Joseph Jan Baptiste de Bay

Jean Baptiste Joseph de Bay the Elder (born 16 October 17791863) was a Belgian art historian and sculptor.[1][2] He was born in Mechelen.

He was the son of Philippus De Bay (1754-1810) and his wife Anna Catharina Taeymans. He was active in France were he was conservator of the collection of antiquities of the Louvre. he died in Paris in 1863.




  1. "De beeldhouwer Joseph De Bay, vader van de kunstenaar - Jean Baptiste Joseph De Bay - KMSKA".
  2. Kataloog der tentoonstelling van Mechelsche oudheden, ingerigt in het huys Concordia door de Sint Jans Gilde. (in Dutch). Mechelen: Dessain. 1863-01-01.
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