James Taylor Jr. (Exclusive Brethren)

James Taylor Jr. (1899–1970), was the religious leader of the Exclusive Brethren.


Taylor was the son of Irish linen merchant James Taylor Sr, (18701953), leader of the Raven Exclusive Brethren from 1908 until his death, when Taylor Jr. took over. James Taylor Jr. lived in New York and was married with several children.

Literary output

Five volumes of Taylor's letters have been published. Much of his oral preaching and Bible studies has been transcribed and is published in an extended series of green books. One feature of his conversational Bible studies is the frequency with which he answers a matter by suggesting he must "enquire," or "enquire in the temple," to secure an answer. His books were published by Gospel and Tract depot, now continuing at Greenford, Middlesex. The publishing house only sells these books to its members, and not to the general public.


Taylor emphasised biblical teachings on separation from the world to his followers. He encouraged his members not to eat with non-members. Membership of professional bodies was also discouraged. Under his teaching the Raven-Taylor Exclusives commenced "Breaking Bread" on Lord's-day at 6 am. His teachings and conduct were the source of much public interest in the UK and the national press occupied itself with "Big Jim." This resulted in:

His "separatist" pronouncements were maintained by his successors and followers.

The Aberdeen incident

Seemingly under the influence of alcohol, Taylor began to exhibit increasingly erratic behaviour, which came to a head in meetings at Aberdeen, Scotland, where allegedly he was heard using strong language, including calling other members, "bums," and, "bastards." In July 1970, it was reported that he was also caught with a naked, married woman in his bedroom.[1] Taylor rejected both accusations but the incident divided the Brethren membership worldwide.


Taylor died shortly after the Aberdeen incident.[1]


Taylor was succeeded as leader of the Exclusive Brethren by James H Symington, an American from Neche, North Dakota, who in turn was followed by John S. Hales, an Australian accountant.


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