Jack of the Red Hearts

Jack of the Red Hearts is an American film centered on the issues of orphanage, family, autism, exclusion and inclusion. The film was released on February 26, 2016.[1]


18-year-old Jack struggles to take care of her younger sister, Coke, as both are orphans. When Coke is taken into social assistance services, Jack is required to find a stable income in order to gain legal custody of her sister. After taking the resume of an actual therapist and assuming her identity, Jack is hired by Kay and Mark to care for their daughter, a young autistic girl named Glory, who is about Coke's age. While Jack finds her job challenging at first, she eventually improves and creates a positive connection with Glory. After the forgery is discovered, Kay and Mark forgive Jack and help her to get back with her younger sister. At the end of the movie, we can see Jack as she contemplates the sky the same way as Glory, while being driven in a police car.



The film won the jury award for best film at the first Bentonvillle Film Festival in 2015.[2]


  1. Frank Scheck (February 25, 2016). "'Jack of the Red Hearts': Film Review". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved 2017-01-22.
  2. Malina Saval (May 11, 2015). "Geena Davis’ Inaugural Bentonvillle Film Fest Promotes Femme Filmmakers and Diversity in Media". Variety. Retrieved 2017-01-22.
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