Jon Ein

Jon Ein (b. 1966) is a financier and former film producer based in Paris, France.

His company, Foundry Capital, organizes groups of large families and institutions to take stakes in public and private companies. Foundry’s specialty is providing a large, consistent shareholder during times of changing shareholder structure, capital structure or other transitional periods. Foundry has financed over $1 billion among twenty companies since 2005. Some of the Companies they have invested in include outdoor advertising agency JC Decaux, publishing company Trader Classified, German telecommunications firm Mobilcom, German steel company Salzgitter and insurance company AMB Generali.

Previous to starting Foundry Capital, Ein ran Foundry Film Partners, a film and media finance company. Foundry financed a number of independent films including Clay Pigeons starring Joaquin Phoenix and Vince Vaughn, Company Man starring John Turturro and Sigourney Weaver, The Wisdom of Crocodiles starring Jude Law, Beautiful Joe starring Sharon Stone, and the 3D Imax film of Siegfried and Roy.


Ein was born in Chevy Chase, MD, a suburb of Washington, DC. He attended Bethesda Chevy Chase High School. He graduated magna cum laude from the Honors College at University of Michigan with a major in Economics, with a special focus on Development Economics. He later received an MBA from Harvard University in 1994. Ein started his career as an analyst in the Mergers and Acquisitions Department of Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette. Two years later he left to be an Associate doing cross border M&A at S.G. Warburg (now part of UBS).


Over the past few years Ein has developed a particular focus on agriculture as an investment theme and as an area of social involvement. He has sponsored and co-founded Global Farms, a new agriculture execution platform to help large investors and sovereign entities execute large scale agriculture investment programs in a profitable and socially responsible way. The partners in Global Farms include US-based Halderman Farm Management, French-based GEOSYS and Dutch company Priva.

Personal life

Ein was married to Marie Calleux, a partner in a financial and corporate communication firm in France. The couple is now divorced. His brother and parents live in Washington DC. Ein supports philanthropic work mainly focused on results based economic development, including Millennium Villages Project and Generation Rwanda.

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