Black Standard

Black Standard

The Black Banner or Black Standard (Arabic: راية السوداء rāyat as-sawdāʾ, also known as راية العقاب rāyat al-ʿuqāb "banner of the eagle" or simply as الراية ar-rāya "the banner") is one of the flags flown by Muhammad in Islamic tradition. It was historically used by Abu Muslim in his uprising leading to the Abbasid Revolution in 747 and is therefore associated with the Abbasid Caliphate in particular. It is also a symbol in Islamic eschatology (heralding the advent of the Mahdi).[1]

The Black Banner has been used in contemporary Islamism and jihadism since the late 1990s.[2] A variant is commonly used as the flag of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.


Before Islam, visible standards were used at least in the Roman army to identify the core of the legion, the Eagles. By the mid-600s, the Arabs were using standards for the same purpose. Among the Arabs the rāya was a square banner; not to be confused with the liwāʾ or ʿalam, an identifying mark like a red turban.[3][4]

Islamic tradition states that the Quraysh had a black liwāʾ and a white-and-black rāya.[5] It further states that Muhammad had an ʿalam in white nicknamed "the Young Eagle" (العقاب al-ʿuqāb); and a rāya in black, said to be made from his wife Aisha's head-cloth.[6] This larger flag was known as the Eagle.[7]

The hadith reports Muhammad said that the advent of the Mahdi would be signaled by Black Standards proceeding from Khorasan and that it will be the flag of the army that will fight the Masih ad-Dajjal.[8][9][10]

At the Battle of Siffin, according to tradition, Ali used the liwāʾ of the Prophet, which was white[3][4] while those who fought against him instead used black banners.[11]

Historical use

Ahmadiyya flag, designed in 1939.[12]

Jihadist black flag

The Black Standard as used by various Islamist organisations (since the late 1990s) consists of a white-on-black shahada.
Flag of Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad, used in their beheading videos

The Pashtun tradition of using a black flag with a white shahada (Islamic creed) inscription as a military ensign, harking back to the 18th-century Hotak dynasty, was adopted by the Taliban, and thence by Al-Qaeda in the 1990s. This usage was adopted by the global jihadism movement in the early 2000s, and in the 2010s by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.[21][22]

A black flag with the shahada inscribed in white appeared on jihadist websites from at least 2001. (Reported on Flags of the World by Santiago Tazon on 17 November 2001: "I have found in several 'hard Islamic' websites the symbol of a white Taliban flag crossed with its inverted colour version (probably identified as AlQaeda flag): black background with shahada in white. I do not know if this flag is recognised by AlQaeda; but it is normally flying in pro-Al-Qaeda sites.")[23]

Even though the historical black banner did not have any inscription, this variant is commonly known as al-rāya (the banner) or as rayat al-ʻuqab (banner of the eagle) after the hadith tradition, and some western observers have dubbed it the black flag of jihad.[24][25] Islamic extremist organizations which have used such a black flag include:

In the last decade of the South Thailand insurgency, the al-Raya' flag has largely replaced the colourful secessionist flags formerly used by the different groups involved in violent actions against the government of Thailand.[26][27]

ISIL variant

The "flag of ISIL" with the "seal of Muhammad" design. Ratio: 2:3

The variant used by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, and before that by Al-Shabaab (since c. 2006) depicts the second phrase of the shahada in the form of a depiction of the supposedly historical seal of Muhammad.[28] The white circle represents the seal, enclosing the three words, الله رسول محمد (allāh[i] rasūl[u] muḥammad[un] "Muhammad is the prophet of Allah"). Note that this word order is different from the second part of the conventional form of the shahada, ''muḥammad[un] rasūl[u] allāh[i] .

In August 2014, British Prime Minister David Cameron suggested that anybody displaying "the Islamic State flag" in the United Kingdom should be arrested.[29] Citing the Terrorism Act 2000, section 13 (1b) of the act states "[a] person in a public place commits an offence if he wears, carries or displays an article in such a way or in such circumstances as to arouse reasonable suspicion that he is a member or supporter of a proscribed organisation" and can face 6 months in prison or a statutory fine.[30]

It has also been banned from a public demonstration in the Netherlands in August 2014.[31]

The use of the image of the Daesh/ISIL/ISIS/IS flag (but not other versions of the black standard) for non-educational purposes has been forbidden in Germany by the Federal Ministry of the Interior since September 2014.[32] Neighbouring Austria proposed a ban in the same month.[33]

See also


  1. David Cook (2002). Studies in Muslim Apocalyptic. Darwin Press. p. 197. from Majlisi,
  2. David Wroe; James Massola (December 16, 2014). "Flag being held by Lindt Chocolat Cafe hostages is not an Islamic State flag". The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 2015-03-03. the black banner which was used in the 1990s
  3. 1 2 Hinds 1996, p. 97-142.
  4. 1 2 Hinds 1996, p. 104-6.
  5. Hinds 1996, p. 133.
  6. Nicolle 1993, p. 6.
  7. Hinds 1996, p. 108.
  8. 1 2 Cook 2002, p. 153.
  9. 1 2 Cook 2002, p. 125.
  10. 1 2 Cook 2002, p. 206.
  11. Hinds 1996, p. 109.
  12. The writing above the image of the full moon is a part of the Quranic verse 124 of Sura Aal Imran (English translation: "And Allah had (already) helped you at Badr, when you were a contemptible little force.")
  13. Tabari (1995), Jane McAuliffe, ed., Abbāsid Authority Affirmed, 28, SUNY, p. 124
  14. Patricia Crone (2012). The Nativist Prophets of Early Islam. p. 122.. As remembered in pro-Umayyad apocalyptic: page 125}
  15. "The proselytes of the ʿAbbasid revolution took full advantage of the eschatological expectations raised by black banners in their campaign to undermine the Umayyad dynasty from within. Even after the ʿAbbasids had triumphed over the Umayyads in 750, they continued to deploy black as their dynastic colour; not only the banners but the headdresses and garments of the ʿAbbasid caliphs were black [...] The ubiquitous black created a striking contrast with the banners and dynastic color of the Umayyads, which had been white [...] The Ismaili Shiʿite counter-caliphate founded by the Fatimids took white as its dynastic color, creating a visual contrast to the ʿAbbasid enemy [...] white became the Shiʿite color, in deliberate opposition to the black of the ʿAbbasid 'establishment'." Jane Hathaway, A Tale of Two Factions: Myth, Memory, and Identity in Ottoman Egypt and Yemen, 2012, p. 97f.
  16. Patricia Crone (2012). The Nativist Prophets of Early Islam. p. 243.
  17. Smith, Peter (2000). A Concise Encyclopedia of the Bahá'í Faith. Oneworld Publications, (Sales and Editorial), 185 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 7AR. ISBN 1-85168-184-1.
  18. Momen, Moojan (May 1983). "The Social Basis of the Babi Upheavals in Iran (1848-53): A Preliminary Analysis". International Journal of Middle East Studies. Cambridge University Press. 15 (2): 157–183. JSTOR 162988. doi:10.1017/s0020743800052260.
  19. "A Brief History of Ahmadiyya Movement In Islam". 1939-12-28. Retrieved 2016-03-23.
  20. "Question: Why do Muslims use black flags if the color black is associated with death and mourning?". 1984-10-22. Retrieved 2016-03-23. "Black absorbs total light, [it] does not emit an iota of light, so from looking heavenly-wards black indicates that we absorb entire light from heaven, and white reflects total light without being dishonest about it, so a Messenger has two aspects. One of receiving things from Allah, in that respect he's nabi [prophet], whatever he receives he completely, totally absorbs, and when he speaks to the others he reflects the entire light without being dishonest or stingy about it, so that reflection makes it white. So reception that is a complete reception without leaving anything out and reflection that is a complete reflection without leaving anything out, they are witnessed only in two colours: black and white. So both have been employed in Islam as flags." "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2015-06-30. Retrieved 2015-06-27.
  21. "Very interestingly, the Taliban hail from the Pashtun ethnicity and have traditionally used two flags, a white flag with a black Shahada (Kalma) embossed for their government and diplomatic purposes and a reversal of this i.e. a black flag with a white Shahada embossed for their military. These types of black flags are also vividly seen across the tribal Pashtun areas that are now reportedly under the control of Pakistani Taliban." Bilal Khan, Black Banners From Khurasan: The Bilad-e-Khurasan in Making, 2008 (
  22. "Usama bin Ladin often signed his name with the location, 'Khurasan, Afghanistan' at the end of his messages whilst a guest of the Taliban. His organisation, Al-Qa’ida, also specifically adopted black flags from the 1990s. Reading between the lines, it is obvious that Bin Ladin saw Al-Qa’ida as fulfilling a sacred prophecy, bringing armies led by black flags towards Damascus and Jerusalem, in preparation for the coming of the messianic figure, the Mahdi." (The Black Flags of Khurasan)
  23. "Flag of the Islamic Khilafah".
  24. The Economist, Extremist ideology: Jail, jihad and exploding kittens, 2014-11-01
  25. For example: Perlmutter, Dawn (2014-08-19). "Black Flag in Jersey: A Jihadist Identifier Camouflaged". Frontpage Mag. Retrieved 2014-12-15. [...] an obvious terrorist identifier, the ‘Black Flag of Jihad’, has been successfully camouflaged as a benign symbol of faith, protected in the media by political correctness and Muslim apologetics.
  26. "Neojihadism and YouTube: Patani militant propaganda dissemination and radicalization" (PDF). Retrieved 2016-03-23.
  27. "Bomb blast in Pattani misses Aree".
  28. The SITE (Search for International Terrorist Entities) website on 23 January 2007 stated: "The Islamic State of Iraq issued a document titled: 'The Legality of the Flag in Islam,' which contains the image of its flag and information to its symbolism, today, Tuesday, January 23, 2007. Text on the flag reading, 'No God, but Allah, and Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger,' are the words contained on the flag of the Prophet Muhammad that he carried into battle and handed to generations of bearers. The Islamic State provides evidence and legitimacy for this banner from Islamic scholars, and goes into detail regarding opinions of the flag’s material, title, and significance. According to the group the circular shape matches the ring stamp of the Prophet found on many scripts, and the order of the words are to indicate the supremacy of Allah over the Messenger." Cited by Ivan Sache at Flags of the World on 18 February 2007.
  29. "Iraq crisis: Cameron warns of possible IS threat to UK". BBC News. 16 August 2014. Retrieved 17 August 2014.
  31. Cluskey, Peter (2 August 2014). "Dutch ban display of Isis flag in advance Amsterdam march". Irish Times. Retrieved 19 November 2014.
  32. Eddy, Melissa (12 September 2014). "Germany Bans Support for ISIS". The New York Times. Retrieved 19 November 2014.
  33. "Austria bans Isis terror symbols". The Local. 12 September 2014. Retrieved 19 November 2014.

Works cited

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