Kheri Naudh Singh

Kheri Naudh Singh is a village in the Indian state of Punjab. The village is a political division of district Fatehgarh Sahib and tehsile Khamano. Kheri Naudh Singh has population of 1,076 with 565 male and 511 female(Census 2011) and a total area of 155 hectares. This village is also known as the center point for three cities, Khanna, Khamano and Sirhind, this small town is connected with major roads from khanna to Kheri and Bhadla to Kheri Naudh Singh. Punjab Roadways and P.T.U. transit also conduct their buses to this town connecting it to Ropar and capital city Chandigarh. This village was established by King Naudh Singh and this is the reason behind its name. The king Naudh Singh's fort is maintained in good condition in the town. It is a local town for other villages; there are educational institutes and some government related offices to help people when they need it.there are many things to do in the village as the current or previous mayors of the village don't have any interest getting new projects to the village and there is very low maintenance of the cleanliness.[1]


Census India,

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