John Antonakis

John Antonakis
Born (1969-03-29) March 29, 1969
Nationality Swiss, Greek
Fields Psychology, Management, Methodology
Notable awards Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

John Antonakis (born March 29, 1969) is a professor of organizational behavior at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Lausanne and current Editor in Chief of The Leadership Quarterly. He was born and raised in South Africa of Greek parents (Paul Antonakis and Irene Bardi) and is Swiss naturalized. He received his Ph.D. in applied management and decision sciences (Walden University) with a focus on leadership measurement and psychometrics, and was a post-doc in cognitive psychology (Yale University); he did undergraduate work at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) in business and economics, and received his Bachelor and master's degrees at Johnson and Wales University in business administration.

He specializes in leadership. He is known for his work on charisma,[1][2][3] transformational leadership,[4][5][6] instrumental leadership,[7] leader distance,[8][9] and leader research methods.[10][11][12] He has communicated his methods work to a wide audience in a podcast on endogeneity and causality.[13] His article "Predicting Elections: Child's Play"[14] published in the prestigious journal Science engendered a lot of interest because it showed that little children were able to predict results of election outcomes merely by rating the faces of the politician candidates; refer to his podcast for further information.[15] Lately, he has been working with Philippe Jacquart in predicting the U.S. presidential elections;[16] their model predicted that Obama would win (refer to Antonakis's YouTube video on the Obama-Romney election race[17]). A summary of his latest work on charisma is available in a recent talk he gave at TEDx.[18]

Antonakis is an ardent critic of the concept of emotional intelligence; his research suggests that emotional intelligence measures are not developed enough to be used for clinical purposes or in work-related or educational settings,[19][20][21][22][23] and that emotional intelligence is not needed for leadership.[24][25][26][27]

As proponent of consistent estimators and causally identified models using econometrics and structural equation modeling techniques, he has also written strong critiques of Partial least squares path modeling, which he states should be abandoned.[28][29][30][31]


  1. Antonakis, J.; Bastardoz, N.; Jacquart, P.; Shamir, B. (2016). "Charisma: An Ill-Defined and Ill-Measured Gift". Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior. 3: 293–319. doi:10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-041015-062305.
  2. Antonakis, J.; Fenley, M.; Liechti, S. (2011). "Can Charisma Be Taught? Tests of Two Interventions". Academy of Management Learning & Education. 10 (3): 374–396. doi:10.5465/amle.2010.0012.
  3. Antonakis, J.; Fenley, M.; Liechti, S. (2012). "Learning charisma. Transform yourself into the person others want to follow". Harvard Business Review. 90 (6): 127–130.
  4. Antonakis, J.; Avolio, B. J.; Sivasubramaniam, N. (2003). "Context and leadership: An examination of the nine-factor Full-Range Leadership Theory using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire". The Leadership Quarterly. 14 (3): 261–295. doi:10.1016/S1048-9843(03)00030-4.
  5. Antonakis, J., & House, R. J. (2002). An analysis of the full-range leadership theory: The way forward. In B. J. Avolio & F. J. Yammarino (Eds.) Transformational and charismatic Leadership: The road ahead, (pp. 3-33). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science/JAI
  6. Antonakis, J. (2012). Transformational and Charismatic Leadership. In Day, D. V., & J. Antonakis (Eds.). The Nature of Leadership, 2nd Edition (pp. 256-288). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
  7. Antonakis, J.; House, RJ. (2014). "Instrumental leadership: Measurement and extension of transformational–transactional leadership theory". The Leadership Quarterly. 25 (4): 746–771. doi:10.1016/j.leaqua.2014.04.005.
  8. Antonakis, J.; Atwater, L. (2002). "Leader distance: A review and a proposed theory". The Leadership Quarterly. 13 (6): 673–704. doi:10.1016/S1048-9843(02)00155-8.
  9. Antonakis, J., & Jacquart, P. (2013). The far side of leadership: Rather difficult to face. In Bligh, M. C., & Riggio, R. E. When Near is Far and Far is Near: Distance in Leader-Follower Relationships (pp. 155-187). New York: Routledge
  10. Antonakis, J.; Bendahan, S.; Jacquart, P.; Lalive, R. (2010). "On making causal claims: A review and recommendations". The Leadership Quarterly. 21 (6): 1086–1120. doi:10.1016/j.leaqua.2010.10.010.
  11. Antonakis, J., Bendahan, S., Jacquart, P., & Lalive, R. (2014). Causality and endogeneity: Problems and solutions. In D. V. Day (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Leadership and Organizations (pp. 93-117). New York: Oxford University Press.
  12. Antonakis, J., Schriesheim, C. A., Donovan, J. A., Gopalakrishna-Pillai, K., Pellegrini, E. K., & Rossomme, J. L. (2004). Methods for studying leadership. In J. Antonakis, A. T. Cianciolo, & R. J. Sternberg (Eds.). The nature of leadership, (pp. 48-70). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
  14. Antonakis, J.; Dalgas, O. (2009). "Predicting elections: Child's play!". Science. 323 (5918): 1183. PMID 19251621. doi:10.1126/science.1167748.
  16. Jacquart, P.; Antonakis, J. (2015). "When does charisma matter for top-level leaders? Effect of attributional ambiguity". Academy of Management Journal. 58 (4): 1051–1074. doi:10.5465/amj.2012.0831.
  19. Fiori, M.; Antonakis, J. (2011). "The ability model of emotional intelligence: Searching for valid measures". Personality and Individual Differences. 50 (3): 329–334. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2010.10.010.
  20. Fiori, M.; Antonakis, J. (2012). "Selective attention to emotional stimuli: What IQ and Openness do, and emotional intelligence does not". Intelligence. 40 (3): 245–254. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2012.02.004.
  21. Antonakis, J.; Dietz, J. (2011a). "Looking for Validity or Testing It? The Perils of Stepwise Regression, Extreme-Scores Analysis, Heteroscedasticity, and Measurement Error". Personality and Individual Differences. 50 (3): 409–415. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2010.09.014.
  22. Antonakis, J.; Dietz, J. (2011b). "More on Testing for Validity Instead of Looking for It". Personality and Individual Differences. 50 (3): 418–421. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2010.10.008.
  23. Antonakis, J.; Dietz, J. (2010). "Emotional intelligence: On definitions, neuroscience, and marshmallows". Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice. 3 (2): 165–170. doi:10.1111/j.1754-9434.2010.01219.x.
  24. Antonakis, J.; Ashkanasy, N. "M. & Dasborough M. (2009). Does leadership need emotional intelligence?.". The Leadership Quarterly. 20 (2): 247–261. doi:10.1016/j.leaqua.2009.01.006.
  25. Antonakis, J (2003). "Why "emotional intelligence" does not predict leadership effectiveness: A Comment on Prati, Douglas, Ferris, Ammeter, and Buckley". The International Journal of Organizational Analysis. 11 (4): 355–361. doi:10.1108/eb028980.
  26. Antonakis, J (2004). "On why "emotional intelligence" will not predict leadership effectiveness beyond IQ or the "big five": An extension and rejoinder". Organizational Analysis. 12 (2): 171–182. doi:10.1108/eb028991.
  27. Antonakis, J. (2009). "Emotional intelligence": What does it measure and does it matter for leadership?. In G. B. Graen (Ed). LMX leadership--Game-Changing Designs: Research-Based Tools (Vol. VII) (pp. 163-192). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing
  28. McIntosh, C.N.; Edwards, J.R.; Antonakis, J. (2014). "Reflections on Partial Least Squares Path Modeling". Organizational Research Methods. 17 (2): 210–251. doi:10.1177/1094428114529165.
  29. Rönkkö, M.; McIntosh, C.N.; Antonakis, J. "On the adoption of partial least squares in psychological research: Caveat emptor". Personality and Individual Differences. 87: 76–84. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2015.07.019.
  30. Rönkkö, M.; McIntosh, C.N.; Edwards, R.J.; Antonakis, J. (2016). "Partial least squares path modeling: Time for some serious second thoughts". Journal of Operations Management. 47-48: 9–27. doi:10.1016/j.jom.2016.05.002.
  31. Antonakis, J.; Bendahan, S.; Jacquart, P.; Lalive, R. (2010). "On making causal claims: A review and recommendations". The Leadership Quarterly. 21 (6): 1086–1120. doi:10.1016/j.leaqua.2010.10.010.
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