Gilles Kepel

Gilles Kepel

Gilles Kepel at Chatham House in 2012
Born (1955-06-30) 30 June 1955
Paris, France
Nationality French
Fields Political science,
Institutions Paris Institute of Political Studies,
Institut Universitaire de France,
London School of Economics,
New York University,
Columbia University,
Thesis Le Prophète et le Pharaon (1984)
Known for Political Islam and Arab World

Gilles Kepel, (born June 30, 1955) is a French political scientist and Arabist, specialized in the contemporary Middle East and Muslims in the West.[1][2] He is Professor at the Paris Institute for Political Studies (Sciences Po) and director of the Middle East and Mediterranean Chair at Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL) Research University, based at Ecole Normale Supérieure. He has been described as “the best possible guide through the frightening labyrinth of militant Islam.”[3]


Originally trained as a classicist, he started to study Arabic after a journey to the Levant in 1974. He first graduated in Philosophy and English,[4] then completed his Arabic language studies at the French Institute in Damascus (1977–78), and received his degree from Sciences Po in 1980.[4] He specialized in contemporary Islamist movements, and spent three years at the French Research Center in Egypt (CEDEJ) where he did the fieldwork for his PhD[2] (defended 1983) on “Islamist movements in Egypt”,[5] which would be translated and published in the UK in 1985 as his first English book as The Prophet and Pharaoh (US : Muslim Extremism in Egypt, 1986). This was the first book in any language to analyze contemporary Islamist militancy, and it remains a standard reader to this day in universities worldwide.[6]

After his return to France, where he became a Researcher at CNRS (France National Research Faculty) he investigated the developments of Islam as a social and political phenomenon in this country, which led to his Banlieues de l’Islam[7] (not translated) book (1987), a primer on studies of Islam in the West. He then turned to the compared study of political-religious movements in Islam, Judaism and Christianity, and published in 1991 The Revenge of God,[8] a best-selling book which was translated in 19 languages.[9]

A Visiting Professor at New York University in 1993, he also did fieldwork among Black Muslims in the U.S., which would be compared which phenomena pertaining to the Rushdie Affair in the UK and the Hijab affairs in France, and lead to his Allah in the West (1996).[10]

He received his Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (Habilitation to be a PhD supervisor) in 1993 – from a Committee presided by Pr René Rémond, President of Sciences Po, and including Professors Rémy Leveau, Ernest Gellner, Alain Touraine, and André Miquel. He was promoted to Research Director at CNRS in 1995, and spent Academic Year 1995-1996 in the US as New York Consortium Professor (a joint position at Columbia and New York Universities and the New School for Social Research). He used the library facilities at NYU and Columbia to prepare the bibliography for his best-selling book Jihad / The Trail of Political Islam,[11] based on two years of fieldwork in the Muslim World from Indonesia to Africa, which came out in English in 2001, and was translated in a dozen languages.[12] Though the book was hailed due to its scope and perspective, it was criticized after 9/11 because it documented the failure of political Islamist mobilization in the late 1990s. Kepel answered his critics with his travelogue Bad Moon Rising[13] in 2002. He then analyzed in retrospect that failure as the end of a first phase of what he would later designate as the “dialectics of Jihadism”. It epitomized the struggle against the “nearby enemy”, followed by a second phase (Al Qaeda) that learned the lessons of such failure and focused on the “faraway enemy[14]”, which in turn failed to mobilize the Muslim masses under the banner of Jihadists. It was ultimately followed by a third phase consisting of network-based Jihadi cells in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, that of ISIS. This Jihad trilogy was further studied in The War for Muslim Minds (2006) and Beyond Terror and Martyrdom (2008). With his students, Kepel also co-edited Al Qaeda in its Own Words [15](2006) - a translation and analysis of chosen texts by Jihadi ideologues Abdallah Azzam, Ossama bin Laden, Ayman al Zawahiri and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

In 2001, he was appointed as a tenured Professor of Political Science at Sciences Po, where he created the Middle East and Mediterranean Program, and the EuroGolfe Forum.[16] He supervised more than 40 PhD dissertations, and created the “Proche Orient” series,[17] of which he was the general editor, at Presses Universitaires de France, for his PhD graduates to publish their first book after their dissertation. The series comprised 23 volumes from 2004 to 2017 – many of them founding their way into English translations.[17]

In 2008, accused of assaulting academic researcher Pascal Menoret at the Middle East Studies Association in Washington, Gilles Kepel is expelled from the association[18][19].

In December 2010, the month of Mohammad Bouazizi’s self immolation at Sidi Bouzid, in Tunisia, that sparked the Arab Spring, Sciences Po closed the Middle East and Mediterranean Program. Kepel was elected a Senior Fellow at Institut Universitaire de France for five years (2010-2015),[20] which allowed him to refocus on fieldwork. He was also offered the visiting “Philippe Roman Professorship in History and International Relations” at the London School of Economics” in 2009-2010.

In 2012, he published Banlieue de la République,[21] a survey of the 2005 French Banlieues riots in the Clichy-Montfermeil area, north of Paris, whence the events sparked. The study was based on one-year participant observation on the premises with a team of students, in cooperation with Institut Montaigne think-tank. A sequel, Quatre-vingt treize[22] (or “93” from the postal code of the Seine Saint Denis district north of Paris) designed a more general perspective on Islam in France, 25 years after Kepel’s seminal Les banlieues de l’Islam.

In 2013, he documented the Arab Upheavals with the travelogue Passion Arabe,[23] a best-selling book that was awarded the “Pétrarque Prize” by France Culture radio and Le Monde daily as best book of the year.

In 2014, Passion Française,[24] a survey cum travelogue that documented the first generation of candidates to the Parliamentary elections of June 2012 who were from Muslim descent, and focused on Marseille and Roubaix, was the third book in a tetralogy that would culminate with Terror in France / The Rise of Jihad in the West (2017 – original French 2015) that dealt with the Terror attacks by Jihadists in France and put them in perspective.

In 2016, La Fracture , based on radio chronicles on France Culture in 2015-16, analyzed the impact of Jihadi terror in the wake of the Massive attacks on French and European soil. It puts them in perspective with the rise of Extreme-right parties in Europe and questions the very fracture of Politics in the Old Continent.

In February 2016 he was appointed Chairman of the newly founded Program of Excellence on the Mediterranean and the Middle East at Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL) University, based at Ecole Normale Supérieure. He is in charge of the monthly seminar on “Violence and Dogma : the use of the past in contemporary Islamism”.

He contributes regularly to Le Monde, The New York Times, La Repubblica, El Pais, and several Arab media outlets. He was interviewed in the 2004 BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares: The Rise Of The Politics Of Fear.

Ideas and analyses

Kepel has made significant contributions to the understanding of Islam as an ideological, political, and social force, both in the Muslim world and within immigrant communities in the West. He has focused in particular on the fundamentalist phenomenon, showing that since the 1970s fundamentalism has been a crucial force throughout the world and across religions—among Protestants, Catholics, and Jews as well as Muslims. Fundamentalism is to a large extent a negative reaction to modernity, which it views as an external corruption that must be eradicated in order to return to an earlier age of religious purity.



  1. Tresilian, David (7–13 June 2012). "A view from abroad". Al-Ahram Weekly. Archived from the original on 8 June 2012. Retrieved 8 June 2012.
  2. 1 2 London School of Economics
  3. "Alain Elkann interviews Gilles Kepel". Retrieved 2017-04-21.
  4. 1 2 "Gilles Kepel, Professeur des universités à Sciences Po". (in French). Retrieved 2017-04-11.
  5. Muslim Extremism in Egypt.
  6. Campbell, John C. (2009-01-28). "Muslim Extremism in Egypt: The Prophet and Pharaoh". Foreign Affairs (Fall 1986). ISSN 0015-7120. Retrieved 2017-04-11.
  7. Michel, Wieviorka. "Kepel (Gilles) - Les banlieues de l'Islam, Naissance d'une religion en France.". Revue française de science politique (in French). 39 (4).
  8. "The Revenge of God: The Resurgence of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism in the Modern World By Gilles Kepel". Retrieved 2017-04-11.
  9. Khattar, Abou Diab. "Gilles Kepel. La revanche de Dieu". Politique étrangère (in French). 56 (2).
  10. Press, Stanford University. "Allah in the West: Islamic Movements in America and Europe | Gilles Kepel". Retrieved 2017-04-11.
  11. "Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam". Wikipedia. 2015-12-22.
  12. Kepel, Gilles (2006-01-01). Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam. I.B.Tauris. ISBN 9781845112578.
  13. Kepel, Gilles (2003-01-01). Bad Moon Rising: A Chronicle of the Middle East Today. Saqi. ISBN 9780863563034.
  14. Universalis, Encyclopædia. "AL-QAIDA". Encyclopædia Universalis (in French). Retrieved 2017-04-11.
  15. "Al-Qaida dans le texte -" (in French). ISSN 0291-0489.
  16. "Actes du Forum Eurogolfe - Fondapol". Fondapol (in French). 2007-05-30. Retrieved 2017-04-11.
  17. 1 2 "Proche orient : Livres et Manuels - Format Physique et Numérique | PUF". (in French). Retrieved 2017-04-11.
  18. François Burgat, Comprendre l'islam politique, éditions La Découverte, 2016.
  19. Coup de poing, dorures et “‘islamo-gauchistes”: enquête sur Gilles Kepel, Les Inrocks, 7 décembre 2016.
  20. Institut Universitaire de France Appointment
  21. "Ce qu'il faut retenir de Banlieue de la République". (in French). 2011-10-05. Retrieved 2017-04-11.
  22. Bars, Stéphanie Le (2012-01-31). ""Quatre-vingt-treize", de Gilles Kepel : islam et banlieues". Le (in French). ISSN 1950-6244. Retrieved 2017-04-11.
  23. "Passion arabe: un journal de Gilles Kepel". Le Huffington Post. Retrieved 2017-04-11.
  24. "Passion française - Témoins - GALLIMARD - Site Gallimard". (in French). Retrieved 2017-04-11.
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