Jīngzhé, Keichitsu, Gyeongchip, or Kinh trập is the 3rd of the 24 solar terms (節氣) in the traditional East Asian calendars. It begins when the Sun reaches the celestial longitude of 345° and ends when it reaches the longitude of 360°. More often, it refers to the day when the Sun is exactly at a celestial longitude of 345°. In the Gregorian calendar, it usually begins around March 5 and ends around March 20.
The word 驚蟄 means the awakening of hibernating insects. 驚 is to start and 蟄 means hibernating insects. Traditional Chinese folklore says that during Jingzhe, thunderstorms will wake up the hibernating insects, which implies that the weather is getting warmer.[1]
Date and Time (UTC)
year | begin | end |
辛巳 |
2001-03-05 12:32 |
2001-03-20 13:30 |
壬午 |
2002-03-05 18:27 |
2002-03-20 19:16 |
癸未 |
2003-03-06 00:04 |
2003-03-21 00:59 |
甲申 |
2004-03-05 05:55 |
2004-03-20 06:48 |
乙酉 |
2005-03-05 11:45 |
2005-03-20 12:33 |
丙戌 |
2006-03-05 17:28 |
2006-03-20 18:25 |
丁亥 |
2007-03-05 23:18 |
2007-03-21 00:07 |
戊子 |
2008-03-05 04:58 |
2008-03-20 05:48 |
己丑 |
2009-03-05 10:47 |
2009-03-20 11:43 |
庚寅 |
2010-03-05 16:46 |
2010-03-20 17:32 |
辛卯 |
2011-03-05 22:29 |
2011-03-20 23:20 |
壬辰 |
2012-03-05 04:21 |
2012-03-20 05:14 |
癸巳 |
2013-03-05 10:14 |
2013-03-20 11:01 |
甲午 |
2014-03-05 16:02 |
2014-03-20 16:57 |
Source: JPL Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System
Each solar term can be divided into 3 pentads (候). They are the first pentad (初候), the second pentad (次候), and the third pentad (末候): Pentads in Jingzhe are
- China
- Japan
Aspects of insects in culture | In the arts | |
In fishing | |
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Other aspects | |
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Economic entomology | | |
| Crop pests | |
Livestock pests | |
Biting/stinging | |
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Other pests | |
Pioneers | |
Related | |