Joseph Dzhun

Joseph Dzhun
Born 13 July 1940
Cherniakhiv, Zhytomyr Oblast, Soviet Union
Nationality Ukrainian
Fields mathematics, mathematical processing of astronomical, space and large amounts of statistical information
Institutions Head of Mathematical Modelling Department, Faculty of Cybernetics, IUEH
Alma mater National University “Lviv Polytechnic”
Known for the creation of non-classical theory of errors and the development of non-classical information processing procedures
Notable awards awarded by the medal “For military prowess”

        Dzhun Joseph Volodymyrovych was born in Cherniakhiv, Zhytomyr region. He graduated from Lviv Polytechnical Institute. A scientist-astronomist, mathematician, representative of an academician E.P. Fedorov’s scientific school,[1][2][3] doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor of the mathematical modelling department of the cybernetics faculty of International University of Economics and Humanities (IUEH), full member of the International pedagogical academy (Moscow, 1999) and European Safety Association (2002).

        He is a specialist in the sphere of mathematical astronomic, space and statistical information processing of high and especially high volumes when the researchers come across with the action of the “Hampel Paradox”.[4] Dzhun’s scientific works are devoted to development of the new chapter of astrometry, initiated by Fedorov E.P., which is known as “Nonclassical Methods of Astronomic and Space Information Processing”. He carried out the fundamental control of the Cambridge professor H. Jeffreys conclusions about the nonclassical form of the errors distribution law for the sample of the volume more than 500 observations, which confirmed the rightness of the Jeffreys’ conception[5] about correspondence of the VII type Pearson’s distribution real errors.

        He executed the large researches of the histograms of the errors of astronomic, gravimetrical, geophysical and economic data in total volume more than 170 000 observations, using the most high-quality series, including the F.V. Bessel historical series.[6]

        The basic ideas and approaches were stated in his doctor thesis “Mathematical Processing of Astronomic and Space Information in case of the Non-Gauss Observation Errors”,[7] presented by Dzhun in 1992. His scientific works are devoted mainly to different aspects of the nonclassical theory of errors development, studying of its axiomatic foundations and creation of the adapted procedures at mathematical modelling and data analysis. He developed the analytical theory of the weight functions and the method of the mathematical models diagnostics on its base.[8] Y.V. Dzhun firstly in the world practice disclosed that the relative random vibrations of the major index series in global economy submitted to the VII type Pearson’s distribution.[9][10] Unfortunately this fact is overpassed by the scientists. For example, R.C. Merton (Harvard University) and M.S. Sholes (Stanford University) in their work “Formula for the Valuation of Stock”, took the Nobel Prize in 1997 in the sphere of economics, traditionally use the Gauss Law, though this Law doesn’t give the guarantee of normality. Regardless of American mathematician V.M. Gentelman,[11] Y.V. Dzhun developed the theory Lp - of evaluation and presented non-diagonal of the informative matrix Lp – distribution. He created the theory of informative methods of evaluation of astronomic observations accuracy in case of the Non-Gauss errors distribution.[12] He developed the theory of the VII type Pearson distribution with the diagonal information matrix,[13] and he proposed the method of getting of its parameters effective estimations, which is simpler, than the method proposed by Jeffreys. Y.V. Dzhun proposed to substitute the fundamental principle of the Gauss maximal weight by the Fisher principle of maximum of information with the purpose of evolution and generalization of the procedures of the least squares classic method.[14] The basic results of Y.V. Dzhun researches are published in the magazine: “Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies” – Allerton Press, Inc. New York.


  1. Корсунь А. А. Е. П. Федоров и его научная школа. Историко-астрономические исследования. — М.: Наука, 1989, с. 327—341.
  2. Наукова школа дослідників глобальної геодинаміки
  3. Науковці України XX—XXI століть: метабібліографія/ Уклад. М. Г. Железняк, Л. М. Гутнік, Т. А Глькевич; Ін-т енциклопед. дослідж. НАНУ, К., 2010, с. 472 ISBN 978-966-02-5915-7
  4. Hampel F.R., Ronchetti E.M., Rousseeuw P.J., Stahel W.A. Robust Statistics. The Approach Based on Influence Functions. John Wiley & Sons. New York, Chichester, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore.
  5. Jeffreys H. Theory of Probability. Sec. Edition, Oxford, 1940.
  6. Яцків Я. С., Кравець С. В., Дем’янчук А. С., Грицюк Б. П. Короткий опис наукової і педагогічної діяльності Й. В. Джуня. Джунь Йосип Володимирович: Сер."Біобібліографія вчених", відповідальний редактор А.С Дем’янчук, Рівне, 2000р.- 32 с.
  7. Математическая обработка астрономической и космической информации при негауссовых ошибках наблюдений
  8. Dzhun I.V. A method for diagnostics of mathematical models in theoretical astronomy and astrometry.//Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies. Allerton Press, Inc./New York. 2011, Vol. 27, №5, p.60-66.
  9. Dzhun Joseph, Gazda Vladimir. About Distribution of Stock Index Returns Fluctuations.//Business review. Scientific journal of the Faculty of Business Economics of the University of Economics in Bratislava with a seat in Kosice: 2002, Vol.1, №2, p.20-27. ISSN 1335-9746.
  10. Dzhun Joseph, Gazda Vladimir. O nepalatnosti predpokladu normality rozdelenia vynosnosti kapitalovych aktiv.//Economic review. Quartely journal of The University of Economics Bratislava: 2003, Vol.XXXII, №3, p.303-308. ISSN 0323-262X.
  11. Gentleman V.M. Robust estimation of multivariate location by minimising p-th powerdeviations. Dissertation. -Prinston University and Memorandum MM. 65-1215-16. 1965.
  12. Dzhun I.V. ON THE ALLOWANGE FOR AN EXCESS OF ERROR DISTRIBUTION WHEN COMPARING ACCURACY OF DIFFERENT SERIES OF ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS.//Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies. Allerton Press, Inc./New York. 1986, Vol. 2, №1, p.82-88.
  13. Dzhun I.V. RAO-CRAMER'S INEQUALITY LIMITS FOR THE DISPERSIONS OF ESTIMATIONS OF THE PARAMETERS OF THE PEARSON TYPE VII DISTRIBUTION.//Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies. Allerton Press, Inc./New York. 1988, Vol. 4, №1, p.85-87.
  14. Dzhun I.V. ON THE EVOLUTION OF CONCEPTS OF THE LEAST-SQUARES METHOD ON THE BASIS OF THE FISHER PRINCIPLE OF MAXIMUM INFORMATION.//Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies. Allerton Press, Inc./New York. 2011, Vol. 27, №6, p.64-71.
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