Joint Task Force

A Joint Task Force is a "joint" (multi-service) ad hoc military formation. The task force concept originated with the United States Navy around the beginning of the Second World War in the Pacific.

"Combined" is the British-American military term for multi-national formations.

Ships of Task Group 100.1 during Exercise BALTOPS, 1985

There are two ways in which a U.S. or U.S.-allied task force may be assigned a number. The first is the originally naval scheme promulgated and governed by the U.S. Military Communications-Electronic Board, chaired by the Joint Staff J6. Task force numbers allocated under this scheme form the majority of the listings below.

The second is a by-product of the U.S. Army's procedure for forming task-organised forces for combat, differing from strictly doctrinally assigned table of organization and equipment organizations. A battalion, company or brigade commander has very wide latitude in selecting a task force name,[1] though often the name of the commander is used (e.g. Task Force Faith; Task Force Smith was named for the commander of the 1st Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment). This has often resulted in derivations from the originator unit's numerical designation being used. For example, when a special operations aviation unit was being formed in the late 1970s, the original unit drew heavily on personnel from the 158th Aviation. The designation chosen was Task Force 158, which later grew to become the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. Another example comes from 2004 in Afghanistan. On 15 April 2004 the headquarters of the U.S. Army's 25th Infantry Division arrived in Afghanistan and took command of CJTF-180 from the 10th Mountain Division. Lieutenant General David Barno, commanding then decided to rename CJTF 180 because the “180” designation had traditionally been given to Joint task forces led by the Army's XVIII Airborne Corps. Barno chose Combined Joint Task Force 76 as the new name to evoke America’s history and the democratic spirit of 1776.[2] The CFC-A commander intended this new designation to highlight the change in command at the operational level at a time when Afghanistan appeared to be moving closer to democracy.

No coordination appears to occur between U.S. Army task forces designated in this way, and the USMCEB scheme. This has resulted in simultaneous designations being used at the same time. For example, Combined Joint Task Force 76, was in use in Afghanistan in 2004, but doubling up on the Task Force 76 designation used for decades by Amphibious Force, United States Seventh Fleet, in north Asia.

Numbered USMCEB joint task forces

Allied Communications Publication 113: Call Signs Book for Ships in its Annex B lists allocations of task force numbers from 1 to approximately 1000, allocated by the United States Military Communications-Electronic Board in blocks for use by the United States Department of Defense and allies.

Norman Polmar notes in Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet, 2005, that the task forces under the commanders of the Atlantic and Pacific Fleet are mainly for contingency purposes.[3] They are employed for specific operations and exercises.

Combined Task Force (CTF) 13 conducts a simulated long range raid on Camp Hanson, Okinawa Japan, March 21, 2016. CTF-13 conducted the raid, which commenced in South Korea, to demonstrate air assault, multi-continent long-range raid capabilities and the ability to deliver security and stability. CTF 13 included 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines.

Joint task force Abbrev. State Notes
Joint Task Force 1 001 JTF-1 US Operation Crossroads
Joint Task Force 2 002 JTF-2 US/CAN In September 1964, Major General George Brown was selected to organize and command JTF-2, a Joint Chiefs of Staff organization formed at Sandia Base, New Mexico, to the test the services' weapon systems. It was staffed by personnel of all three services.[4] Low Altitude Program nuclear test organisation, 1965-70.[5] In 1990s seemingly transferred to Canada, possibly completely out of USMCEB formal system for use by Canadian special forces. The Canadian SOF unit that took this designation was formed on 1 April 1993.
Joint Task Force 3 003 JTF-3 US Formed late 1949 in preparation for Operation Greenhouse nuclear test series.[6]
Joint Task Force 4 004 JTF-4 US From 1960 to 1 December 1963, planning headquarters for Sub-Saharan Africa, responsible to Atlantic Command. Lt Gen Louis W. Truman reassigned as chief of staff for Caribbean operations during Cuban Missile Crisis. Superseded by creation of CINCMEAFSA (Commander-in-Chief U.S. Strike Command).[7] Drug interdiction task force in Caribbean Sea from December 1989. Became Joint Interagency Task Force East on 1 October 1994.[8] Later amalgamated into Joint Interagency Task Force South in 1994. Later became post-conflict reconstruction task force, eventually to become the ill-fated Office for Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance.
Joint Task Force 5 005 JTF-5 US Drug interdiction task force at Coast Guard Island, Alameda, California, from December 1989. Later became Joint Interagency Task Force West.
Joint Task Force 6 006 JTF-6 US Drug interdiction task force at El Paso, Texas, from December 1989. Became Joint Task Force North in 2004. Now seemingly Task Force 6, the naval component commander, U.S. Africa Command, an additional duty post for Commander, Sixth Fleet.[9]
Joint Task Force 7 007 JTF-7 US Operation Sandstone, a series of nuclear weapon tests in 1948.
Combined Joint Task Force 7 007 CJTF-7 US CJTF 7 was the interim military formation that directed the U.S. military effort in Iraq between June 2003 and May 2004. Previously used for Operation Castle atomic tests in the 1940s-1950s
Joint Task Force 8 008 JTF-8 US Operation Dominic nuclear test organisation, April–November 1962.
Joint Task Force 11 011 JTF-11 US During World War II, Task Force 11 was a United States Navy aircraft carrier task force in the Pacific theater.
JTF at Soto Cano Air Base, 1983. By 1984 redesignated Joint Task Force Bravo
Task Force 12 012 TF-12 US Theater Anti-Submarine Warfare Force, Pacific / Patrol and Reconnaissance Force, Pacific (PATRECONFORPAC).[10]
Task Force 16 016 TF-16 US Maritime Defense Zone, U.S. Pacific Fleet, commanded by a Coast Guard officer (2005).[3] Previously celebrated carrier task force during World War II.
Task Force 17 017 TF-17 US Naval Air Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet (2005).[3] Previously celebrated carrier task force during World War II.
Task Force 18 018 TF-18 US Sealift forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet (2005).[3] USS Hornet (CV-8)'s task force for 1942 Doolittle Raid.
Task Force 20 020 TF-20 US Task Group 20.5, a carrier battle group built around USS Independence (CV-62), was part of Operation Urgent Fury in Grenada, 1982.[11] Deputy Commander, Fleet and Joint Operations, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, with responsibility for subordinate seagoing formations, until 1 October 2012.
Task Force 21 021 TF-21 US Transformation of the United States Army
Task Forces 30-39 030 TF-30 US All allocated to United States Third Fleet
Task Force 31 031 TF-31 US
Task Force 37 037 TF-37 US
Task Force 38 038 TF-38 US Fast Carrier Task Force, World War II (Also Task Force 38.3)
Task Force 44 044 TF-44 US
Task Forces 50-57 050 TF-50 US All allocated to United States Fifth Fleet
Task Force 57 057 TF-57 US
Task Force 58 058 TF-58 US Recently Maritime Surveillance Force in the North Persian Gulf. Fast Carrier Task Force, World War II.
Task Force 60 060 TF-60 US United States Sixth Fleet; Battle Force from c.1950s-c.2010
Task Force 61 061 TF-61 US United States Sixth Fleet
Task Force 67 067 TF-67 US
Task Force 73 073 TF-73 US Commander, Logistics Group, Western Pacific, Seventh Fleet, Singapore.
Task Force 74 074 TF-74 US Submarine Force, U.S. Seventh Fleet. Previously Enterprise task force during Indo-Pakistani War of 1971.
Task Force 76 076 TF-76 US Amphibious Force, United States Seventh Fleet. CJTF 76 was a designation given to a division-sized U.S. Army task force in Afghanistan, seemingly outside the formal USMCEB system.
Task Force 77 077 TF-77 US Carrier Striking Force, U.S. Seventh Fleet. As of 2016 built around Carrier Strike Group Five.

ALSO: Former Task Force 145

Task Force 80 080 TF-80 US TF-80 is currently the Maritime Headquarters component for the U.S. Fleet Forces Command.
Task Force 84 084 TF-84 US Seemingly Anti-Submarine Warfare Force, Atlantic (ASWFORLANT).[12]
Task Force 88 088 TF-88 US Used during World War II for Task Force 88 (Operation Dragoon); after World War II for Task Force 88 (Operation Argus). Also used by a USSOCOM task force, seemingly not within the USMCEB numbering scheme.
Task Force 90 090 TF-90 US Amphibious Force, Naval Forces Far East, during the Korean War, and later involved in Operation Passage to Freedom.
Task Force 91 091 TF-91 US U.S. Naval Forces Alaska, commanded by Commander 17th Coast Guard District, United States Coast Guard.[13]
Task Force 93 093 TF-93 US Commander Alaskan Sea Frontier, late 1960s. Rear Admiral Donald M. White during SS Robert Louis Stevenson sinking incident, late 1960s.[14]
Task Force 100 100, TFTF 100 US Involved in USS Liberty incident, 1967. CINCUSNAVEUR established TF 100 under the command of Rear Admiral Renken, Commander, Service Forces, Atlantic, at 0000Z, 12 June 1967. With forces from Sixth Fleet, Commander Fleet Air Mediterranean, Service Forces, Sixth Fleet, Naval Securities Group Europe, plus the Liberty herself, TF 100 was to '..supervise the drydocking of USS Liberty at Malta on or about 13 June 1967 in order to prevent disclosure of classified information and equipment to unauthorised personnel.'[15] TF 100's functions were expected to be completed in about two days. Previously at times held by Deputy Commander-in-Chief United States Naval Forces Europe (DCINCUSNAVEUR). The task force (or Task Group 100.1) was also involved in a mid-May 1975 visit to Leningrad.[16] Leahy and Tattnall, part of Cruiser-Destroyer Group 12, were commanded by Rear Admiral Justin D. Langille III. On 1 April 2010, it was announced that Rear Adm. (lower half) Charles K. Carodine was to be assigned new duties. Carodine was at the time serving as chief of staff, JTF-100 Maritime Operations Center, United States Fleet Forces Command, Norfolk, Va.[17] Also by 2010 TF 100 had become the Service Crypographic Component Operations task force of United States Tenth Fleet.[18]
Task Force 101 101, TFTF 101 US Northern European Force after 1946-1956.[19][20] When Admiral Wright became CINCNELM was commanded by Rear Admiral Robert B. Pirie, Chief of Staff to CINCNELM. After the beginning of the War on Terror in 2001, Combined Joint Task Force - 101 was a 101st Airborne Division rotation in Afghanistan.
Task Forces 102-109 102, TFTF 102 US All now seemingly allocated to United States Tenth Fleet.[18]
Task Force 104 104, TFTF 104 US United States Naval Forces Germany, 1944–45, and possibly afterwards
Task Force 111 111, TFTF 111 UK/US Seemingly Admiral Bruce Fraser, Commander-in-Chief, British Pacific Fleet, aboard HMS Duke of York, soon after the end of World War II.
Task Force 115 115, TFTF 115 US Coastal Surveillance Force, Naval Forces Vietnam[21]
Task Force 116 116, TFTF 116 US River Patrol Force, Naval Forces Vietnam
Task Force 117 117, TFTF 117 US Mobile Riverine Force, Naval Forces Vietnam
Joint Task Force 120 120, JTFJTF 120 US In times of crisis and during certain exercises, Commander Second Fleet became Commander, JTF 120. This joint task force drew from the Atlantic Fleet, U.S. Army airborne and air assault units, U.S. Air Force aircraft and support personnel, U.S. Marine Corps amphibious forces, and at times, the United States Coast Guard. Ran Operation Urgent Fury, the invasion of Grenada in October 1983. Later ran Operation Uphold Democracy regarding Haiti in 1994-95.
Task Force 121 121, TFTF 121 US Possibly part of United States Twelfth Fleet during World War II. Task Force of Army Rangers during Operation Urgent Fury, Grenada, 1982.[11] After 2001, one of the designations for the Joint Special Operations Command high value targets task force. This was made up of operators from the U.S. Army's Delta Force, 75th Ranger Regiment, and 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, Naval Special Warfare Development Group, the CIA's Special Activities Division, U.S. Air Force Combat Controllers, Pararescuemen, Tactical Air Control Party operators, and Special Operations Weather Technicians, the Aviation Tactics Evaluation Group (AvTEG), and the Joint Communications Unit. Two troops from the U.S. Army 1st Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment provided armor support for the Task Force. On occasions, Canadian, British, Australian and Polish special force personnel assisted and augmented TF121. It served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Task Force 122 122, TFTF 122 US United States Twelfth Fleet, World War II. Commanded by Rear Admiral Alan G. Kirk, who commanded D-Day's Western Naval Task Force (Utah and Omaha Beaches).
Task Force 123 123, TFTF 123 US 82nd Airborne Division, Operation Urgent Fury, Grenada 1982.[11]
Task Force 124 124, TFTF 124 US Omaha Beach landing force, World War II.[22] In Grenada 1982, was the amphibious force, headquartered aboard USS Guam.[11] Now Strategic Communications Wing One,[23] Tinker AFB, Oklahoma (E-6A Mercury aircraft)
Task Force 125 125, TFTF 125 US Designation for Commander, Western Hemisphere Group, when acting as a naval component commander for U.S. Southern Command. Obsolete.[24]
Task Force 130 130, TFTF 130 US Manned Spacecraft Recovery Force, Pacific, for Project Apollo. Flagship USS Arlington (AGMR-2).
Task Force 134 134, TFTF 134 US Commander, Task Force 134, COMSUBPAC, is an operational commander responsible to USSTRATCOM for strategic deterrent submarine operations.[25]
Task Force 136 136, TFTF 136 US Under the commander of Commander, Second Fleet, was quarantine force during Cuban Missile Crisis.[26] Led for a time by Commander Cruiser-Destroyer Flotilla 2 aboard USS Canberra.
Task Force 140 140, TFTF 140 US Project Mercury Recovery Force (early 1960s), later Manned Spacecraft Recovery Force, Atlantic (for Apollo 9). In 1980s, as JTF 140, designation for Second Fleet for Caribbean contingency operations. Ocean Venture '90 was a JCS directed field exercise sponsored by the U.S. Atlantic Command and executed by JTF 140, a standing JTF assigned to LANTCOM which had existed since 1979.[27] Utilised for Haiti operations during 1994.[8]
Task Force 144 144, TFTF 144 US CTF 144, Commander Submarine Forces/COMSUBLANT. Operational commander for Atlantic ballistic missile submarines, responsible to Commander, U.S. Strategic Command
Task Force 145 145, TFTF 145 US
Task Force 151 151, TFTF 151 US Combined Maritime Forces
Joint Task Force 160 160, JTFJTF 160 US Directed Operation Sea Signal. This humanitarian operation receiving Haitian refugees at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba, took place from August 1994 to February 1996.[28]
Task Force 160 was a non-USMCEB, U.S. Army allocation.
Combined Joint Task Force-180 180, JTFJTF 180 US Appears to be the permanently assigned designator for HQ XVIII Airborne Corps when operating as a combined joint task force or joint task force, for example in Afghanistan after 2002.
Task Force 214 214, TFTF 214 US Twentieth Air Force, while acting as the ICBM task force for U.S. Strategic Command
Task Force 294 294, TFTF 294 US U.S. Air Force air refueling forces while acting as a task force for U.S. Strategic Command
Task Force 301 301, TFTF 301 CAN Royal Canadian Navy, Atlantic Coast
Task Force 311 311, TFTF 311 UK Commander, Task Force 311 (CTF-311), located in Northwood, Middlesex, is the Royal Navy's sole submarine operating authority (SUBOPAUTH). CTF-311 maintains operational control of all Britain's attack submarines, wherever they may be.[29]
Task Group 316.1 316, TFTF 316 UK Used for Endeavour 90 deployment, under Capt Franklyn, HMS Bristol (DTS)[30]
Task Force 317 317, TFTF 317 UK Falklands Task Force; see British naval forces in the Falklands War
Task Force 318 318, TFTF 318 UK In November 1967, TF 318, under Flag Officer Second in Command Far East Fleet, Rear Admiral Edward Ashmore, managed the British withdrawal from Aden after 128 years of colonial rule.[31] Reestablished with effect from 1 November 1971 to cover withdrawal of British forces from Persian Gulf (Roberts, 95)
Task Force 321 321, TFTF 321 UK Seemingly Royal Navy in the Mediterranean and Middle East. Used Cyprus 1974[32] during Falklands War when RNZN frigates deployed, and after Iraqi invasion of Kuwait (deployed force TG 321.1 in both later cases).[33] In 1990 CINCFLEET acted as CTF 321.
Task Group 323.2 323, TFTF 323 UK RN Mediterranean group during Operation Desert Storm
Task Force 324 324, TFTF 324 UK Royal Navy Red Sea force during Suez Crisis of 1956. Consisted only of HMS Newfoundland.[34]
Task Force 330 330, TFTF 330 UK UK naval forces during Operation Telic[35]
Task Force 333 333, TFTF 333 UK Involved in Operation Grapple nuclear tests at Christmas Island, August 1958.[36] TG 333.1 seemingly utilised by Captain 11th Frigate Squadron (Captain F11), Royal New Zealand Navy, in November 1972, during LONGEX 71 between Auckland and Wellington.[37] TGs of TF 333 later used in NATO area (Roberts)
Task Force 345 345, TFTF 345 UK UK Mediterranean naval task force during Suez Crisis of 1956.[34] Now is reported as '..CTF 345 is the organisation that provides command and control of the UK deterrent' at Northwood Headquarters. Rear Admiral Ian Corder commanded the task force as of September 2012.[38]
Task Force 373 373, TFTF 373 US JSOC or SOCCENT special operations forces task force in Afghanistan
Task Force 402 402, TFTF 402 US
Joint Task Force 435 435, JTFJTF 435 US (Combined Joint Interagency Task Force 435) Afghanistan theatre detention operations
Task Force 439 439, TFTF 439 NATO attack submarine force, Mediterranean
Task Force 440 440, TFTF 440 Operation Sharp Guard, 1993-96 (WEU, SNFL, SNFM)
Task Force 442 442, TFTF 442 US From 1967, Commander Submarine Flotilla 8 became COMSUBMED under NAVSOUTH in addition to wartime SSBN responsibilities as CTF 442.[39]
Task Force 465 465, TFTF 465 (NATO) Deployed task force of Operation Atalanta, EUNAVFOR Somalia, combating Somali piracy
Task Force 472 472, TFTF 472 SEATO (1969) At the time USS Evans and HMAS Melbourne collided on the early morning on 3 June 1969, both were part of Exercise Task Group 472.1. Command of Task Force 472, and TG 472.1, was being exercised by Rear Admiral G.J.B. Crabb, Flag Officer Commanding Australian Fleet. TF 472 included Melbourne, Evans, Kyes, Larson, Blackpool, and Cleopatra. TF 472 was taking part in SEATO Exercise Sea Spirit.[40]
Task Force 473 473, TFTF 473 France Seemingly permanently assigned to the carrier battle group ('aeronaval group') build around Charles de Gaulle. Part of Force d'action navale.
Task Force 500 500, TFTF 500 NATO Flag Officer Denmark (FOD), Allied Forces Baltic Approaches (1963).[41]
Task Force 502 502, TFTF 502 NATO Carrier battle force, Naval Striking and Support Forces, Southern Europe, 1970s-1980s. Provided by U.S. Carrier Group or Cruiser-Destroyer Group headquarters.
Task Force 503 503, TFTF 503 NATO Amphibious force, Naval Striking and Support Forces, Southern Europe, 1970s-1980s. Provided by U.S. Amphibious Squadron headquarters.
Task Force 504 504, TFTF 504 NATO Landing force, Naval Striking and Support Forces, Southern Europe, 1970s-1980s.
Task Force 505 505, TFTF 505 NATO Support force, Naval Striking and Support Forces, Southern Europe, 1970s-1980s.
Task Force 506 506, TFTF 506 NATO Special Operations Force, Naval Striking and Support Forces, Southern Europe, 1970s-1980s.
Task Force 508 508, TFTF 508 NATO (or member) As of late 2013, Operation Ocean Shield Somali counter-piracy force. CTF 508 was Rear Admiral Eugenio Diaz del Rio on board flagship Alvaro de Bazan on 14 January 2014.[42]
Joint Task Force 510 510, JTFJTF 510 US Special Operations Command Pacific standing joint task force for rapid deployment. Involved in Operation Enduring Freedom – Philippines, 2002.
Joint Task Force 622 622, JTFJTF 622 AUS Operation VIC FIRE ASSIST[43]
Joint Task Force 627 627, JTFJTF 627 AUS SUBmarine Search And Rescue (SUBSAR)[44] May be designator for Commander Australian Fleet; CTF 627 was allocated to this officer under his previous title of Maritime Commander Australia in 1999-2000.
Joint Task Force 630 630, JTFJTF 630 AUS Op Larry Assist after Cyclone Larry, March 2006. Commander was Mick Slater.
Joint Task Force 631 631, JTFJTF 631 AUS Operation Astute - Timor Leste International Stabilisation Force
Joint Task Force 633 633, JTFJTF 633 AUS Operation Okra, HQJTF 633, based in the United Arab Emirates, provides command and control of all ADF elements deployed throughout the Middle East Area of Operations (MEAO) as part of Operation Slipper. JTF 633 is commanded by Major General Craig Orme.[45] Previous commanders have included MAJGEN Stuart Smith. Included Security Detachment Iraq
Joint Task Force 634 634, JTFJTF 634 AUS Supported 2007 Sydney APEC Conference.[46] Commander: Brigadier Andrew Smith, Cdr 7th Brigade.
Joint Task Force 637 637, JTFJTF 637 AUS Operation Kiribati Assist; Operation Queensland Flood Assist
Joint Task Force 639 639, JTFJTF 639 AUS Op Resolute - Border Protection Command
Joint Task Force 645 645, JTFJTF 645 AUS Commander INTERFET, 1999 (TF 645),[47] CHOGM 2001, CHOGM 2002[48]
Task Force 646 646, TFTF 646 AUS RAAF Air Command[49] Aerospace Operational Support Group TG 646.7.
Joint Task Force 662 662, JTFJTF 662 AUS ADF support during the 2009 Victorian Black Saturday bushfires.[50]
Joint Task Force 663 663, JTFJTF 663 AUS Operation Render Safe 2011.[51] HMAS Gascoyne, HMAS Diamantina, HMNZS Resolution (A14), HMNZS Wellington.
Joint Task Force 664 664, JTFJTF 664 AUS Operation Yasi Assist
Joint Task Force 665 665, JTFJTF 665 AUS Operation Testament, ADF commitment to World Youth Day 2008, Commander Brigadier David Saul
Task Force 714 714, TFTF 714 US United States Special Operations Command. Designation for JSOC high-value targets task force in Iraq and Afghanistan during General Stanley McChrystal's time in command.[52]
Task Force 825 825, TFTF 825 Spain Task Group 825.1 was the Spanish aircraft carrier Principe de Asturias task group in May 2008.[53]
Joint Task Force 950 950, JTFJTF 950 US Commander, United States Second Fleet whilst in a training role.[54]
Task Force 1099 US (See Task Force 121)

Named joint task forces

Joint Task Force Shining Hope; Joint Task Force Eagle Vista (1998 Presidential African visit)

Joint task force Abbrev. Who Notes
Joint Task Force-Alaska JTF-AK US
Joint Task Force-Armed Forces Inaugural Committee JTF-AFIC US
Joint Task Force Aztec Silence US
Joint Task Force Bravo JTF-B US Central America operations from Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras
Joint Task Force Caring Response US
Joint Task Force Central CAN
Joint Task Force-Civil Support JTF-CS US
Joint Task Force East US
Joint Task Force for Elimination JTF-E US Joint Task Force for Elimination of WMD (JTF-E)
Joint Task Force Full Accounting US
Joint Task Force Gator US
Joint Task Force-Global Network Operations JTF-GNO US Critical infrastructure protection. (Evolved from JTF-CND, then JTF-CNO)
Joint Task Force Gold JTF Gold AUS Sydney 2000 Summer Olympic Games
Joint Task Force Guantanamo JTF-GTMO US
Joint Task Force Haiti US
Joint Task Force-Homeland Defense JTF-HD US
Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa CJTF-HOA US
Joint Task Force Katrina US
Joint Task Force Lebanon JTF-L US
Joint Task Force Liberia JTF LiberiaUS
Joint Task Force National Capital Region/Medical JTF CapMed US
Joint Task Force (North) JTF(N) CAN
Joint Task Force North US
Joint Task Force OMEGA JTF OMEGA Colombian Armed Forces JTF in support of US funded Plan Patriota
Joint Task Force Southwest Asia JTF-SWA USThe JTF commander also commanded 9th Aerospace Expeditionary Task Force-Southwest Asia, U.S. Central Command, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It carried out Operation Southern Watch to enforce the Iraqi no-fly zones. The 9AETF-SWA was the forward-deployed arm of the Ninth Air Force. Established on August 26, 1992; active until 2003.[55]
Joint Task Force Rita US

United States Army and other non-USMCEB task forces

These included Combined Joint Task Force 76, Combined Joint Task Force 82, and Combined Joint Task Force 180.

Task force Abbrev. Who Notes
Task Force 1-41 141 TF 1-41 INF US U.S. Army combined-arms heavy battalion mechanized Task Force consisting primarily of the 1st Battalion, 41st Infantry Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 66th Armor Regiment, and the 4th Battalion, 3rd Field Artillery Regiment all being part of the 2nd Armored Division (Forward). It served at the Battle of 73 Easting and the Battle of Norfolk. Formed in various other incarnations during other conflicts.
Combined Joint Task Force 82 082 CJTF-82 US
Special Operations Task Force 103 103 SOTF-103 US On 11 May 2010, Malian and Senegalese soldiers worked on small unit tactics, movements, and convoy vehicle recover drills with special operations forces personnel from Special Operations Task Force 103 in Bamako, Mali. The classes were part of Exercise Flintlock 10, an exercise focused on military interoperability and capacity-building, which was part of an AFRICOM-sponsored annual exercise program with partner nations in northern and western Africa. Flintlock 10, which includes participation of key European U.S. allies, was conducted by SOCAFRICA and was designed to build relationships and develop capacity among security forces throughout the Trans-Saharan region of Africa.
Task Force 118 118 TF-118 US a regular army aviation unit flying AH-58D Warrior helicopters whose mast-mounted IR sights helped spot small boats during Operation Prime Chance
Task Force ALBA Swiss Humanitarian operation in Albania during 1999.
Task Force Aegis US Redirects to Combined Joint Task Force 76
Task Force Alpha UK Redirects to 7th Armoured Brigade (United Kingdom)
Task Force Baum US Concentration camp rescue force "set up by U.S. Army general George S. Patton"
Task Force Bayonet US Task Force Bayonet (disambiguation)
Task Force Black US Redirects to Task Force 88 (anti-terrorist unit)
Task Force Blue US United States Navy SEALs
Task Force Danbi South Korea Haiti earthquake relief 2010
Task Force Eagle NATO IFOR
Task Force East US US European Command initiative to strengthen relationships with Eastern European allies
Task Force Faith US US Army unit during the Korean War
Task Force Falcon (US) US US Army Task Force serving as part of KFOR in Kosovo
Task Force Frigid USAfter World War II, the War Department decided that U.S. Army personnel must be able to live and operate in any degree of cold.[56] A group of task forces was therefore organized to test U.S. Army equipment in the cold. Task Force Frigid and Task Force Williwaw were dispatched to what is now Fort Greely, Alaska during the winters of 1946 and 1947.
Task Force Harvest NATO Operation Essential Harvest
Task Force Hawk US Kosovo
Task Force Helmand NATO Part of ISAF in Helmand Province, Afghanistan
Task Force K-Bar US "The first major ground deployment in the US-led invasion of Afghanistan"
Task Force Kandahar NATO ISAF in Kandahar, Afghanistan
Task Force Kean UN North Korea
Task Force Leatherneck US Located at Camp Leatherneck, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Marine Air-Ground Task Force currently operating in Helmand Province. 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade during 2009-10 for Operation Enduring Freedom. Also used by the 1st and 2nd Marine Divisions during their deployments to Afghanistan
Task Force Libeccio CAN Operation Mobile#Royal Canadian Air Force - 2011 military intervention in Libya.
Task Force Lightning US 25th Infantry Division (United States)
Task Force Manchu US Second Battle of Naktong Bulge#The end of Task Force Manchu
Task Force Mustang US Combat Aviation Brigade, 36th Infantry Division, Texas Army National Guard
Task Force ODIN US US Army aviation battalion created to combat improvised explosive devices in Iraq
Task Force Phoenix CJTF Phoenix US Initially organized by CENTCOM to train and mentor the newly created Afghan National Security Forces
Task Force Ranger US Battle of Mogadishu (1993)#Task Force Ranger
Task Force Scorpio Swiss Biological and chemical response team activated during the first Gulf War - not deployed
Task Force Shield US/UK/Iraq Set up in 2003 to provide security for Iraq's critical oil infrastructure
Task Force Sinai USU.S. element of Multinational Force and Observers (MFO)
Task Force Smith US Battle of Osan#Task Force Smith
Task Force Tarawa US The 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade during the 2003 invasion of Iraq
Task Force Taro US 3rd Marine Regiment (United States)
Task Force Trinity US 3rd Battalion 3rd Marines
Task Force Tripoli US USMC air ground task force formed after the fall of Baghdad during the 2003 invasion of Iraq
Task Force Uruzgan Netherlands Part of NATO's Regional Command South, ISAF, Afghanistan
Task Force Viking US Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force – North (CJSOTF–N), also known as Task Force Viking, was the U.S. joint task force responsible for the northern front during the initial period of the 2003 invasion of Iraq
Task Force White Eagle Poland A brigade sized detachment of Polish Land Forces in Ghazni Province, Afghanistan. The brigade was under the command of the US 1st Cavalry Division.


See also


  1. See Larry Bond, 'Cauldron' (fiction) or Hackworth, 'About Face'.
  2. Lieutenant General David W. Barno, interview by Center for Military History, 21 November 2006, 31–32, in A Different Kind of War.
  3. 1 2 3 4 Norman Polmar, Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet,' Naval Institute Press, 2005, p.37
  4. Puryear 1983, pp. 132–133.
  5. National Archives and Records Administration, Federal Record Group 374.5.2, accessed June 2013.
  6. Barton C. Hacker, 'Elements of Controversy'.
  7. History of the Unified Command Plan 1946-2012, pp. 22-24.
  8. 1 2 Siegel, Adam B. (August 1996). The Intervasion of Haiti, Professional Paper 539 (PDF). Center for Naval Analyses. p. 12.
  9. Science Advisor, NAVEUR/NAVAF/Sixth Fleet, Science and Technology Shortfalls Archived 2014-02-02 at the Wayback Machine., 26 June 2012, accessed January 2014.
  10., Patrol and Reconnaissance Force, Pacific
  11. 1 2 3 4 Spector, Ronald (1987). "U.S. Marines in Grenada 1983" (PDF). p. 6.
  12. CTF 84 Reserve Unit Established, October 5, 2005
  13. Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet
  14. Mud, Muscle and Miracles, 384.
  15. "CINCUSNAVEUR OPORD 15-67" (PDF). National Security Agency. 11 June 1967. Retrieved 29 January 2016.
  16. 1975LENINGRAD00693_b
  17. Defense, This story was written by the Department of. "CNO Announces Flag Officer Assignments". Retrieved 2016-01-29.
  18. 1 2
  19. Warrior among Diplomats, p. 278 - 279
  20. "The Development of Unified Command Structure for the U. S. Armed Forces, 1945-1950," p. 11-21 in Ronald H. Cole, et al., The History of Unified Command 1946-1993 (Washington, DC: Joint History Office of the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1995)
  21. Larry Berman, Zumwalt: The Life and Times of Admiral Elmo Russell "Bud" Zumwalt, Jr., Harper, 2012, 171.
  22. Samuel E> Morrison, The Invasion of France and Germany,, p.335-6.
  23. Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Jessica Vargas, TACAMO, Strategic Communications Wing One Public Affairs. "Strategic Communications Wing One Holds Change of Command". Retrieved 2014-05-12.
  24. Karen Smith et al., 'Is NAVSO Organized and Staffed to do its job?' Center for Naval Analysis, CRM D0005057.A1, January 2002.
  25. "p.370" (PDF). Retrieved 2014-05-12.
  26. U.S. Navy online documentation
  27. WA Saunders, Joint Pub 5-00.2 Joint Task Force Planning Guidance and Procedures: A Critical Review, 1992
  28. "Operation Sea Signal", website, 2008. Retrieved on October 19, 2008.
  30. Roberts, 344.
  31. Independent, Obituary: Admiral Sir Richard Fitch, 22 February 1994. Note that the Independent incorrectly lists Ashmore's apppoinment at the time.
  32. Henn, Francis. A Business of Some Heat: The United Nations Force in Cyprus Before and During the 1974 Turkish Invasion. Casemate Publishers, 2004, 295
  33. The Gulf Revisited - Why?, The Naval Review, 1990, and Cdre Chris Craig account
  34. 1 2 "SUEZ WAR OF 1956". 1956-11-05. Retrieved 2014-05-12.
  37. Andrew Preston (2012-09-15). "and Royal Navy Bridge Card, various editions". Retrieved 2014-05-12.
  38. Joint Force Command Naples, The First Reorganisation, accessed 2016.
  40. "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-02-03. Retrieved 2016-01-30.
  41. Operation OCEAN SHIELD (2014-01-14). "14 January 2014". Retrieved 2014-05-12.
  42. Operation VIC FIRE ASSIST,
  43. AFTP 9(H),
  44. Australian Operations in Afghanistan, accessed April 2014.
  45. "Commodore Timothy William BARRETT CSC RAN, ACT" (PDF). Retrieved 2014-05-12.
  46., p.16
  47. Heightened security results in Joint Task Force, 11 April 2002,
  50. "WWII ammo to be rendered safe on joint mission - Keith Jackson & Friends: PNG ATTITUDE". 2011-10-20. Retrieved 2014-05-12.
  51. Stanley McChrystal, My Share of the Task.
  53. Navy Wire, 1999.
  54. See Spirtas et al., 'What it takes,' 59-63.
  55. U.S. Army Cold Regions Test Center - History, accessed June 2013.

Further reading

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