James Taranto

James Taranto
Born (1966-01-06) January 6, 1966
Occupation Journalist, columnist, editor
Nationality American

James Taranto (born January 6, 1966) is an American journalist. He is editorial features editor for The Wall Street Journal, in charge of the newspaper's op-ed pages, both print and digital.[1] He was formerly editor of its online editorial page OpinionJournal.com.[2] He joined the newspaper's editorial board in 2007.[3]

Taranto is perhaps best known for his daily online column Best of the Web Today, which typically included political, social, and media commentary in the form of conventional opinion writing as well as puns and other forms of wordplay and other recurring themes on news stories crowdsourced from readers. His final "Best of the Web Today" column was published on January 3, 2017, after he became editorial features editor.[1]

Before joining the Wall Street Journal in 1996, Taranto spent five years as an editor at City Journal. He has also worked for the Heritage Foundation and Reason magazine.[3] He pursued a degree in journalism at California State University, Northridge (CSUN) but "never bothered to graduate" after "conflict with teachers and professors".[4]

Rooster incident

While attending CSUN, Taranto worked as news editor and also as one of two opinion page editors for the Daily Sundial student newspaper. On March 5, 1987, Taranto published an opinion piece criticizing a controversy at the University of California, Los Angeles, in which the editor of the Daily Bruin student newspaper was suspended after the paper published a comic strip depicting a rooster admitted to the university via affirmative action. Accompanying Taranto's column was a reprint of the rooster cartoon. Journalism professor and Daily Sundial publisher Cynthia Rawitch suspended Taranto for two weeks without pay. Acting on Taranto's behalf, the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Southern California filed suit against Rawitch and other members of the CSUN journalism school. The suit was settled before trial on terms favorable to Taranto and the ACLU.[5][6]

Best of the Web Today

Under Taranto, Best of the Web Today was a column published weekday afternoons on WSJ.com. It began as an anonymous web column collecting interesting links. (The title and the use of the editorial "we" come from that era.) Within a year it became a bylined column with commentary as well as links.[7] Many of the items came from suggestions by readers, and each column ends with thanks to those who contributed to it. In his final column, Taranto announced that the Best of the Web Today feature would return with another editorial writer taking the reins.

Recurring categories

In some instances, Taranto included ad hoc headline rewrites for humorous effect. More often, news and opinion stories were placed within various recurring categories, typically based on the headline of the story. The placement of stories within these categories often implied a particular editorial viewpoint or perspective. Some of the most common recurring categories were:

Recurring criticisms

Taranto used several public figures and organizations for regular criticism and lampooning, often through running gags. Notable examples include:

In similar fashion, Taranto also regularly mocked and deconstructed the reporting of other journalistic organizations including The New York Times (a frequent victim of "Two Papers in One!"), The Huffington Post (always intentionally spoonerized as "The Puffington Host"), Media Matters for America (called "Media Mutters"), WorldNetDaily ("World Nut Daily"), Reuters and the Associated Press.


Taranto commented occasionally on topics of special interest to him such as the Roe effect.[22] He has also coined "The Taranto Principle", which asserts that liberal media bias leads to less thorough vetting of liberal politicians, which can be a disadvantage in general elections.[23]

Aurora mass shooting controversy

On July 25, 2012, Taranto sparked outrage online by posting the following comment to his Twitter account, in reference to the victims and survivors of the July 2012 Aurora, Colorado mass shooting: "I hope the girls whose boyfriends died to save them were worthy of the sacrifice".[24][25]

Later that day, Taranto issued a mea culpa in his Best of the Web Todayentry:

We intended this to be thought-provoking, but to judge by the response, very few people received it that way. The vast majority found it offensive and insulting. This column has often argued that a failure of public communication is the fault of the public communicator, and that's certainly true in this case. What follows is an attempt to answer for this failure with a circumspect accounting of our thoughts.

What makes the stories of Jansen Young, Samantha Yowler and Amanda Lindgren especially poignant is that their boyfriends' dying acts simultaneously dealt them an unfathomable loss and gave them an invaluable gift – a gift of life. Their loss is all the more profound because the gift was one of love as well. In instinctively making the ultimate sacrifice, each of these men proved the depth of his devotion. They passed a test to which most men, thankfully, are never put – and then they were gone.

These three women owe their lives to their men. That debt can never be repaid in kind, because life is for the living and cannot be returned to the dead. The closest they can come to redeeming it is to use the gift of their survival well – to live good, full, happy lives.

People live on after death in the memories of those who loved them. Sometimes when this columnist does something we consider worthwhile, our thoughts turn to our father, who died four years ago: "Dad would be proud." That is our hope for Young, Yowler and Lindgren: that in the years to come, each of them will have many opportunities to reflect that Jon or Matt or Alex would be proud of her.[26]


  1. 1 2 Finale, James Taranto, WSJ, January 3, 2017
  2. James Taranto: Why Is This Man HAHAHA-ing?, Eric Randall, The Atlantic, July 6, 2012
  3. 1 2 James Taranto WSJ Bio, James Taranto, WSJ, August 23, 2011
  4. Disparate But Not Serious, James Taranto, WSJ, May 18, 2007
  5. The Rooster Papers. A student's journalistic feathers are plucked., Mike Moore, The Quill (Society of Professional Journalists), September 1988
  6. Taranto, James (24 May 2013), "See You in the Funny Papers", The Wall Street Journal.
  7. 'The Shoulders of Giants', WSJ.com, July 26, 2012 (see “Why 'We'”)
  8. 'We Were Impressed', James Taranto, WSJ.com, September 19, 2011
  9. Everything Seemingly Is Spinning Out of Control, Alan Fram and Eileen Putman, Associated Press, June 22, 2008
  10. 'Did I Mention He's Black?', June 23, 2008
  11. 'We Were Impressed', James Taranto, WSJ.com, September 19, 2011
  12. https://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424127887323494504578340381791033510
  13. https://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424127887324240804578416721624260026
  14. https://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424127887324866904578513160997321662
  15. With DNC in mind, city bans carrying urine, feces, Daniel J. Chacon, Rocky Mountain News, August 4, 2008
  16. 'Don't Worry, It's Binding', James Taranto, WSJ.com, July 2, 2012
  17. Public Frenemy No. 1, James Taranto, WSJ.com, September 20, 2011
  18. Why They Stood and Cheered , James Taranto, WSJ.com, January 17, 2012
  19. 'Don't Worry, It's Binding', James Taranto, WSJ.com, July 2, 2012
  20. Kerry Pressing Swift Boat Case Long After Loss, Kate Zernike, New York Times, May 28, 2006
  21. No-Trump Bid, James Taranto, WSJ.com, January 19, 2016
  22. The Roe Effect: The right to abortion has diminished the number of Democratic voters, James Taranto, WSJ, July 6, 2005
  23. The Taranto Principle Vindicated Again, R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., The American Spectator, May 20, 2010
  24. http://observer.com/2012/07/wsj-columnist-asks-if-women-saved-by-boyfriends-in-aurora-theater-shooting-were-worth-it/
  25. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/world/james-tarantos-batman-sacrifice-tweet-controversy/story-fnddckzi-1226435016340
  26. 'Heroes of Aurora', James Taranto, WSJ.com, July 25, 2012
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