Jorge J. E. Gracia

Jorge J. E. Gracia
Born Cuba
Alma mater University of Toronto
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Jorge J.E. Gracia (born 1942, Cuba) is the Samuel P. Capen Chair, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of Philosophy and Department of Comparative Literature in the State University of New York at Buffalo. Gracia was educated in Cuba, the United States, Canada, and Spain, and received his Ph.D. in Medieval Philosophy from the University of Toronto.

Gracia has authored or edited over forty books.[1] His areas of specialization include Metaphysics/Ontology, Philosophical Historiography, Philosophy of Language/Hermeneutics, Ethnicity/Race/Nationality Issues, Hispanic/Latino Issues, Medieval/Scholastic Philosophy and Hispanic/Latino/Latin-American Philosophy. While Gracia’s earlier work was primarily in the areas of Medieval Philosophy and Metaphysics much of his recent work has focused on issues of race, ethnicity and identity. His contributions to the philosophical study of race and ethnicity have been groundbreaking. It is within this area that Gracia proposed his familial-historical view of ethnicity and his genetic common-bundle view of race. These views of race and ethnicity have helped to shape the field and addressed many issues that previous theories had left unanswered.

Gracia was the founding chair of the APA Committee for Hispanics in Philosophy, past president of the Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, past president of the Society for Iberian and Latin American Thought, past president of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, and past president of the Metaphysical Society of America.


Garcia studied architecture at Universidad de La Habana and also took classes at Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes San Alejandro, both in Havana, Cuba, for a year before coming to United States and earning a B.A. in philosophy at Wheaton College (Ill.) in 1965.[2] In his book Painting Borges, he narrates how he changed his field of study from architecture to mathematics to English literature to philosophy because he became "enthralled by language" and "craved ... to know [its] secret."[3] He received his M.A. in philosophy from University of Chicago in 1966, M.S.L. (Licentiate in Mediaeval Studies) in philosophy from Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies in 1970, and Ph.D. in Medieval philosophy from University of Toronto in 1971. During his graduate studies he spent a year (1969-1970) at Institut d'Estudis Catalans for study and research.[2]


History of medieval philosophy

Gracia has written extensively on the problem of individuation in the early Middle Ages. Within this context, he has explored Boethius and his metaphysical and logical approaches to the problem of individuation. He has also dealt with the metaphysical views of Thierry of Chartres, Gilbert of Potiers, Peter Abailard and others. He wrote the first book on the development of the problem of individuation in the early Middle Ages, the period that goes from the 6th century to the 14th. In this book, he applied a new, analytic problems approach method to the history of medieval philosophy.

Gracia has studied and written on the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, focusing on Aquinas’ Christian philosophy, his approach to universals, and his metaphysics of thought and existence.

History of Spanish philosophy

Gracia has explored the work of Francisco Suárez focusing on his metaphysics as well as the issues of individuation and good and evil. He has also translated Suárez’s Disputations V, X, and XI and published commentaries and editions of these. He has also studied Ramon Llull’s work on metaphysics and individuation and written on Jose Ortega y Gasset.

Contemporary Latin American philosophy

Gracia has published many articles on the work of Latin American philosophers and explored their work in terms of the impact it has had upon Latin America. The research has also extended to the exploration of Latin American art and literature. He was a pioneer in this field. The anthology on Latin American philosophy he edited in the mid eighties, was the first work of its nature published in English by a philosopher.

Philosophical historiography

Gracia’s work in this area has examined the concept of Hispanic philosophy and presented a historico-relational understanding of it. In addition, Gracia has described the origin of Hispanic philosophy in the 16th century. He presented a historical account of discussions concerning the controversy about the nature of Latin-American philosophy and developed a historiographical model for the understanding of Hispanic thought.

Gracia has also focused on a systematic treatment of the main issues involved in philosophical historiography. He has dealt with such topics as the relation of philosophy to its history, the role of value judgments in historical accounts, the value of the history of philosophy for philosophy, the nature and role of texts and their interpretation in the history of philosophy, historiographical method, and the stages of development and progress of philosophical ideas. His book on the historiography of philosophy is the most comprehensive study of this topic in English.


Gracia has published many works in the area of metaphysics. He has devoted extensive time dealing with the metaphysical/ontological issues posed by categories. In this work, Gracia has also offered a systematic analysis of the nature of metaphysics which provides an answer as to why metaphysics always recovers from the many attacks to which it has been subjected throughout its history. Apart from a new conception of metaphysics and an explanation of the resilience of the discipline, Gracia presents an understanding of the nature and ontological status of categories, an analysis of the nature of reductionism and its role in philosophy, and a discussion and criticism of the main views concerning the nature of metaphysics developed in the history of philosophy. Gracia also distinguishes six fundamental issues in the metaphysics of individuality: intension, extension, ontological status, the principle of individuation, discernibility, and reference. He has taken new and controversial positions in all these topics.


Gracia has written on the logical and epistemological dimensions of a theory of textuality which takes into account the relevant views of both analytic and Continental thinkers and also of some major historical figures. He has given a logical analysis of the notion of text resulting from a definition that serves as the basis for the distinctions subsequently drawn between texts on the one hand and language, artifacts, art objects, and works on the other; and for the classification of texts according to modality and function. He has used his conclusions in this area to solve the various epistemological issues which have been raised about texts by philosophers of language, semioticians, hermeneuticists, literary critics, semanticists, aestheticians, and historiographers. Gracia has provided an ontological characterization of texts; it explores the issues raised by the identity of various texts; and it presents a view of the identity and function of authors and audiences and of their relations to texts.

Philosophy of religion

Gracia has written a philosophical understanding of the conditions that must be satisfied by the interpretation of texts which are regarded as revealed by religious communities. He has focused on the issues of revelation, interpretation, various kinds of hermeneutical views (authorial, audiencial, literary, sociological, and theological), definitive interpretations, and the relativity of interpretations. He has argued for the preeminence of theological interpretations, for the logical possibility but the factual difficulty of definitive interpretations of revelation, and for the relativity of, but not relativism in, these interpretations. Gracia has also written on religious skepticism in Latin America.

Race, ethnicity, and nationality

Gracia has examined the nature of tradition and how a proper metaphysical understanding of this notion as a kind of action clarifies its various uses and helps us understand in turn how communication, the preservation of knowledge, and group identity take place. He has also published a systematic discussion of the notions of race, ethnicity, and nationality. He has written on the metaphysical questions of “What is race?” and “What is ethnicity.” It is within this area that Gracia has proposed his familial-historical view of ethnicity and his genetic common-bundle view of race. These views of race and ethnicity have helped to shape the field and addressed many issues that previous theories had left unanswered.

Hispanic/Latino Issues

Gracia published systematic discussions of social issues that affect Latinos/Hispanics in American society. As well, Gracia presents a familial/relational theory of Hispanic/Latino identity. In addition he discusses such topics as the nature of ethnicity, the proper name for Hispanics/Latinos, the origin of Hispanic/Latino identity, the role of mestizaje in Hispanic/Latino identity, the history of discussions of Latin American identity in Latin America, and the situation of Hispanics/Latinos in American philosophy today. Within this work Gracia takes into account recent research in various disciplines: anthropology, sociology, history, philosophy, literature, and Latino studies. Gracia’s book on Hispanic/Latino identity as the first published book on this topic.

Gracia has also published a systematic discussion of the nature and possibility of the philosophical interpretation of art with respect to Carlos Estévez work. Gracia’s work also includes writing on a number of Cuban American artists, writers, and philosophers.



Books authored

1. Images of Thought: Philosophical Interpretations and Carlos Estévez's Art. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2009.

2. Latinos in America: Philosophy and Social Identity. Oxford: Blackwell, 2008.[5]

3. Surviving Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality in the Twenty-First Century. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005.

4. Old Wine in New Skins: The Role of Tradition in Communication, Knowledge, and Group Identity. Milwaukee, WI: Marquette University Press, 2003.

5. ¿Qué son las categorías? Trans. into Spanish by Emma Ingala Gómez. In Series "Opuscula philosophica." Madrid: Ediciones Encuentro, 2002.

6. How Can We Know What God Means? The Interpretation of Revelation. New York: Palgrave of St. Martin's Press.[6]

7. Hispanic/Latino Identity: A Philosophical Perspective. Oxford: Blackwell, 2000.[7]

7A. Revised and expanded trans. into Spanish of Hispanic/Latino Identity: Identidad hispana/Latina: Una perspectiva filosófica. Mexico City: Paidós, 2006, 242 pp.

7B. Section of chapter 7, in Susana Nuccetelli and Gary Seay, eds., Latin American Philosophy. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2004, pp. 302–307.

7C. Section of chapter 3, in Jorge J. E. Gracia and Elizabeth Millán-Zaibert, eds., Latin American Philosophy for the 21st Century. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus, pp. 287–310.

7D. Section of chapter 3, in Jorge J. E. Gracia and Ivan Jaksić, eds., Filosofía e identidad cultural en América Latina, 2nd revised edition. Caracas: forthcoming.

8. Metaphysics and Its Task: The Search for the Categorial Foundation of Knowledge. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1999.[8]

8A. Trans. into Chinese by Tao Xiuhao. Beijing: Xinjiang People Press, 2008.

9. Filosofía hispánica: Concepto, origen y foco historiográfico. Pamplona: Universidad de Navarra, 1998, 135 pp.

10. Texts: Ontological Status, Identity, Author, Audience. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1996.

10A. Trans. into Chinese by Wang Xinyan. Beijing: People's Press, in progress.

11. A Theory of Textuality: The Logic and Epistemology. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1995.

11A. Trans. into Chinese by Wang Xinyan. Beijing: People's Press, in press.

12. Philosophy and Its History: Issues in Philosophical Historiography. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1991.[9]

12A. Trans. into Spanish by Juan José Sánchez, Filosofía y su historia: Cuestiones de historiografía filosófica. Mexico City: Universidad National Autónoma de México, 1998, 536 pp.

12B. Trans. into Serbo-Croatian by Svetozar Sindelic, Filozofija i Njena Istorija: Sporna Pitanja u Filozofskoj istoriografiji. Belgrade: Filip Visnjic, 2002, 335 pp. An Introduction added for this edition.

12C. Trans. into Chinese by Xi Kailai. Beijing: People's University Press, in progress.

13. With Douglas Davis, The Metaphysics of Good and Evil According to Suárez: Disputations X and XI. Munich and Vienna: Philosophia Verlag, 1989.

14. Individuality: An Essay on the Foundations of Metaphysics. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1988.

14A. Trans. into Chinese by Jiang Yi, for series "Contemporary Western Metaphysics," in progress.

15. Introduction to the Problem of Individuation in the Early Middle Ages, in Analytica Series, Munich and Washington, DC: Philosophia Verlag and Catholic University of America Press, 1984.

15A. 2nd revised ed. Philosophia Verlag, 1988, 303 pp.

15B. Trans. into Spanish by Benjamín Valdivia, rev. by Mauricio Beuchot, Introducción al problema de la individuación en la alta edad media. Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1987, 382 pp.

16. Suárez on Individuation. Milwaukee: Marquette University. Press 1982.

16A. Reprinted 2000.

Books edited

1. With Diego von Vacano, Forging People: Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality in Latin American and Latino Thought. In preparation.

2. With Lynette Bosch and Isabel Alvarez Borland, Identity, Memory, Diaspora: Voices of Cuban-American Artists, Writers, and Philosophers. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2008.

3. Race or Ethnicity? On Black and Latino Identity. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2007. Articles by Linda Alcoff, Anthony Appiah, Robert Bernasconi, J. L. A. Garcia, Howard McGary, and others.

4. With William Irwin, Philosophy and the Interpretation of Popular Culture. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2006.

5. Layers: Collecting Cuban-American Art. Exhibition Catalogue. Buffalo, NY: UB Art Galleries, 2006.

6. With Elizabeth Millán-Zaibert, Latin American Philosophy for the 21st Century. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus, 2004, 440 pp.

7. Mel Gibson's Passion and Philosophy: The Cross, the Questions, the Controversy. La Salle, IL: Open Court, 2004, xix and 271 pp. Articles by Gareth Matthews, Dallas Willard, Paul Moser, Thomas Wartenberg, Cynthia Freeland, J. Angelo Corlett, and others.

7a. A Paixao de Cristo: Mel Gibson e a filosofia. Trans into Portuguese. São Paulo: Madras Editora, 2004.

8. With Jiyuan Yu, Uses and Abuses of the Classics: Interpretation in Philosophy. London: Ashgate, 2004, xii and 199 pp. Articles by Livio Rossetti, Thomas M. Robinson, Gareth Matthews, Daniel Graham, Scott MacDonald, Kah Kyung Cho, Tamar Rudavsky, Alfred Ivry, John Wippel, and Jiyuan Yu, with introduction by Jorge J. E. Gracia.

9. With Jiyuan Yu, Rationality and Happiness: From the Ancients to the Early Medievals. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2003, xii, 252 pp. Articles by C. C. W. Taylor, Donald Morrison, Richard Bett, Gareth Matthews, John Marenbon, William Mann, Brad Inwood, Mark McPherran, Jiyuan Yu, Jonathan Sanford, and Jorge Gracia.

10. With Timothy Noone, A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003, 739 pp. This is a collection of about 150 articles by such scholars as John Wippel, Scott MacDonald, Gyula Klima, Stephen Dumont, Richard Taylor, Alfred Ivry, Charles Lohr, Brian Davies, John Marenbon, and others. Ten articles concern historical background; the rest are on particular figures.

11. With Gregory Reichberg and Bernard Schumacher, The Classics of Western Philosophy: A Reader's Guide. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003, 614 pp. This is a collection of articles on sixty-one classic works of western philosophy, written by well-known philosophers, including Michael Dummett, Terence Irwin, Michael Loux, and others.

12. With Carolyn Korsmeyer and Rodolphe Gasché. Literary Philosophers: Borges, Calvino, Eco. New York: Routledge, 2002, 241 pp. Essays by Ermanno Bencivenga, Rocco Cappozzi, Anthony Cascardi, Jorge Gracia, William Irwin, Deborah Knight, Carolyn Korsmeyer, Elizabeth Millán-Zaibert, Wladimir Krysinski, Lois Parkinson Zamora, and Henry Sussman.

13. With Pablo De Greiff, Hispanics/Latinos in the United States: Ethnicity, Race, and Rights. New York: Routledge, 2000, 282 pp. Articles by Thomas Pogge, Walter Mignolo, Linda Alcoff, Iris Young, Ofelia Schutte, Angelo Corlett, Jorge Gracia, Paula Moya, Pablo De Greiff, Eduardo Mendieta, Suzanne Oboler, Leonardo Zaibert, and Elizabeth Millán-Zaibert.

14. Concepciones de la metafísica, volume of the Enciclopedia Ibero-Americana de Filosofía. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1998, 357 pp. Collection of articles by Carlos Bazán, Mercedes Torrevejano, Josep Blasco, Leiser Madanes, Plinio Junqueira, J. A. Díaz, Oscar Martí, Alfonso Gómez-Lobo, Víctor Velarde, Pedro Cerezo, Mario Presas, M. I. Santa Cruz, and Jorge Gracia, on diverse conceptions of metaphysics.

15. Individuation in Scholasticism: The Later Middle Ages and the Counter Reformation (1150-1650). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1994, 633 pp. Collection of articles written especially for the volume by Joseph Owens, Armand Maurer, John Wippel, Stephen Brown, Peter King, Mauricio Beuchot, Jorge Gracia, and others.

15A. Trans. into Korean by Jaekyung Lee. Seoul: CPH, 2004.

16. With K. Barber, Individuation and Identity in Early Modern Philosophy: Descartes to Kant. Albany. NY: State University of New York Press, 1994, 283 pp. Articles by Fred Wilson, Martha B. Bolton, Don Garret, Thomas Lennon, Emily Grosholz, Daniel Flage, Jorge Gracia, and others.

17. With Mireya Camurati, Philosophy and Literature in Latin America: A Critical Assessment of the Current Situation. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1989, 285 pp. Collection with introductions, notes and bibliography, of nineteen papers by Fred Sturm, Hugo Biagini, José Kozer, Rosemary Geisdorfer Feal, Ana Lydia Vega, and others.

18. With Iván Jaksić, Filosofía e identidad cultural en América Latina. Caracas: Monte Avila, 1988, 446 pp. Collection of most important texts by Latin American philosophers on the nature and character of Latin American philosophy, preceded by historical and systematic introductions.

18A. Expanded edition, in preparation.

19. Directory of Latin American Philosophers—Repertorio de Filósofos Latinoamericanos. Council of International Studies and Program, Special Studies, No. 156. Amherst, NY: Council on International Studies and Programs in association with Society for Iberian and Latin American Thought, Asociación Argentina de Investigaciones Eticas and Colegio de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad Autónoma de México, 1988, 122 pp.

20. With Gary Hoskin and Amy Oliver, Latin American Studies and the Social Sciences. Council of Latin American Studies and Program, Special Studies No. 157, State University of New York at Buffalo, 161 pp.

21. Latin American Philosophy in the XXth Century. Buffalo: Prometheus, 1986, 286 pp. Collection of Latin American philosophical texts covering the themes of man, values and the search for philosophical identity. The texts of the sections on man and values appeared in Spanish in El hombre y los valores.

22. Risieri Frondizi. Ensayos Filosóficos. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1986, 460 pp. Collection of essays by R. Frondizi.

23. With Eduardo Rabossi, Enrique Villanueva and Marcelo Dascal, Philosophical Analysis in Latin America, in Synthese Series. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1984, 431 pp. Collection of philosophical papers from analytic philosophers of Latin American origin preceded by historical introductions on the analytic movement in the various countries of Latin America.

23a. Trans into Spanish, El análisis filosófico en América Latina, with extensive additions. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1985, 690 pp.

24. Man and His Conduct: Essays in Honor of Risieri Frondizi. El hombre y su conducta: Ensayos en honor de Risieri Frondizi. San Juan, Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico Press, 1980, 346 pp. Contains 27 previously unpublished essays written by such American and Latin American philosophers as Marvin Farber, Charles Hartshorne, Héctor-Neri Castañeda, Mario Bunge, Ernest Sosa, and others.

25. Com usar bé de beure e menjar; Normes morals contigudes en el "Terç del Crestià". Barcelona: Edicions Curial, 1977, 150 pp. Collection of medieval moral texts on social customs edited from the original 14th-century manuscripts for the first time. Introduction, notes, bibliography, and a glossary.

26. With Risieri Frondizi, El hombre y los valores en la filosofía latinoamericana del siglo XX. Madrid-Mexico City-Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1975, 333 pp. Anthology of Latin American philosophical texts centered on the themes of man and values.

26a. Second printing, 1981, 333 pp.

Journal issues edited

1. The Transcendentals in Medieval Philosophy, issue of Topoi 11(1992), 86 pp. Articles on Thomas Aquinas, John Duns Scotus, Peter Abailard, Philip the Chancellor, and Francisco Suárez, by Jan Aertsen, Stephen Dumont, John Marenbon, Scott MacDonald, and Jorge Gracia.

2. Francisco Suárez, issue of American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly (formerly The New Scholasticism) 65 (1991), 148 pp. Articles by Douglas Davis, John Doyle, John Kronen, Thomas Sullivan, John Treloar, Jorge Gracia, and others.

3. Latin American Philosophy Today, double issue of Philosophical Forum 20, nos. 1-2 (1988–89), 158 pp. Articles by Leopoldo Zea, Horacio Cerutti Guldberg, Iván Jaksic, Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez, David Sobrevilla, Ofelia Schutte, and Jorge Gracia.

See also

Further reading

1. "Division and Dialogue: The Analytic/Continental Split and the History of Philosophy," SUNY Buffalo, April 24, 1993 Conference centered around Philosophy and Its History: Issues in Philosophical Historiography Several commentators, including Rodolphe Gasché. Response by Jorge Gracia

2. Response to Norman Wells' criticisms of Gracia's "Suarez's Metaphysics: A Step in the Direction of Mentalism?": "Suárez and Metaphysical Mentalism: The Last Visit," American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 67, 3 (1993), 349-354

3. Eastern Division American Philosophical Association Meetings Book Session devoted to Philosophy and Its History: Issues in Philosophical Historiography, Dec., 1994 Commentators: Kenneth Schmitz and Paul Eisenberg. Response by Jorge Gracia

4. Spanish translation of papers by Schmitz and Eisenberg published in Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía, 22, 1 (1996), 97-121 Gracia's Response: "Respuesta a Schmitz y Eisenberg," Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía 22, 1 (1996), 123-131

5. Carlos Topuzián's critical analysis of A Theory of Textuality, Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía 23, 1 (1996) Gracia's Response: "Respuesta a Carlos Topuzián," Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía 23, 1 (1996), 137-143

6. Canadian Society for Hermeneutics Meetings Book Session devoted to A Theory of Textuality: The Logic and Epistemology and Texts: Ontological Status, Identity, Author, Audience, Sherbrook, Quebec, June 2, 1999 Speakers: J. Mitscherling and John Bruin. Response by Jorge Gracia. John Bruin's paper was published in Symposium 3, 1 (1999), 93-117

7. Inter-American Philosophical Society Congress Book Session devoted to Hispanic/Latino Identity: A Philosophical Perspective, Mexico, August 14, 1999 Participants: Raul Fornet-Betancourt, Eduardo Mendieta, Gregory Pappas, and Teodoro Ramírez. Puebla. Response by Jorge Gracia

8. Eastern Division American Philosophical Association Meetings Book Session devoted to Hispanic/Latino Identity: A Philosophical Perspective Boston, Dec. 29, 1999 Participants: Anne Freire Ashbaugh, Richard Bernstein, Jorge García, Robert Gooding-Williams, and Gregory Pappas. Response by Jorge Gracia

9. Philosophy and Social Criticism 27, 2(2001), 1-75, devoted to Hispanic/Latino Identity: A Philosophical Perspective Articles by Richard Bernstein, Jorge García, Robert Gooding-Williams, Eduardo Mendieta, and Gregory Pappa. Introduction by Linda Martin Alcoff. Response by Jorge Gracia: "Response to the Critics of Hispanic/Latino Identity: Tahafut Al-Tahafut,”

10. Discussion in Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política (Madrid) 16 (2000), of Hispanic/Latino Identity: A Philosophical Perspective Articles by Richard Bernstein (pp. 181–3) and Eduardo Mendieta (pp. 183–7). Response by Jorge Gracia (pp. 188–92)

11. American Maritain Association Meetings in Notre Dame session devoted to Metaphysics and Its Task. October 21, 2000 Participants: Ralph McInerny, Thomas Sullivan, David Geivett, Robert Delfino, Jonathan Sanford, and John Kronen. Response y Jorge Gracia

12. Volume entitled What Are We to Understand Gracia to Mean? Realist Challenges to Metaphysical Neutralism, ed. Robert Delfino (Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi, 2006), devoted to the critical discussion of Gracia's Metaphysics and Its Task Papers by Thomas D. Sullivan and Russell Pannier (1-12), John Kronen (145-178), Russell Pannier and Thomas D. Sullivan (203-230), Jonathan J. Sanford (53-68), Robert Delfino (xiii-xv, 75-88) Peter Redpath (95-128), Daniel Novotny (179-192), and Joseph Seifert (21-46) Foreword by Ralph McInerny (11-12). Gracia's Responses: "Metaphysics and Meta-Metaphysics: Response to Sanford," pp. 69–74 "Thomas, Thomists, and the Nature of Metaphysics: Response to Delfino," pp. 89–94 "Being as Being and the Tasks of Metaphysics: Response to Seifert," pp. 47–52 "Being qua Being, the Transcendentals, the Divine, and Metaphysics: Response to Sullivan and Pannier," pp. 13–20 "Making Sense of the History of Metaphysics: Response to Kronen and Novotny," pp. 193–201 "The Nature of Philosophy: Response to Redpath," pp. 129–144 "Categorical Neutralism: Response to Pannier, Sullivan, Seifert, and Ingala," pp. 231–240 "Afterword" Another Beginning," pp. 241–243

13. Session at the American Catholic Philosophical Association Meetings in Albany, Nov. 10, 2001, devoted to How Can We Know What God Means? The Interpretation of Revelation Participants: Gregory Bassham, David Vessey, Colleen McCluskey, and Bruce Reichenbach. Response by Jorge Gracia. Comments by Reichenbach appeared in Sofia.

14. Session of the Society for Christian Philosophers at the American Academy of Religion meetings in Toronto, Nov. 25, 2002, devoted to How Can We Know What God Means? The Interpretation of Revelation Participants: Kathryn J. S. Smith, Ian H. Henderson, and Alan G. Padgett. Response by Jorge Gracia

15. Book discussion of How Can We Know What God Means? The Interpretation of Revelation, in American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 78, 3(2005), with articles by Gregory Bassham, David Vessey, and Colleen McCluskey. Gracia's Response: "Revelation, Interpretation, and Relativism: Response to Some Critics of How Can We Know What God Means?," pp. 492–495

16. Response to Linda M. Alcoff's criticism of Gracia's theory of ethnic names: "A Political Argument in Favor of Ethnic Names: A Response to Alcoff," Philosophy and Social Criticism 31, 4 (2005), 409-417

17. Session of the Eastern Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association, Washington, DC, December 29, 2006, devoted to Surviving Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality: A Challenge for the Twenty-First Century Participants: Linda M. Alcoff and Lucius Outlaw. Response by Jorge Gracia

18. Book discussion of Gracia's Surviving Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality: A Challenge for the Twentieth Century in International Philosophical Quarterly 48, 2 (2008), 231-255. Articles by Linda Martin Alcoff (213-238) and Lucius T. Outlaw, Jr. (239-245), with Gracia's Response, "The Foundations of a Philosophy of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality," 246-255

19. Session of the Eastern Division Meetings of the American Philosophical Association, Philadelphia, PA, December 27, 2008, devoted to Latinos in America: Philosophy and Social Identity. Participants: Howard McGary, Susana Nuccetelli, Renzo Llorente, Maria Cristina Gonzalez and Nora Stigol. Response by Jorge Gracia

20. Book discussion of Gracia's Latinos in America: Philosophy and Social Identity. Articles by Renzo Llorente, Maria Cristina Gonzalez, and Nora Stigol, with Gracia's Responses: "Latinos and Hispanics" and "Latino Philosophers in the US and Latin America."

21. Book discussion of Gracia’s Images of Thought: Philosophical Interpretations of Carlos Estevez’s Art, session of the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Asaoociation, New York, Dec. 28. To appear in APA Newsletters.



  1. Donovan, Patricia. "UB Humanities Institute to Showcase Work of SUNY Distinguished Professor Jorge Gracia". The University at Buffalo News Center. Retrieved 7 March 2015.
  2. 1 2 "Jorge J.E. Garcia (C.V.)". Jorge J. E. Gracia (Personal Website).
  3. Garcia, Jorge J. E. (2012). Painting Borges philosophy interpreting art interpreting literature. SUNY Press. pp. xvi. ISBN 9781438441795. OCLC 871961967.
  4. Hachee, Matthew. "Final Reminder: Dr. Jorge J.E. Gracia to give 30th Annual McMurry Lecture 11/11/11". Monroe Community College. Retrieved 6 March 2015.
  5. Gracia, Jorge J.E. (2008). Latinos in America philosophy and social identity. Malden, MA: Blackwell. ISBN 978-1405176583.
  6. Gracia, Jorge J.E. (2001). How can we know what God means? : the interpretation of revelation. New York: Palgrave. ISBN 978-0312240288.
  7. Gracia, Jorge J.E. (2000). Hispanic Latino identity : a philosophical perspective (1. publ. ed.). Malden, Mass. [u.a.]: Blackwell. ISBN 0-6312-1763-0.
  8. Gracia, Jorge J.E. (1999). Metaphysics and its task : the search for the categorical foundation of knowledge. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press. ISBN 0791442144.
  9. Gracia, Jorge J.E. (1992). Philosophy and its history : issues in philosophical historiography. Albany, N.Y.: State Univ. of New York Press. ISBN 0-7914-0817-5.
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