Pocketbook of mathematics] (in German) (1st completely revised ed.). Verlag Harri Deutsch. ISBN 3-8171-2001-X. ISBN 978-3-8171-2001-7. […] Warum also eine Neubearbeitung auf der Basis der letzten russischen Ausgabe(∗), die bis 1977 erschien? Abgesehen von verlagsrechtlichen Gründen wird mit der vorliegenden Neubearbeitung vor allem das Ziel verfolgt, dem "Bronstein" einen zeitgerechten praxisnahen Bezug zu geben, wie ihn zahlreiche befragte Nutzer sich wünschen. Besonderer Dank gilt dem russischen Originalverlag FIZMATLIT und den Rechtsnachfolgern der Originalautoren dafür, dass sie die Zustimmung zur notwendigen Anpassung an die heutigen Ansprüche des Nutzerkreises und der damit verbundenen freien Überarbeitung gaben. […] (*)Fußnote: Der Neuübersetzung des russischsprachigen Originals liegt die 3. Auflage (Moskau 1953) zu Grunde.
  11. "Verlag Harri Deutsch gibt aktives Verlagsgeschäft auf / Europa Lehrmittel übernimmt" [Verlag Harri Deutsch stops active publishing business / Europa Lehrmittel takes over]. BuchMarkt (in German). BuchMarkt Verlag K. Werner GmbH. 2013-05-17. Archived from the original on 2016-03-28. Retrieved 2016-03-28.
  12. "Harri Deutsch Verlag beendet Verlagsgeschäft – Europa-Lehrmittel übernimmt Verlagsrechte" [Verlag Harri Deutsch stops publishing activities – Europa-Lehrmittel takes over publishing rights]. Börsenblatt (in German). Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels. 2013-05-21. Archived from the original on 2016-03-25. Retrieved 2016-03-25.
  13. 1 2 3 Steen, Lynn Arthur (October 1986). "Central section: General, L**. Handbook of Mathematics". Telegraphic ReviewsThe American Mathematical Monthly. Mathematical Association of America. 93 (8): C65–C72. JSTOR 2322325. Handbook of Mathematics. I. N. Bronshtein, K. A. Semendyayev. Transl: K. A. Hirsch. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985, xv+973 pp, $37.95 (P). ISBN 0-442-21171-6. English translation of a 1978 East German revision of a 1957 Russian handbook.
  14. Ostebee, Arnold (December 1997). "Reference, P, L. Handbook of Mathematics". Telegraphic ReviewsThe American Mathematical Monthly. Mathematical Association of America. 104 (10): 992–997. JSTOR 2974497. Handbook of Mathematics. I. N. Bronshtein, K. A. Semendyayev. Transl: K. A. Hirsch. Springer-Verlag, 1997, xv+973 pp, $57. ISBN 3-540-62130-X Reprint of the revised third edition (TR, October 1986).
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