
José Datrino, known as prophet Gentileza (11 April 1917 28 May 1996) was a Brazilian urban personality, kind of a preacher, which became known from 1980 by making quirky inscriptions under an overpass in Rio de Janeiro, where he walked in a white robe and long beard. "Gentileza gera gentileza" ("Kindness begets kindness") is his most famous phrase.[1]

Early life

Born in Cafelândia, São Paulo, on April 11, with eleven brothers, Datrino had a childhood of hard work in which he dealt directly with the land and with animals. To help the family, he pulled a wagon selling firewood in the neighborhood.[2]

The field taught José Datrino to tame asses for transporting cargo. Later, as the prophet Gentileza, he said of himself "breaker of men asses who did not have enlightenment ".[2]

From childhood José Datrino was possessor of atypical behavior. By the age of thirteen, started having premonitions about his mission on earth in which he believed one day, after raising a family, children and possessions, would leave everything for the sake of his mission. This behavior caused concern in his parents, who came to suspect that the child was suffering from some sort of madness, coming to seek help in spiritual healers.[2]

Expanded description

The Prophet Gentileza arises

On December 17, 1961, in the town of Niterói, there was a major fire at the circus "Gran Circus Norte-Americano" called Gran Circus Norte-Americano Tragedy considered one of the largest circus fatalities around the world.[3] This fire killed more than 500 people, mostly children. On the eve of Christmas, six days after the event, José woke up claiming to have heard "astral voices", in his own words, that commanded him to leave the material world and devote himself only to the spiritual world. The Prophet took one of his trucks and went to the fire scene, where today is the Niterói Military Medical Services. He planted a garden and a vegetable garden on the ashes of the Niterói circus, a place that was once the scene of so much joy, but also of great sadness. That place was his home for four years. There, José Datrino instilled in people the real meaning of the words Thankful and Kindness (respec. Agradecido and Gentileza). He was a comforter volunteer, who helped the victims families with his words of goodness. From that day on, he came to be called "José Agradecido", or "Profeta Gentileza".[2]

Contradicting the folk tale, Gentileza always reasserted: I am Dad of five children, three feminine and two masculine, I did not lose anyone in the circus fire!"[4]

After leaving the place that was termed "Paraíso Gentileza," the prophet began his journey as a stroller character. From 1970 toured throughout all the city. He was seen in the streets, squares, ferries crossing between Rio de Janeiro and Niterói, on the trains and busses, making his preaching and bringing words of love, kindness and respect for others and nature to all who crossed his path. To those called him mad, he would reply: - "I am mad to love you and crazy to save you".[2]

However, an article authored by Professor Luiza Petersen and journalist writer Marcelo Camara, who knew Datrino ("Jornal do Brazil" newspaper of 02.21.2010[5] and rebutted by another article published in the Jornal do Brazil newspaper[6] he says, despite speaking in gentleness as a mantra, was "aggressive, outspoken moralist and [...] ranted, offended and threatened to beat up bystanders "to the point of sometimes be necessary to call the police to calm him. "The main victims were women in miniskirts or tight pants, short hair, who wore makeup, high heels and adornments [...] The majority of the population, especially women and children, fled from him." The image created of him after his death, according to the authors, does not correspond to the memories of those who lived with him during the years 1960 and 1970.

The Wall Paintings

From 1980, he picked 56 flyover pilasters in Rio de Janeiro, ranging from Cemitério do Caju to Novo Rio Bus Station, a distance of roughly 1.5 km. He then filled the flyover pilasters with inscriptions in yellow-green proposing his criticism of the world and his alternative to the unease of civilization.

During the Eco '92, the Prophet Gentileza placed himself strategically in the place through which passed the countries representatives and incited them to live the kindness and enforce it throughout the Earth.

After his death

In May 28, 1996, at age 79, he died in Mirandópolis, his family town, where he was buried.

Over the years, the wall paintings were damaged by taggers, vandalized, and later covered with gray paint. The elimination of the inscriptions was criticized and subsequently with help from Rio de Janeiro city government, the project Rio com Gentileza was created, with the goal of restoring the pilasters wall paintings. They began to be restored in January 1999. In May 2000, the restoration was completed and the carioca urban heritage inscriptions were preserved.

At the end of the year 2000 is published by EdUFF (Publisher of Universidade Federal Fluminense) the book Brazil: Time Gentileza, authored by Professor Leonardo Guelman. The work introduces the reader into the "universe" of Prophet Gentileza through his path, the stylization of its objects, his unique calligraphy and all 56 panels created by him, bringing facts related to the project Rio com Gentileza, describing the stages of the writings restoration process. The book is richly illustrated with numerous photographs, mostly of the prophet and his trinkets and panels. Besides pictures of the prophet himself working alongside some of pilasters, there are pictures of the writings before, during and after the restoration process.

In 2001, the prophet has been honored by Samba School GRES Acadêmicos do Grande Rio.[7]

In Conselheiro Lafaiete, remote town in Minas Gerais, there is a broad work done by NGO AMAR that continues the work of Prophet Gentileza. Workshops were developed with youngsters in the city where it was possible to pass on the mosaic techniques. Moreover, a large wall in the neighborhood São João received a lovely mosaic application. And São Pedro square in the neighborhood Albinopólis was all decorated after the example of Prophet Gentileza.

The prophet Gentileza in the arts


See also


  1. Eliane Brum, Gentileza Gera Gentileza, article in Revista Época from October 05, 2009 [in line]
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 O profeta Gentileza, site, based in the book Brasil Tempo de Gentileza from Leonardo Guelman
  3. "Revista Brasileira de História - A cidade como sentimento: história e memória de um acontecimento na sociedade contemporânea - o incêndio do Gran Circus Norte-Americano em Niterói, 1961". doi:10.1590/S0102-01882007000100003. Retrieved 2012-12-26.
  4. GUELMAN, Leonardo. O missionário saltimbanco, Revista de História da Biblioteca Nacional. Rio de Janeiro: ano 6, n 63, dez. 2010, p. 28-30.
  5. "Jornal do Brasil - Digital Pages". Archived from the original on 2012-12-08. Retrieved 2012-12-26.
  6. Jornal do Brasil. "Jornal do Brasil - Capa - Sempre é tempo do poeta Gentileza". Retrieved 2012-12-26.
  7. "A Escola | Grande Rio". Retrieved 2012-12-26.
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