The Jewish Observer

The Jewish Observer was an American Orthodox Jewish magazine published by the Agudath Israel of America, from 1970 until 2008.

The magazine generally presented a Haredi viewpoint. Published since 1963, it was printed nine months a year; the January and February issues are combined, and there are no issues in July or August. The magazine's website contains PDF copies of portions of previous issues dating back to 2002 while the website of the Lefkowitz Leadership Institute contains PDF files of every single issue since 1963 (see external links below).

It was founded by Dr. Ernst L. Bodenheimer and Rabbi Moshe Sherer, and the Editor was Rabbi Nissan Wolpin zt"l.

Contributors to the Jewish Observer included Rabbi Avi Shafran, Rabbi Zalman I. Posner, Rabbi Mendel Weinbach, Rabbi Dr Aaron Twerski, Yonoson Rosenblum, Dr Bernard Fryshman, Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein and Rabbi Yitzchok Lowenbraun. The magazine ceased operations in 2010.[1]


  1. See
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