John A. Fulton

John A. Fulton (1769–1845) was a prominent local citizen of Chillicothe, Ohio. He was twice mayor in 1828-29 and 1831-32. [1]

Fulton was a civil engineer and surveyor by education and trade. He did much of the original survey work in Ross County and surrounding counties. At the time it was the Virginia Military District, beginning in 1795 with Nathaniel Massie’s expedition.[1]

Fulton taught school at the Chillicothe school district. He was interested in astronomy and owned two telescopes built for him by Amasa Holcomb. One of these Holcomb telescopes was willed to Chillicothe High School in the middle of the nineteenth century. It still had at least one of the lenses as a remaining part to the telescope until at least 1917. One of these two telescopes owned by Fulton made by Holcomb was the first reflecting telescope manufactured in America, however it is not known if this one was that particular telescope.[1]


  1. 1 2 3 A Standard History of Ross County, Ohio, a limited reprint of the 1917 edition Volume II; Gateway Press, Inc., Baltimore, 1987 (reprint of the original work edited by Evans, Lyle S., 1917;); Ross County Genealogical Society
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