List of secondary doctors in ''ER''

This is a partial list of fictional characters in the medical drama ER.

Donald Anspaugh

Donald Anspaugh
First appearance October 3, 1996 (Episode: Let the Games Begin)
Last appearance October 9, 2008 (Episode: Another Thursday at County)
Portrayed by John Aylward
Nickname(s) Uncle Donny
Gender Male
Occupation Cardiothoracic Surgeon
Title Surgical Attending (1996-2008)
Chief of Staff (1996-1999, 2006-2009)
Family Sister (unknown name)
Simon Brenner (nephew)
Spouse(s) A wife (deceased)
Children Scott (deceased) and Evette

Donald Anspaugh is a recurring character, a surgeon working at County General as well as the Chief of Staff and a member of the hospital board. The character was appointed County General's new Chief of Staff after South Side closed and merged with County. In his early appearances, Anspaugh was portrayed as a by-the-book doctor. In season four it is revealed that his son Scott (portrayed by Trevor Morgan) has B-cell lymphoma. The cancer had previously gone into remission but has come back. Scott wants to give up and it is only through a personal connection with Jeanie Boulet in the ER that his spirits are raised. Noticing how well Boulet and his son relate, Anspaugh asks Jeanie to be his son's part-time private care giver. She agrees and a deep friendship develops between Scott and Jeanie. Scott eventually dies.

In 1999 Anspaugh resigned as Chief of Staff because of his son's death and was replaced by Robert Romano. He remained both a surgeon and a leading board member but his exact position wasn't specified for several seasons. He, along with Peter Benton, succeeds in saving John Carter's life after he and medical student Lucy Knight were stabbed by a patient. Anspaugh was present during Carter's intervention meeting when Carter's drug addiction after his stabbing was discovered at the end of season 6. At the end of season 8, he was among those who paid their respects at Mark Greene's funeral and assisted in the smallpox evacuation, trying to save Dr. Romano from losing his arm. Toward the end of Season 9, Anspaugh fired Romano over his insubordinate attitude and gave Kerry the job. In season 11's episode 19, Anspaugh's job again seems to morph; he describes himself to Abby Lockhart as "the chief of surgery." He also participated in Susan Lewis' tenure-review panel. Anspaugh later resurfaced in Season 12 to deal with the lawsuit issue caused by Clemente. In the second episode of season 13, Kerry herself told him that it was her fault that Clemente kept working at County as long as he did, despite concerns from the staff and mishaps before. Dr. Anspaugh was originally going to fire Luka Kovac until Weaver spoke up. Afterwards, he immediately decided to relieve Dr. Weaver of her position of Chief of Staff, which he took over himself until a full-time successor was found. In Season 14, Greg Pratt appealed to Dr. Anspaugh to have him replace Kevin Moretti as Chief of Emergency Medicine, a proposal that the doctor still didn't accept despite Pratt's persistent efforts, citing Pratt's lack of leadership initiative and youth. He opted to promote Skye Wexler instead. Dr. Anspaugh is seen throughout season 14, interviewing Dr. Pratt for the Chief's job, promoting Dr. Wexler and informing the ER of Dr. Moretti's departure and later meeting with Abby Lockhart and the rest of the board after her rehab stint. He then met with her again when she interviewed for an Attending position.

Dr. Anspaugh was portrayed by John Aylward.

Victor Clemente

Victor Clemente
First appearance October 20, 2005 (Episode: Wake Up)
Last appearance May 11, 2006 (Episode: The Gallant Hero & the Tragic Victor)
Portrayed by John Leguizamo
Gender Male
Occupation ER Physician
Title ER Attending (2005-2006)

Victor Clemente first appears in the 250th episode of ER, "Wake Up", as a new attending physician from Newark who is seeking the Chief of Emergency Medicine position vacated by Susan Lewis and attempting to introduce modern equipment and diagnostics to the ER. He enters the series in an unusual way, by posing as a patient. This causes confusion and some irritation from doctors Abby Lockhart, Archie Morris, Gregory Pratt and especially Luka Kovač. Clemente and Luka clash over just about every case that comes through the ER, and Luka is so annoyed by Clemente that he decides to seek the ER Chief job for himself. Luka's main complaint with Clemente is that, regardless of whether Clemente is right or not, he will take the initiative on procedures whether he has the approval/opinion of other Attendings. Even if everyone working on a patient is against Clemente, he always seems to get away with it because Kerry Weaver (who hired him) likes his credentials. In the end, Kovač does become Chief, after which Clemente claims to have earlier decided not to seek the position, citing time constraints; Luka nonetheless takes steps to rein in Clemente's independent streak. The audience soon learns that Victor is not the consummate professional he was originally portrayed as. Clemente's former girlfriend Jodie (portrayed by Callie Thorne), whose relationship with Victor in Newark caused unspecified problems that Kerry Weaver said were not his fault, tracks him down to Chicago and initiates a new relationship between them. This causes Clemente to become careless and even miss work to stay with her. Eventually, Jodie's controlling husband Bobby (a violent police officer who apparently beats her) appears in his apartment. He shoots both Clemente and Jodie after Jodie asks for a divorce. Clemente has relatively minor injuries while Jodie ends up in a coma, but he becomes the prime suspect of shooting her and himself due to the cocaine found in his apartment and the fact that records in New Jersey show that Jodie's husband supposedly worked on the day of the shooting. Clemente is subjected to drug tests and is kept under close watch by Luka Kovač and other staff; Luka wants him gone but neither he nor Kerry take any steps to fire Victor from his job.

Jodie does survive and gets Clemente out of trouble by telling the cops what really occurred, but more problems occur when Bobby continues to harass Clemente by phone, stalk him by car, leave threats and make other comments to him. The comments indicate that he had tried to frame Clemente for an unspecified crime in Newark. In the episode "The Gallant Hero and the Tragic Victor", Clemente finally succumbs to the troubles plaguing him. Clemente's behavior includes relieving himself in public, property damage, and threats of violence. He is hospitalized at County and medically classified as being in an altered psychiatric state. A psychiatric consultant rules his peculiar behavior is caused by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or sleep deprivation, presumably from his vigilance in avoiding his stalker. In the Season 12 finale "Twenty-One Guns," Luka Kovač states that Clemente has finally been fired from his position at County, and Kerry faces stern questions from Dr. Anspaugh when a former patient files a lawsuit against Clemente and he is listed on a medical watchdog website as a bad doctor, leading to her initially throwing Luka under the bus (to his visible disbelief). When the board plans to fire Luka over his Kerry-insinuated negligence in Clemente's hiring and terrible history at County, Kerry admits she was responsible for those problems, and is demoted from her Chief of Staff position as a result of that, which also contributed into her departure from the ER altogether in Season 13.

Dr. Clemente was portrayed by John Leguizamo.

Janet Coburn

Janet Coburn
First appearance March 7, 1995 (Episode: Love's Labor Lost)
Last appearance January 22, 2009 (Episode: Love Is a Battlefield)
Portrayed by Amy Aquino
Gender Female
Occupation Obstetrician
Title head of Obstetrics

Janet Coburn is the head of the OB department at County General Hospital, serving in that position throughout the entire run of the series (although her character appears in only 26 episodes of the show's 15 seasons). Coburn is frequently portrayed in some kind of conflict with the ER staff, most notably in her first appearance in season 1 when Mark Greene mis-diagnosed Jodi O'Brien who later died as a result. Her other appearances often revolve around the various pregnancies of different characters in the show, including Carol Hathaway, Elizabeth Corday-Greene, Chloe Lewis, and Abby Lockhart. Coburn later in the series revealed she once had a drinking problem and has since become Abby's Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor; she acts as both a no-nonsense mentor and a friend to Abby through the series. Coburn convinced Abby to get back into a program after she started drinking again, and also convinced her to fly to Croatia to make amends with Luka after revealing she was unfaithful. Dr. Coburn later appeared in season 15 to assist Dr. Rasgotra with a pregnant patient, and advise Dr. Banfield on IVF treatment.

Janet Coburn was portrayed by Amy Aquino.

Maggie Doyle

Maggie Doyle
First appearance October 10, 1996 (Episode: Don't Ask, Don't Tell)
Last appearance March 25, 1999 (Episode: Sticks and Stones)
Portrayed by Jorja Fox
Gender Female
Occupation ER resident
Title ER Intern (1996-1997)
ER Resident (1997-1999)

Maggie Doyle was an intern during season 3 and a resident during seasons 4 and 5. Maggie's older sister (by three years) is identified as a former classmate of Carol Hathaway in a Catholic school. In the ER, she became friends with John Carter, who became attracted to her, but it is later revealed that she is a lesbian. During season 5, she accuses (correctly) Dr. Romano of sexual harassment. She asked Elizabeth Corday to back her up, but Corday refused when Romano blackmailed her using some personal information. Kerry Weaver started an investigation and forced Romano to retract an inaccurate, critical review of Maggie's job performance, but this did not prevent Maggie from leaving the ER. Her absence from the show was not explained, but in the season 7 episode "Rampage" when Weaver & Romano were arguing over Dr. Legaspi's termination, Weaver suggested that Maggie Doyle was forced out due to Romano's dislike (which he never directly admitted to) of gay people. Doyle could have left her job in the ER after the mess of the sexual harassment lawsuit she had on Romano was never going to be pursued.

9 years later in the season 15 episode "The Book of Abby", long-serving nurse Haleh Adams shows the departing Abby Lockhart a closet wall where all the past doctors and employees have put their locker name tags. Amongst them, the tag "Doyle" can be seen, the only former doctor on the wall to have not been a main character.

Dr. Doyle was portrayed by Jorja Fox. In real life, Fox left ER because she kept getting larger roles on successful drama shows, starting with The West Wing and peaking with her work as Sara Sidle on the hit show CBS drama CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.

Lucien Dubenko

Lucien Dubenko
First appearance October 14, 2004 (Episode: Try Carter)
Last appearance March 19, 2009 (Episode: Shifting Equilibrium)
Portrayed by Leland Orser
Nickname(s) Dr. Hair (given by Sam)
Gender Male
Occupation General Surgeon

Surgical Attending (2004)

Chief of Surgery (2004-2009)
Spouse(s) ex-wife
Relatives older sister Victoria

Lucien Dubenko is the current Chief of Surgery. He was first introduced shortly before Elizabeth Corday departed, as an arrogant but obviously talented surgeon, bragging about, and then showing his ability to run the bowel with a laparoscope. Dr. Corday bitterly protests his hiring to Kerry Weaver but presents no real reason for her hostility and leaves Kerry confused and annoyed about why Corday "is taking this so personally". Corday's anger causes her to conduct an illegal organ transplant between two HIV+ men, which leads to her being reprimanded and being forced to take a demotion. Corday eventually quits the hospital altogether, though Dubenko praises her actions in doing the transplant. Dubenko is portrayed as a very dedicated and talented surgeon, with a keen interest in medical science, lecturing the interns on physiology. Dubenko becomes friends with residents Abby Lockhart and Neela Rasgotra, and later seems to fall for both of them, most notably Neela after she becomes a surgical intern. He did his trauma fellowship at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD.[1] Due to his connections, he helps Tony Gates get a 13-year-old ICU patient into a clinical trial there. He has an older sister named Victoria who lives in an assisted-care facility in Evanston, IL because she was in a car crash on prom night caused by her drunken teenage boyfriend that left her with brain damage at age 17. He was 15 at the time.[2] He mentions an ex-wife.[3] After he discovers he has prostate cancer in Season 12, he asks Abby to have sex with him to make sure he is fully functioning after surgery, but reacts with equanimity when she declines the offer. During Luka and Abby's wedding, he asks Luka to take care of Abby. He was involved in a "friends with benefits" relationship with new ER Chief Dr. Skye Wexler, which later ended after he lashed out at her for excluding him from her life and accused her of being a slut. He later resigned in protest over the death of patient Sheryl Hawkins, when he had to leave the OR and leave Dr. Rasgotra (Junior Resident) to finish the operation, because he was the only surgical attending available in the hospital, this outburst enraged Dr. Anspaugh during the M&M. Efforts by Neela and Simon Brenner led to his return in Season 15, and he later justly criticized Neela for her dismissive attitude towards teaching surgical residents by giving her the choice of doing her job well or getting the hell out of County (she took the former path, and her leaving later that year was for unrelated personal reasons). Although arrogant and awkward in social situations (partly because he talks too much about research topics, usually in medical jargon), Dubenko is a dedicated and effective teacher and shows compassion towards his patients when he can.

Dr. Dubenko is portrayed by Leland Orser.

Preceded by
Elizabeth Corday
Chief of Surgery
Succeeded by

Angela Hicks

Angela Hicks
First appearance December 8, 1994 (Episode: Blizzard)
Last appearance October 2, 1997 (Episode: Something New)
Portrayed by CCH Pounder
Gender Female
Occupation General Surgeon
Title Surgical Attending (1994-1997)
Spouse(s) Unknown
Children Unknown son

Angela Hicks arrived in the Season One episode "Blizzard", and had to start working immediately because of a blizzard which led to many patients visiting the ER. She worked at County General between 1994 and 1997 and gave both Peter Benton and John Carter advice in many aspects. Dr. Hicks' absence was never explained, although she was virtually sidelined after John Carter left her team to transfer to Emergency Medicine and Peter Benton left to join Romano's team instead. Though she stopped appearing her locker could still be seen in the background for a few more years.

Dr. Hicks was portrayed by CCH Pounder.

Jack Kayson

Jack Kayson
First appearance September 29, 1994 (Episode: Going Home)
Last appearance October 25, 2007 (Episode: Under the Influence)
Portrayed by Sam Anderson
Gender Male
Occupation Cardiologist
Title Chief of Cardiology (1994-2007)
Spouse(s) A wife (name unknown)
Children Possible

Jack Kayson is the chief of Cardiology and member of the hospital board. He usually appears in board discussions, and is sometimes called down to the ER for cardiology consults. He has at times, been shown doing procedures in the cardio cath lab. He is easily angered when residents in the ER question his medical decisions. In the first season, Kayson had a disagreement with Susan Lewis about the treatment a patient should receive who had a myocardial infarction. Susan tries to give the patient the correct treatment but he overrules her, the patient dies, and Kayson later hauls Susan in front of a hospital review board—only to see the board largely side with her and chastise him for his behavior. Later Kayson is admitted with the classic signs of an acute myocardial infarction and Susan gives him the treatment he wants and eventually saves his life. After this, Kayson asks Susan to be his Valentine's date, but Susan declines. He later clashed with med student Michael Gallant over the death of a hypochondriac and tried but failed to stop Dr. Greg Pratt from helping treat desk clerk Frank after he suffered a massive heart attack. Dr. Kayson later returns twice in season 11, in which he is on the Hospital Board that investigates Dr. Elizabeth Corday. Then later returns to treat patient Jules "Ruby" Rubadoux with Dr. Anspaugh. Dr. Kayson is not seen again until season 14 in which he misdiagnoses a patient and argues with Dr. Gates.

Dr. Kayson is portrayed by Sam Anderson.

Abby Keaton

Abby Keaton
First appearance October 10, 1996 (Episode: Don't Ask, Don't Tell)
Last appearance January 16, 1997 (Episode: Night Shift)
Portrayed by Glenne Headly
Gender Female
Occupation Pediatric Surgeon
Title Surgical Attending (1996-1997)

Abby Keaton was a pediatric surgeon from Southside Hospital reassigned to County when Southside closed. She supervises a pediatric surgical rotation with Dr. Benton. Eventually, she begins a clandestine relationship with Dr. Carter, but their relationship ends when Keaton leaves for a volunteer mission to teach Pakistani surgeons.

Dr. Keaton is portrayed by Glenne Headly.

Gabriel Lawrence

Gabriel Lawrence
First appearance October 14, 1999 (Episode: Greene with Envy)
Last appearance November 18, 1999 (Episode: Humpty Dumpty)
Portrayed by Alan Alda
Gender Male
Occupation ER Physician
Title Senior ER Attending (1999)
Spouse(s) Divorced
Children At least one son

Gabriel Lawrence is Kerry Weaver's mentor. She hired him as the new Senior Attending Physician in the ER at County General. During his brief appearance, Dr. Lawrence shares his experiences with the members of the ER staff. It quickly becomes apparent that Lawrence is in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease. Mark Greene's well-founded suspicions are mistaken for jealousy, and Lucy Knight's notice of this is also dismissed by John Carter. At first Lawrence does not want to admit to what is happening, but the signs of his mental deterioration soon become readily apparent. These include sudden bursts of irritability, being unable to find the right word, leaving his reading glasses in the lounge freezer, and looking for his car on the wrong floor of the parking garage. After Greene stages a scene with a fake ER patient to point out these problems, Lawrence realizes he has no choice but to retire. He makes amends with his son in California, and goes to live with him. As he waits for his son to pick him up, he gets the chance to make one more diagnosis and save one last life—a patient with a rare case of strychnine poisoning that had baffled other ER physicians.

Lawrence was portrayed by Alan Alda. At one point he mentions that he worked for the U.S. Army, a nod to Alda's role as Hawkeye Pierce in M*A*S*H. Alda received an Emmy nomination for his portrayal but lost it to James Whitmore (for his role on The Practice.)[4] Alda said that his great experience working with John Wells in the role of Lawrence led him to accept the role of Arnold Vinick on Seasons 6 and 7 of The West Wing.

Amanda Lee

Amanda Lee
First appearance November 12, 1998 (Episode: Hazed and Confused)
Last appearance January 7, 1999 (Episode: Nobody Doesn't Like Amanda Lee)
Portrayed by Mare Winningham
Gender Female
Occupation Con-Artist
Title Chief of Emergency Medicine (1998-1999)

Amanda Lee joined the staff of County General Hospital as the new Chief of Emergency Medicine, replacing Dr. Kerry Weaver, who had been interim chief in the wake of Dr. David Morgenstern's retirement following his heart attack. While she appeared normal on the outside, it became clear that Lee had serious emotional instabilities. In particular, she obsessed over Dr. Mark Greene, writing erotic stories featuring him, stealing his gloves and lab coat, and decorating her Christmas tree with twin heart-shaped ornaments bearing their faces. It also seemed that she confabulated quite extensively; several times, she mentioned a major incident in her life in response to someone confiding a similar incident to her.

Dr. Greene became suspicious after he could not verify Lee's claim - one of her confabulations - that she had published an article in a Cornell University publication while still a third-year student. A copy obtained online attributed the article to "A.W. Lee" and pictured an Asian male in his 40s; Lee claimed he was a classmate that she was often confused with and that the following month's publication had corrected the error. When Greene attempted to check out the original journals from the hospital library to review additional articles written by Dr. A.W. Lee, he found that they had been checked out. In fact, Lee herself checked them out and removed the three articles with a razor.

After intercepting a message from Cornell University for Mark - he had been trying to verify whether or not Lee actually had graduated from there - Lee snapped. She locked Mark in the CT scanner room when he was calming a patient suffering from agoraphobia after her CT scans. Lee accused Mark of being uncaring and hateful, then removed her lab coat and fled. By the time the CT technician returned from lunch, Lee was long gone. Upon contacting the authorities, the hospital learned that "Dr." Lee had never graduated but had obtained a residency using the credentials of the same A. W. Lee whose journal articles she claimed to have written. It was also mentioned that she has had other names and professions such as lawyer and architect by pulling the same scams she did in order to be a doctor.

She was portrayed by actress Mare Winningham.

Preceded by
Kerry Weaver (Acting/Interim)
Chief of Emergency Medicine
Succeeded by
Donald Anspaugh

Kim Legaspi

Kim Legaspi
First appearance October 26, 2000 (Episode: Mars Attacks)
Last appearance May 17, 2001 (Episode: Rampage)
Portrayed by Elizabeth Mitchell
Gender Female
Occupation Psychiatrist

Kim Legaspi first appears in season 7 and is introduced as a psychiatrist. Kim later gets involved in a friendship with Kerry Weaver that turns into more than a friendship after Kerry realizes she is a lesbian. Their relationship does not last long because Kerry is in the closet and uncomfortable at being in public with Kim. When Kim is falsely accused of sexual misconduct on a case, Dr. Romano leads a witch hunt and Kerry does not support Kim, leading Kim to break off their relationship. Kerry later tries to reconnect with Kim but Kim had moved on to a new partner. In the season 7 finale "Rampage", Dr. Romano fires Kim when she doesn't immediately answer a bogus page from him, and later cites more bogus reasons for terminating her to an aghast Kerry Weaver. Though Kerry comes out to Romano and says she'll fight him over his treatment of Kim, it's revealed in the Season 8 premiere that Kim quit at County and took a new position in San Francisco.

Dr. Legaspi was portrayed by Elizabeth Mitchell.

Kevin Moretti

Kevin Moretti
First appearance May 10, 2007 (Episode: Sea Change)
Last appearance May 15, 2008 (Episode: The Chicago Way)
Portrayed by Stanley Tucci
Occupation ER Physician

Chief of Intensive Care Unit (?-2007)

Chief of Emergency Medicine (2007)
Children One Son, Brian

Kevin Moretti was Chief of Emergency Medicine, sarcastically dubbed 'Mussolini' by Abby Lockhart for his Italian surname and stern manner of running the ER in order to maximize efficiency. Following the departure of Dr. Kerry Weaver and the resignation of Dr. Luka Kovač, Dr. Kevin Moretti is moved from the intensive-care unit to take charge of the ER. His early appearances provoke much conflict with the ER Staff, particularly Abby and Pratt who find his "style" to be harsh and abrasive. Despite this, he proves to be intelligent and quite adept at attending/diagnosing patients, and (at least initially) his system seems to work. During a blackout-ridden Chicago night, he and Abby have an alcohol-fueled one night stand. After having a difficult visit from his troubled son, he finds out the son is having serious problems at college and takes personal leave to go help him. He intended his absence to be temporary, but it later proved to be permanent and Dr. Skye Wexler was appointed acting chief in his stead. Dr. Moretti later returns in the Season 14 Finale and apologizes separately to Abby and Luka for his role in their marital crisis. Abby is nonplussed by his explanation and doesn't talk very long to him, while Luka listens to Moretti's apology and then punches him in the jaw. Moretti remarks, "I guess I had that coming." as Luka walks away.

Dr. Moretti was portrayed by Stanley Tucci.

Preceded by
Luka Kovač
Chief of Emergency Medicine
Succeeded by
Skye Wexler

David Morgenstern

David Morgenstern
First appearance September 19, 1994 (Pilot: 24 Hours)
Last appearance February 5, 2009 (Episode: A Long, Strange Trip)
Portrayed by William H. Macy
Gender Male
Occupation General Surgeon
Title Chief of Surgery & Emergency Medicine (1994-1998)
Spouse(s) Unknown
Children Unknown

David Morgenstern was the chief of surgery and head of the ER until 1998 when he resigns shortly after he has a heart attack. His background was a combination of Scottish and Russian-Jewish.

Morgenstern first arrived at County in 1968 as a volunteer in his pre-med days. He was mentored by Dr. Oliver Kosten, a young ER physician whose visions of better patient care eventually translated into an expanded and more functional ER.

David Morgenstern is responsible for a sage piece of advice that has been handed down throughout the series. In the pilot episode, when Julianna Margulies's character, nurse Carol Hathaway, is brought to the hospital with a drug overdose, Morgenstern tells Dr. Greene (Anthony Edwards) that he needs to "set the tone" to get the unit through the difficulty of treating one of its own. "You set the tone" is repeated several times in the series, once jokingly by Doug Ross (George Clooney) to Greene and at two other key moments. When Greene, dying from a brain tumor, leaves the ER for the last time, he tells Dr. Carter (Noah Wyle), "You set the tone, Carter.", a moment that represented the passing of the torch. And a few seasons later, in Carter's farewell episode, he passes a drunk and nauseated Dr. Morris (Scott Grimes), a notoriously bumbling character on the show, and tells him, "You set the tone, Morris." to which an ailing Morris replies, "What?" Carter, realizing that Morris is, to say the least, not cut out of the mold of Morgenstern and Greene, smiles and tells him, "Never mind." But in Season 15, he returns to find that Morris has indeed taken up responsibility and leadership among his fellow physicians.

Dr. Morgenstern worked at County General Hospital until 1998 after he made a mistake during a surgery and tried to make Dr. Peter Benton the scapegoat. After Benton was suspended, Morgenstern admitted the truth to the hospital and told it to Benton in County's parking lot and resigned because the incident showed "I'm not a very great man, and that's what I need to work on."

Morgenstern returned to the ER in 2009 when his mentor, Dr. Kosten, wanders from his nursing home and returns to the ER he was instrumental in building. Morgenstern reveals to the current ER staff the dramatic impact his mentor had on himself as well as on the entire hospital.

The character was portrayed by William H. Macy.

Preceded by
Chief of Surgery
Succeeded by
Donald Anspaugh
Preceded by
Chief of Emergency Medicine
Succeeded by
Kerry Weaver

Skye Wexler

Skye Wexler
First appearance November 1, 2007 (Episode: The Test)
Last appearance April 24, 2008 (Episode: Truth Will Out)
Portrayed by Kari Matchett
Gender Female
Occupation ER Physician
Title Acting Chief of Emergency Medicine (2007-2008)

Skye Wexler was a locum hired by Dr. Kevin Moretti to help alleviate the staff situation. Initially, Skye was only in Chicago for a few months earning some extra money to fund a surfing trip. But following Moretti's sudden departure, communication in the ER broke down and Skye spoke up that a new chief was needed right away. Much to her surprise, not to mention Pratt's, Anspaugh appointed Skye as the temporary head of the ER. Skye told Anspaugh that she did not want that job as she was not planning on staying in Chicago but Anspaugh pointed out that she was the most qualified member of staff and gave her an ultimatum: all or nothing. Following Skye's promotion, Pratt considered handing in his notice feeling undervalued but later changed his mind. Skye later got involved in a "friends with benefits" relationship with Dr. Lucien Dubenko. The relationship with Lucien ended due to his jealousy when Skye begins a friendship with ladies man Dr. Simon Brenner and also when she kept dismissing his efforts to become more involved in her non-sexual social life.

Dr. Wexler is portrayed by Kari Matchett.

Preceded by
Kevin Moretti
Chief of Emergency Medicine
Succeeded by
Catherine Banfield

Other doctors and medical students

This is a partial list of other doctors and medical students, with the name of the actors that have portrayed them as well as the year(s) in which they participated in the series.


  1. "Officer Down". ER. Season 14. Episode 3.
  2. "City of Mercy". ER. Season 13. Episode 11.
  3. "I Do". ER. Season 12. Episode 9.
  4. "The 51st Annual Emmy Awards". The Internet Movie Database. Retrieved June 19, 2008.
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