Kafa Biosphere Reserve

The Kafa Biosphere Reserve is located in the Kafa Zone of Ethiopia approximately 460 km southwest of Addis Abba. The Bonga National Forest Priority Area (NFPA) partly forms the southern boundary of the Biosphere Reserve, whilst the eastern boundary follows the Adiyo Woreda with the Gojeb River and Gewata-Yeba (Boginda) NFPA forming the northern boundary.

It was declared in 2010, and has a surface area of 760,114.1 hectares. It is administered by Kafa Zone Administration, in association with Chena Woreda, Decha Woreda, Gimbo Woreda, Gewata Woreda, Adiyo Woreda, Bita Woreda, Bonga Town Administration.

Human Activities

The Biosphere Reserve includes the East Afromontane Biodiversity Hotspot and other endemic agricultural crops such as Ensete ventricosum and Eragrostis tef, and a cultural and linguistic identity quite distinct from the rest of Africa.

Furthermore, it includes a unique coffee culture that is deeply engrained in the Ethiopian economy and history.

The area includes an array of rural settlements, traditional land-use patterns and sites of cultural and natural significance, which are home to approximately 608 227 people.

Main economic activities in the area are dominated by agriculture that contributes approximately 41% to the GDP, 80% of exports and 80% of the labour force. Other sectors include services and tourism, manufacturing and trade. Agriculture forms the backbone of the economy with most of the other sectors (i.e. trade and tourism) being dependent on its strong backward and forward linkages.

The key management focal areas of the Biosphere Reserve include: - coordination of conservation initiatives with the focus on the protection of the endemic and global important genetic resources of Coffea arabica and its associated ecosystems; - provision of a sustained flow of high-quality water to adjoining regions; and the - promotion of sustainable development in order to alleviate poverty and inequality.

Ecological Characteristics

The Kafa Biosphere Reserve is located in the Kafa Zone of Ethiopia approximately 460 km southwest of Addis Abba.

The Bonga National Forest Priority Area (NFPA) partlyforms the southern boundary of the Biosphere Reserve,whilst the eastern boundary follows the Adiyo Woredawith the Gojeb River and Gewata-Yeba (Boginda) NFPA forming the northern boundary.

The Saylem Woreda forms the northern part of the Biosphere Reserve and the western boundary constitutes theGesha NFPA. The Kafa Zone contains more than 50% of the remaining montane forests in Ethiopia and it is the centre of origin and genetic diversity of wild Coffea arabica.


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