Jesús Ildefonso Díaz

Jesús Ildefonso Díaz
Born (1950-12-11) 11 December 1950
Toledo, Spain
Nationality Spanish
Fields Mathematics
Institutions Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales
Alma mater Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Doctoral advisor Alberto Dou
Haïm Brezis
Known for Works in partial differential equations

Jesús Ildefonso Díaz (born December 11, 1950 in Toledo, ain) is a Spanish mathematician who works in partial differential equations. He is Professor at Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) (1982) and a member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences (1997). He is also Doctor "Honoris Causa" from the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour (1996).


Born in Toledo, Spain in 1950, Professor Díaz graduated in Ciencias (Mathematics) from UCM (1973) where he obtained his PhD in 1976.

Professional Trajectory

Professor Díaz has worked intensively in many areas of Applied Mathematics, such as theoretical and applied aspects of Nonlinear partial differential equations, in Fluid Mechanics models (including Plasma Physics), Geophysical models (Climatology, Glaciology, Viscoelastic gravity-layers,..), Reaction-Diffusion models, Elasticity and Homogenization models, Control theory models, among several others (Semiconductors, Ginzburg-Landau and Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations). He has also worked in nonlinear analysis tools, closer to Pure Mathematics, such as accretive operators, rearrangement, gradient estimates, etc. Other different activities include contributions in Science History, Divulgation and Scientific Management.

Concerning research (at December, 2014), he has more than 200 papers in research journals, 140 contributions published in Proceedings of meetings, 7 books and memoirs, 8 chapters in books, and he has been one of the editors in 20 books . On scientific divulgation, he has 37 articles, 2 memoirs, 2 contributions to published Proceedings and 20 chapters in books. In his list of publications he has more than 175 collaborators. He received the influence of many teachers and colleagues: Alberto Dou, Haïm Brezis, his PhD Thesis advisors, Philippe Benilan and Jacques Louis Lions, among them.

From 1979, he has been advisor of 20 PhD Dissertations (all of them at Univ. Complutense de Madrid) with 77 descendants.[1]


In the improvement of his closer neighbourhood, he created in the eighties the Department of Applied Mathematics, when the main trend in Spain at that time were Pure Mathematics, at the Facultad de Matemáticas of UCM. He led it for several years, in which it grew very much, with regular seminars, PhD dissertations, visitors, travels, etc.

At the following level, that of the University, he created (jointly with some colleagues), and served in the editorial board, the Revista Matemática de la UCM, and he has organized up to six summer courses of the UCM, two of them with Jacques Louis Lions, on mathematics, climate and environment, another on environment and economics. Another one dealt with mathematics and architecture. Three more were on different topics on interdisciplinary mathematics, more recently, within the frame of the IMI (Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute) , also founded by Prof. Díaz, on 2006, at the UCM.

Congresses and Societies

He had the idea of organize a Congress on Differential Equations and Applications in Spain in 1979. Professors Díaz, Casal, Hernández and Lobo were the organizers. It happened to be the first one of a series of them in Spain, of increasing interest and relevance, still going on. The 22nd of them took place last September 2014, in Castellón.

He revitalized and even started some of the associative movement in mathematics in Spain. Jointly with Antonio Valle, he created the Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics (SEMA) in 1991, from which he was the first Secretary and the second President. He actively collaborated in the re-foundation of the Spanish Royal Society of Mathematics (RSME), being member of the reduced Comité Ejecutivo, in 1997 after a long period of inactivity.

He was a very active Member of the Spanish Committee for the 2000, Mathematics World Year. On occasion of it he promoted activities in many places. In particular, he organized a very important one at the Spanish Parliament, chaired with Jacques Louis Lions (the first time in the history than a scientific meeting was held there).

He went deeper in the relationship between Applied Mathematics and the society. He started relationships with institutions such as CIEMAT (Spanish Centre for research in Energy, Environment and Technology), for studies and doctoral program in Nuclear Fusion or the Spanish Instituto Nacional de Meteorología. He was appointed for an important executive committee in the Spanish Foundation in Science and Technology, where he organized a Workshop on Mathematics and Industry, among other activities.

In still another level, in 1997 he was elected Académico Numerario (Academician) of the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences (he had been Corresponding Member since 1990).[2] He worked to modernize and improve the academy with many activities, as being the founder and main editor of the mathematics section of the Journal of the Academy (RACSAM, now in the citation index), and many more actions together with Profs. A. Liñán and M. de Guzmán.

He was one of those responsible to have Profs. Jacques Louis Lions, Haïm Brezis, H. Amann, Avner Friedman and Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, as Corresponding Foreign Academicians and to Prof. Juan Luis Vázquez Suárez as Académico Numerario.

With the crucial actions of Brezis, an agreement was signed in Paris, on June 21, 2001, between the French and the Spanish Academies of Science, for the first time in the history of both academies. A joint congress of them, "Les Mathématiques et l'environnement", took place in Paris, on May 23 and 24, 2002, organized by Brezis and Díaz.

There are other things in his activities such as historic research of the findings letters and documents of scientists such as Gauss and Faraday, related with their relations as Foreign Members of the Spanish Real Academia de Ciencias.

After much work, he succeeded to have the word modelizar accepted by the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language to be included in their Spanish Official Dictionary as the right Spanish translation involving the English word modelling.

International Relationships

The close ties with France were a natural way to enlarge his activities also in his teaching duties. He was appointed as (one month) Professeur de première classe, at different French Universities, such as Toulouse, Nancy, Pau, Metz, Tours, Poitiers, Paris VI, Montpellier ... He organized many French-Spanish Congresses on various topics, French-Spanish Workshops on Numerical Simulation (J. L. Lions French-Spanish Workshops on Numerical Simulation ), etc. Their Proceedings became several prestigious books of reference.

He has also been Honorary Member of the Mathematics Research Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, and Profesore Visitatori del Consiglio Nacionale delle Ricerche, Italy, (Universities of Roma II and L'Aquila).

He enlarged these actions to other countries. He promoted Integrated Actions with Germany (2002), and organized other activities such as the Italian-Spanish meeting on Nonlinear Analysis and Applied Mathematics (with Boccardo, Tesei, DiBenedetto, Vázquez and Herrero, in 1989), and the NATO Advanced Study Institute on the Mathematics of Models for Climatology and Environment in 1995.

He was the first responsible (jointly with Prof. J.F. Rodigues) of the Programmes of Free Boundary Problems of the European Science Foundation. He was a member of the Scientific Committee of the 3rd European Congress of Mathematics (Barcelona, 2000).

From January 2009 to December 2013 he was European Coordinator of the European Programme FIRST (Fronts and Interfaces in Science and Technologies), 4 millios of Euros as budget, with activities in eleven countries and two big industries, in the European Seventh Framework Programme

Scientific Journals

Since September 2003 to June 2014 he was the only Spanish person in the editorial board of the Journal of the European Mathematical Society. He belongs to many more International Committees and Editorial Boards of prestigious journals;

Former responsibilities:

Some Distinctions.

To honor him, a group of colleagues and friends organized an International Congress. Its name was Non linear models in partial differential equations: A conference on occasion of Jesús Ildefonso Diaz’s 60th birthday.[3] It took place on June, 14-17, 2011, in the Palacio de Lorenzana, (UCLM), a beautiful 18th Century building in Toledo, Spain (Ildefonso’s birthplace). The members of the Scientific Committee were Profs. Haïm Brezis (President), H. Ammann, S.N. Antontsev, A. Friedman, R. Glowinski, A. Liñán, E. Sánchez-Palencia, and R. Temam. All of them delivered a special lecture. Two special issue of the journal Differential Equations and Applications where dedicated to this event (Differential Equations and Applications Vol. 3, Issue 4, (2011) and Vol. 4 Issue 1, (2012). ISSN 1847-120X.


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