Kari Aronpuro

Kari Aronpuro
Portrait of Kari Aronpuro, 1999, 90 x 120 cm

Kari Aronpuro (born June 30, 1940) is a Finnish poet.[1] He worked in the library industry for over 40 years. He worked as a librarian at the University of Tampere course library from 1964-1971, Rääkkylän municipal library in 1972, Kemin Syväkangas library from 1972 to 1981 and the Tampere Lamminpää library from 1981-2003.[2]

Awards and decorations


  1. "A History of Finland's Literature", 1998, ISBN 0803241895, p.251
  2. Paavilainen, Ulla (päätoim.) (2014). Kuka kukin on. Henkilötietoja nykypolven suomalaisista 2015. Helsinki: Otava. pp. 57–58. ISBN 978-951-1-28228-0.

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