Jean-Pierre Dedieu

Jean-Pierre Dedieu (born 8 August 1948, in Prat-Bonrepaux) is a French historian, specialist of the history of Spain.

Short biography

He is known especially for his studies about the Spanish Inquisition. He has been director of the Maison des Pays Ibériques in Bordeaux and member of the scientific board of the Casa de Velázquez in Madrid. More recently he has studied the political system of the Spanish monarchy in the 18th and 19th centuries. Because of an interest in the application of informatics to historical research since the late 1980s, he has developed the "Fichoz" database system. Since January 2005, he is "directeur de recherches" at the LARHRA - CNRS UMR 5190 in Lyon. Within the LARHRA he has founded and directed the Pôle "Méthodes"[1] initiative.

Selected bibliography

See also


  1. Jean-Luc Pinol, Christiane Lorgere, Véronique Grandjean, Jean-Luc Bouville. "Le Pôle histoire numérique (LARHRA)". Retrieved 2014-01-28.
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