List of ''Code Lyoko'' characters

The following is a list of characters from the animated television series Code Lyoko and Code Lyoko: Evolution created by Thomas Romain and Tania Palumbo.


L to R: Aelita, Ulrich, Yumi, Odd with Kiwi, Jeremie.

Aelita Schaeffer

Aelita Schaeffer (French: Sophie Landresse, English: Sharon Mann), better known as Aelita Stones, is the daughter of Franz (creator of Lyoko) and Anthea Hopper. Nicknamed "Miss Einstein" and "Princess," she is the second smartest of the group, closely following Jeremy. As a little girl, she lost her mother. When a group of suited men came to her home, the "Hermitage," she and her father fled and virtualized themselves on Lyoko. Between the virtualization and Jeremy's discovery of the supercomputer, XANA stole an important memory fragment that inhibited her from becoming fully human again. After this fragment is retrieved, she is no longer linked to the supercomputer. In Lyoko, she has an elf-like appearance, similar to that of "Mr. Puck," a toy elf from her childhood. After becoming human, she often has premonitions and nightmares of what is to come or what was. From Seasons 1 to 2, Aelita has no way of attacking. In Season 3, she gains the ability to use "energy fields;" they are pink spheres which seem to be made out of plasma. In Season 1 only, Aelita had a "sixth sense" (sometimes called "second sight") ability that allowed her to see when towers were activated. Throughout the series, Aelita uses her "creativity" power to do various things such as create platforms over the void and create holes in the ground. Starting from Season 4, Jeremie gave Aelita a flight ability, which she shows with her angelic wings. In the video games, Aelita can use levitation to fly over platforms for a brief period of time, and use petrification to encase her enemies in ice blocks. She is enrolled as a border at Kadic after full materialization. In order to eliminate problems, they give her the fake surname Stones. When going to the factory, she rides a scooter.

Jeremie Belpois

Jeremie Belpois (French: Raphaëlle Bruneau, English: Sharon Mann), nicknamed Einstein and sometimes spelled Jeremy, is a top-of-the-class student who finds and starts the factory's supercomputer while looking for parts to build a robot. As part of the group, he specializes in programming new ways to defeat XANA and monitors the group while they are on Lyoko. Because he is not very athletic and is more computer savvy; Jeremie never goes to Lyoko. When going to the factory, he rides a scooter. Jeremie also has a not-so secret crush on Aelita since he first turned on the supercomputer, therefore revitalizing not only the virtual world Lyoko, but the malevolent multi-agent system X.A.N.A. as well. He seems to be the main archenemy of X.A.N.A. as it appears to want to get rid of him more than the others.

Odd Della Robbia

Odd Della Robbia (French: Raphaëlle Bruneau, English: Matthew Géczy) is the comic relief of the group. Odd is credited as having great potential when it comes to school, but rarely uses it, and gets bad grades due to his lack of studying. During tests, he generally cheats off of Jeremy. He shares a dorm with Ulrich and has a dog named Kiwi, which he hides in a dresser because pets aren't allowed at Kadic. He attempts to go out with girls, but his bad habits get in the way. Odd's hair has a purple spot and is upright, except for the first episode. He generally wears a purple hoodie and he is clothed like a cat when in Lyoko. He shoots "laser arrows" to attack his enemies. In Season 1 only, he had a "Future Flash" ability, which allowed him to foresee certain future events. Starting Season 2, Odd sometimes uses a shield to block attacks. Near the end of Season 3, Jeremie attempted to program Odd a teleportation ability, but failed. Another ability that Odd harbors is being able to climb on walls. In the video games, Odd uses an ability labeled "Feline Jump" to replace his regular climbing. He also has the ability to use time control in Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity. He is the least computer-literate of the group and rides a skateboard to the factory. He rides the Overboard in Lyoko.

Ulrich Stern

Ulrich Stern (French: Marie-Line Landerwijn, English: Barbara Weber-Scaff) is one of the more laid back students who is expected to show potential in front of his parents. In his off-time he practices Pencak silat with Yumi, who "is a friend and that's all." Before Lyoko, he was annoyed with Sissi, so he often has to deal with or use her as the warriors deal with XANA and their own personal issues within the group. While in Lyoko, he is clothed in a yellow and black suit. Ulrich's main weapon is a katana, which becomes two katanas in Season 4. He uses abilities such as Triplicate to create 2 clones of himself, and a related technique labeled "Triangulate," which is a type of Triplicate that allows Ulrich to ambush enemies with his clones. Starting Season 2, Ulrich uses "super sprint" to dash at high speed. In the video games, Ulrich uses his "super reflexes" to break through walls. He is the second-least knowledgeable about using the supercomputer. He skateboards to the factory. He rides the Overbike when in Lyoko.

Yumi Ishiyama

Yumi Ishiyama (French: Géraldine Frippiat, English: Mirabelle Kirkland) is a fairly reserved student who lives near and attends Kadic. She is the oldest of the group. She is of Japanese descent, and has one younger brother, Hiroki. Because of her parents and culture, she must maintain good grades and observe family values. At home, she generally has to deal with marital issues between her parents. She is an old friend of William Dunbar, who transferred to Kadic during Season 2. She practices pencak silat with Ulrich, but because of all the tensions created by Lyoko, she and Ulrich "are just friends and that's it." She always wears black, and on Lyoko she is clothed with a geisha-inspired outfit with a big bowtie. Yumi's main weapon is a tessen fan, which increases to two in Season 2. In Code Lyoko: Evolution, Jeremie occasionally programs Yumi a bo. Yumi's only power in the show is telekinesis, but in the video games, she has enhanced balancing skills (plainly called Balance). She has also the most knowledgeable about using the quantum supercomputer besides Jeremy, until Aelita becomes completely human. She skateboards to the factory but rides the Overwing on Lyoko.

William Dunbar

William Dunbar (French: Mathieu Moreau, English: David Gasman) is an overconfident student at Kadic Academy who often fights Ulrich for Yumi's attention. When he was first introduced in the series he was shown to be a loner, however Yumi soon sees him as a friend and he soon develops feelings for her. Despite his rifts with the other Lyoko Warriors, he becomes the closest thing to a trusted ally they have. Although Jeremy, Ulrich, Odd, and Aelita initially voted in favor of his joining them, they are unable to reach consensus due to Yumi's disapproval. Eventually, however, the vote becomes unanimous when William's membership is necessary. On his first mission in Lyoko, he is captured and possessed by XANA, who ensnares William as its puppet. From that point on, a clone of William, created by Jeremy, is used to pose as the real William until Jeremy is able to free him. Unfortunately, Jeremy's program is extremely malfunction-prone, causing the William clone to act either abysmally unintelligent or unpredictable and dangerous. Near the end of the series the clone starts developing several human-like traits, which he eventually uses to help the warriors. In Lyoko, William carries a giant sword, which can release shock waves, and has a white outfit, which becomes black when he is under XANA's control. In Code Lyoko: Evolution, it is revealed that he has somehow kept his "supersmoke" ability from his time with XANA, which allows him to travel at high speed in the form of a black smoke. He travels to the factory on foot and is unknowledgeable on how to use the supercomputer.



XANA (also called X.A.N.A.) is a supernaturally powerful, computer program that serves as the main antagonist of the series. It was originally created and programmed by Franz Hopper in the 1990s, designed to destroy Project Carthage - a military software system that Franz Hopper had previously been closely involved with. He mentions that his motives were to prevent the French government from obtaining access to Project Carthage. Unfortunately, due to his repeated returns to the past, XANA grew stronger and smarter until it eventually became sentient; choosing to rebel against Franz. It then trapped Franz and his daughter Aelita inside Lyoko. Luckily, Franz was able to shut down the supercomputer to trap XANA and prevent it from wreaking havoc on the real world.

XANA displays no mercy whatsoever towards those who stand in its way, waging attacks through Lyoko structures known as "towers" into the real world, often attempting mortal harm against the main characters.Being a computer program, XANA has no actual physical form. Instead, XANA acts though creatures it creates in Lyoko and while possessing machines and humans in the physical world. Objects controlled by XANA are marked with a symbol called the Eye of XANA constantly symbolizing its presence among them. It usually programs monsters inside Lyoko in order to prevent the heroes from deactivating the Towers and ruining his plans. It uses the towers to access the physical electrical and electronic networks on Earth. It has the ability to conjure energy apparitions called spectres, which allow it to take possession of any computer system, physical objects, and/or living things. Whenever a human is possessed by XANA, that person does its bidding and becomes pixelized, given advanced powers that appear supernatural, such as increased strength, speed, and endurance, manipulation of electricity, influence over objects and devices, phasing through walls, levitation, etc. Possessed humans pupils turn into the Eye of XANA symbol.

After its supposed destruction in the penultimate episode of the original series, it was revealed in Code Lyoko: Evolution that XANA survived by taking refuge in the Cortex, a sector generated by Professor Tyron's supercomputer.

The only known physical incarnation of XANA appeared in the Season 1, episode titled "Ghost Channel;" where after having its disguise as Jeremy being exposed, he transformed into a demonic caricature figure of Jeremy and it and tried to kill all of the Warriors. XANA's voice was provided by David Gasman in this episode.


There are many types of monsters in Lyoko, that XANA summons in order to guard the Towers it activates and battle the group. Some are a mere nuisance while others are a major threat. The weakest ones make up for this fact by traveling in packs. All of them, however, try to impede the group. The monsters remain until they are destroyed or a return trip is activated.

Besides specters and clones, XANA has many types of monsters: Kankrelats, Hornets, Bloks, Krabs, Megatanks, Tarantulas, Creepers, Mantas, the Scyphozoa, and the Kolossus. There are also Guardians whose purpose is to trap beings inside it. Also, XANA can program monsters to use in the Digital Sea, such as Kongres, Sharks, and the Kalamar (one appears in the show, but multiple appear in the games). These monsters are fought using torpedoes shot from the Skidbladnir or Nav Skids.

The video games have exclusive monsters: the Scorpion, Insekts, and Volkanoids. Additionally, there are monsters that guard the Replika supercomputers in the second game: the Beetle, the Mantis, the Ice Boss, the Desert Horse, and the Slug. In the third game, the Mantis appears right after the Ice Boss.

Supporting characters

Elisabeth Delmas

Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas (French: Carole Baillien, English: Christine Flowers and Jodi Forrest) is the daughter of Kadic's principal and a somewhat rather unpopular, yet sissy-like girl who has a crush on Ulrich and is always looking to get the Lyoko Warriors in action. Sissi and Odd quite often tease each other, with Odd making clever comebacks whenever Sissi says something dumb (which is often) or whenever the need her to go away. After Aelita becomes human she often does the same. Sissi is often followed by two other boys who she resents, but uses to her advantage. The prequel of the series shows that she was a Lyoko Warrior but was kicked out of the group after breaking her oath to keep the supercomputer a secret. Therefore, her memories of Lyoko were erased and she was replaced by Yumi.

Herve Pichon

Herve Pichon (French: Bruno Mullenaerts, English: David Gasman), better known as Herb, is an eighth grader at Kadic and a classmate to the Lyoko Warriors. He is the second-in-command of Sissi's Gang, and sometimes even the boss in times of emergency when Sissi proves to be incompetent, as he is obviously the most intelligent in their group. Herb is also in love with Sissi, although he can't tell her because she has crushes on various people including Ulrich and Theo Gauthier. He has also shown an intense competition with Jeremie over who is smarter, though he has mostly been disregarded.

Nicolas Poliakoff

Nicolas Poliakoff (French: Carole Baillien, English: Matthew Géczy) is an eighth grader at Kadic. He is a member of Sissi's gang, and mostly just stands there staring into space unless Sissi orders him to follow her. His characteristic speech includes pauses and 'uh' before speaking. It is still unknown why exactly Nicolas joined Sissi's "gang", but it is probably due to the fact Herb did. Nicolas also has a crush on Aelita, but has never acted on it. He can play the drums, and is in the Pop Rock Progressives, a band started by Odd. As a result, he is certainly more tolerant of and kinder toward the Lyoko Warriors than Herb and Sissi are. In some episodes, it is shown he has at least some degree of intelligence, as he wrote the play in Laughing Fit. Nicolas is also easy to scare, as is Herb.

Jean-Pierre Delmas

Jean-Pierre Delmas (French: Bruno Mullenaerts, English: Alan Wenger) (known by the students at Kadic as Mr. Delmas, to Sissi as Daddy or Dad) is the headmaster/principal of Kadic. He is easily controlled by his daughter Sissi, sometimes to the advantage or disadvantage of the Lyoko Warriors. She has convinced him many times to organize school dances and other activities for her (or rather, has demanded for him to do so). He has shown in his dealings with staff and the Lyoko Warriors that he can be stubborn and incredibly ignorant at times; especially when members of the Lyoko Warriors are trying to convince him of any dangerous supernatural activity caused by XANA.

Suzanne Hertz

Suzanne Hertz (French: Nathalie Stas, English: Jodi Forrest) is a science teacher at Kadic, who appears to teach most branches of grade-level science. She is notable for being the only teacher to organize field trips in the series, which happened on several occasions. She is the primary academics teacher shown in the series. She has shown a dislike of Odd and Ulrich; but a liking to Jeremie, and later Aelita.

Jim Morales

Jim Morales (French: Frédéric Meaux, English: David Gasman) is the physical education teacher for Kadic Academy, although it is never explicitly revealed what his entire occupational history is, as he "would rather not talk about it". His meticulously half-secretive past, which may or may not be accurate, is one Jim is particularly proud of, typically digressing from his lectures in order to reminisce on stories of his youth. Jim is often suspicious of the Lyoko Warriors, despite wishing to be friends with them. On several occasions, Jim has discovered the existence of Lyoko or XANA and displayed his helpfulness and willingness to keep it a secret, however his memories have always been reset by a return to the past.

Milly Solovieff and Tamiya Diop

Amelia "Milly" Solovieff and Tamiya Diop are members of the Kadic News Crew. Milly is quite intelligent for a little girl of ten to eleven years, and is a member of the fifth to sixth grade. Tamiya is Milly’s best friend. She seems to be slightly less driven by her emotions, which allows her to think more clearly than her red-headed friend when bad things happen to them. She's also always there to give a kind word when it's needed.

Samantha Knight

Samantha Knight, also called Sam, is one of the many girls that Odd has dated over the course of the show. She, however, is different in many ways from the rest. For example, she doesn't attend Kadic Academy. Samantha attended Mathison, a school near Kadic Academy. She and Odd met prior to the events in "Rock Bottom?" and Odd invited her to DJ at a party they were having at Yumi's house. Coming from a poor family, Sam tried to steal a laptop from Kadic's computer lab so she could DJ, since she couldn't afford one herself. Odd got in trouble for covering for her. Odd ended up saving her life later in the episode.

The Ishiyamas

Hiroki, Takeo, and Akiko Ishiyama are Yumi's family. Hiroki is her younger brother, who often pesters her with bribes to do his homework. Takeo works with several Japanese companies specialzsing in advanced technologies (microscopes, glasses, et cetera), and Akiko seems to be a housewife. They appear in a decent amount of episodes, often covering Yumi's family issues; occasionally Hiroki aids Yumi.

Yolanda Perraudin

Yolanda Perraudin is the school nurse. She has the job of taking care of the numerous injuries that occur at the school. This can vary from the disinfection of a simple superficial cut to calling an ambulance to deal with a coma or giving advice for excessive plantar perspiration. She comes into the spotlight of the series when she is possessed in episode 47 and kidnaps Aelita to take her to Lyoko.

By nature, she is calm and understanding. Yolanda rarely loses her composure faced with the problems our heroes meet during their adventures and several times, she has dealt with them patiently, while never becoming angry and rarely panicking. She has a certain slightly sarcastic sense of humor, which Sissi bears the brunt of occasionally. Only Jim has managed to exasperate her a little, which doesn't stop her from fending him off when he goes overboard.

Rosa Petitjean

Rosa Petitjean is the lunch lady who cooks meals at the cafeteria. She's very close to the students, but she gives the impression of being shy. She's also just and refuses to give a student helpings at the expense of another. Compassionate, she is reluctant to make dishes that aren't tasty and favors taste over a balanced diet. Later on, it is shown that Rosa has a fear of supernatural creatures.

Recurring characters

Franz Hopper

Waldo Franz Schaeffer (French: Mathieu Moreau, English: Paul Bandey and Alan Wenger), better known as Franz Hopper (after he legally changed their family's last name to his wife's maiden name), is the creator of both Lyoko and XANA, and was involved in the creation of Project Carthage. Formerly a science teacher at Kadic Academy, he vanished suddenly while living in a house in the school park called the Hermitage. In a nearby abandoned factory, he constructed the supercomputer on which he created Lyoko, only to be intercepted by XANA during his and Aelita's virtualization. Franz was forced to shut the supercomputer down, until it was discovered by the boy genius, Jeremy Belpois, nearly ten years later. In the penultimate episode of the cartoon, he dies in Lyoko, allowing Jeremie to bring XANA down once and for all.

Anthea Hopper

Anthea Hopper was the wife of the computer scientist Waldo Franz Schaeffer, and Aelita's long-lost mother. In the original series, she is depicted as a young woman with fair skin, black eyes, and bright pink waist-length hair, which Aelita had inherited. Prior to the series, she had mysteriously disappeared and had not been seen or heard from for several years. In Code Lyoko: Evolution, she is revealed be very much alive and working alongside Professor Tyron, who had convinced her that her daughter was dead. Aelita, however, succeeded in contacting her at last and informing Anthea that she was her daughter; alive and well. With the mention of Lyoko, Anthea realized that it was indeed Aelita, but the connection was severed by Tyron before she could react further. In the cliffhanger episode, Ultimate Mission, she had sent a video message, saying how happy she was to know that Aelita was alive.

Code Lyoko: Evolution exclusive

Laura Gauthier

Laura Gauthier is a recurring character who appears in Code Lyoko: Evolution as the temporary seventh member of the Lyoko Warriors. She discovered Lyoko, the factory, and the supercomputer after following William to the factory, in which he didn't know he was being followed. Her main role was to assist Jeremie in matters that even Aelita could not help in, such as advanced coding and constructing viruses. When she rebels against Jeremie and goes to the factory with William and sends him to the Cortex, William nearly gets captured by XANA as he did in the original series. After the Lyoko Warriors stop the Scyphozoa from fully possessing William, Jeremie kicks Laura out of the group.

Professor Tyron

Professor Tyron is the secondary antagonist in Code Lyoko: Evolution. He is responsible for the creation of the Cortex via his own quantum supercomputer in Switzerland. He used to work with Franz Hopper, but was fired after not listening to his instructions and being too conceited. He later betrayed him by stealing blueprints to create his own supercomputer. After an unknown sequence of events, he married Anthea to get his hands on Franz Hopper's personal files; this also makes him Aelita's stepfather.


The Ninjas are human avatars just like the Lyoko Warriors that are sent to the Cortex by Professor Tyron when necessary. They first appeared and attacked Jeremie and his friends after the latter tried to warn Tyron about XANA being in his supercomputer, which ended in Tyron getting blinded by anger and sending in Ninjas to devirtualize them. A Ninja's powers include super sprint and being able to travel across the Digital Sea without any protection.

Samantha Suarez

Samantha Suarez is the Code Lyoko: Evolution adapation of Samantha Knight from the original series. She seems to have known Odd for a long time, but Samantha only started boarding at Kadic Academy very recently after a dispute with her father. Odd begins to pursue her as a love interest, even buying her a thousand red roses when he believes he's won the lottery. Samantha is hesitant about starting a relationship with him again, most likely due to the fact that Odd can't tell her the truth about why he keeps running off.

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