Jules Piccard

Jules Piccard, also known as Julius Piccard (20 September 1840, in Lausanne 11 April 1933, in Lausanne) was a Swiss chemist. He was the father of twins Auguste Piccard (1884–1962) and Jean Felix Piccard (1884–1963), both renowned balloonists.

He studied chemistry at the University of Heidelberg as a student of Robert Bunsen, receiving his doctorate in 1862. Shortly afterwards, he obtained his habilitation at the polytechnical institute in Zürich. From 1869 to 1903 he was a professor of chemistry at the University of Basel.[1][2]

He made contributions in the field of food chemistry and in his research of cantharidin, dinitrocresol, chrysin and resorcinol.[2][3] He is also known for his studies involving the atomic weight of rubidium.[4]

Selected writings


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