Joseph Dweck

Rabbi Joseph Dweck

Rabbi Dweck
Position Rabbi, Senior Rabbi
Position Rabbi
Yeshiva Barkai Yeshiva
Position Senior Rabbi
Organization The S&P Sephardi Community, London
Personal details
Birth name Joseph Dweck
Born 17th May 1975
Los Angeles, California
Nationality American
Spouse Margalit Dweck
Children 5
Occupation Rabbi

Joseph Dweck was born in Los Angeles and is of Syrian Jewish origin. He has served as the rabbi of Congregation Shaare Shalom in Brooklyn since 1999 and Rosh Yeshiva/Head of School at Barkai Yeshivah since 2010. He studied at Yeshiva Hazon Ovadia in Jerusalem. He received his semikha from Rabbi Ovadia Yosef under the auspices of the Sephardic Rabbinical College, Brooklyn. He was appointed Senior Rabbi of The S&P Sephardi Community of London, England in 2013.


His wife Margalit is the granddaughter of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.[1]

Before Shavuot 2017, he gave a lecture where he seemed to encourage certain aspects of gay love and relationship declaring Judaism wasn't against it (except from sexual relations which he viewed as prohibited by the Torah). This lecture was controversial and was strongly rejected by Rabbi Aharon Bassous, a Sephardic-Hareidi Rabbi in London.

In June 2017, a prominent Haredi rabbinical court in Israel published an open letter declaring that Dweck's lectures "are complete heresy." Among those courts is the Beth Din Tzedek of Bnei Brak, which is headed by Rabbi Nissim Karelitz, one of the most respected leaders in the Orthodox world.[2]

Rabbi Dweck issued various letters explaining his stance and reassuring others of his good intentions when making the speech. In July 2017, He stepped down as Dayan of the Sephardi Beth Din and was retained as Senior Rabbi of the S&P, after various discussions with other rabbinic leaders in the UK and abroad.

See also


  1. The Jewish Chronicle, 2013 April 8, "Sephardi Leaders Select New Senior Rabbi,"
  2. The Jewish Chronicle, 2017 June 19, "New attack on Rabbi Dweck in ‘gay love’ dispute,"
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