
In mathematics, a J-structure is an algebraic structure over a field related to a Jordan algebra. The concept was introduced by Springer (1973) to develop a theory of Jordan algebras using linear algebraic groups and axioms taking the Jordan inversion as basic operation and Hua's identity as a basic relation. There is a classification of simple structures deriving from the classification of semisimple algebraic groups. Over fields of characteristic not equal to 2, the theory of J-structures is essentially the same as that of Jordan algebras.


Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space over a field K and j a rational map from V to itself, expressible in the form n/N with n a polynomial map from V to itself and N a polynomial in K[V]. Let H be the subset of GL(V) × GL(V) containing the pairs (g,h) such that gj = jh: it is a closed subgroup of the product and the projection onto the first factor, the set of g which occur, is the structure group of j, denoted G'(j).

A J-structure is a triple (V,j,e) where V is a vector space over K, j is a birational map from V to itself and e is a non-zero element of V satisfying the following conditions.[1]

The norm associated to a J-structure (V,j,e) is the numerator N of j, normalised so that N(e) = 1. The degree of the J-structure is the degree of N as a homogeneous polynomial map.[2]

The quadratic map of the structure is a map P from V to End(V) defined in terms of the differential dj at an invertible x.[3] We put

The quadratic map turns out to be a quadratic polynomial map on V.

The subgroup of the structure group G generated by the invertible quadratic maps is the inner structure group of the J-structure. It is a closed connected normal subgroup.[4]

J-structures from quadratic forms

Let K have characteristic not equal to 2. Let Q be a quadratic form on the vector space V over K with associated bilinear form Q(x,y) = Q(x+y) − Q(x) − Q(y) and distinguished element e such that Q(e,.) is not trivial. We define a reflection map x* by

and an inversion map j by

Then (V,j,e) is a J-structure.


Let Q be the usual sum of squares quadratic function on Kr for fixed integer r, equipped with the standard basis e1,...,er. Then (Kr, Q, er) is a J-structure of degree 2. It is denoted O2.[5]

In characteristic not equal to 2, which we assume in this section, the theory of J-structures is essentially the same as that of Jordan algebras.

Let A be a finite-dimensional commutative non-associative algebra over K with identity e. Let L(x) denote multiplication on the left by x. There is a unique birational map i on A such that i(x).x = e if i is regular on x: it is homogeneous of degree −1 and an involution with i(e) = e. It may be defined by i(x) = L(x)−1.e. We call i the inversion on A.[6]

A Jordan algebra is defined by the identity[7][8]

An alternative characterisation is that for all invertible x we have

If A is a Jordan algebra, then (A,i,e) is a J-structure. If (V,j,e) is a J-structure, then there exists a unique Jordan algebra structure on V with identity e with inversion j.

In general characteristic, which we assume in this section, J-structures are related to quadratic Jordan algebras. We take a quadratic Jordan algebra to be a finite dimensional vector space V with a quadratic map Q from V to End(V) and a distinguished element e. We let Q also denote the bilinear map Q(x,y) = Q(x+y) − Q(x) − Q(y). The properties of a quadratic Jordan algebra will be[9][10]

We call Q(x)e the square of x. If the squaring is dominant (has Zariski dense image) then the algebra is termed separable.[11]

There is a unique birational involution i such that Q(x)i x = x if Q is regular at x. As before, i is the inversion, definable by i(x) = Q(x)−1 x.

If (V,j,e) is a J-structure, with quadratic map Q then (V,Q,e) is a quadratic Jordan algebra. In the opposite direction, if (V,Q,e) is a separable quadratic Jordan algebra with inversion i, then (V,i,e) is a J-structure.[12]


McCrimmon proposed a notion of H-structure by dropping the density axiom and strengthening the third (a form of Hua's identity) to hold in all isotopes. The resulting structure is categorically equivalent to a quadratic Jordan algebra.[13][14]

Peirce decomposition

A J-structure has a Peirce decomposition into subspaces determined by idempotent elements.[15] Let a be an idempotent of the J-structure (V,j,e), that is, a2 = a. Let Q be the quadratic map. Define

This is invertible for non-zero t,u in K and so φ defines a morphism from the algebraic torus GL1 × GL1 to the inner structure group G1. There are subspaces

and these form a direct sum decomposition of V. This is the Peirce decomposition for the idempotent a.[16]


If we drop the condition on the distinguished element e, we obtain "J-structures without identity".[17] These are related to isotopes of Jordan algebras.[18]


  1. Springer (1973) p.10
  2. Springer (1973) p.11
  3. Springer (1973) p.16
  4. Springer (1973) p.18
  5. Springer (1973) p.33
  6. Springer (1973) p.66
  7. Schafer (1995) p.91
  8. Okubo (2005) p.13
  9. Springer (1973) p.72
  10. McCrimmon (2004) p.83
  11. Springer (1973) p.74
  12. Springer (1973) p.76
  13. McCrimmon (1977)
  14. McCrimmon (1978)
  15. Springer (1973) p.90
  16. Springer (1973) p.92
  17. Springer (1973) p.21
  18. Springer (1973) p.22
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