Isotopes of tennessine

Main isotopes of tennessine
Iso­tope Decay
abun­dance half-life (t1/2) mode pro­duct
294Ts[1] syn 50 ms α 290Mc
293Ts[2] syn 20 ms α 289Mc

Tennessine (117Ts) is the most-recently synthesized synthetic element, and much of the data is hypothetical. As for any synthetic element, a standard atomic weight cannot be given. Like all synthetic elements, it has no stable isotopes. The first (and so far only) isotopes to be synthesized were 293Ts and 294Ts in 2009. The longer-lived isotope is 294Ts with a half-life of 51 ms.

List of isotopes

Z(p) N(n)  
isotopic mass (u)
half-life decay mode(s) daughter
293Ts 117 176 293.20824(89)# 22 (+8−4) ms[3] α 289Mc
294Ts 117 177 294.21046(74)# 51 (+41−16) ms[4] α 290Mc


Isotopes and nuclear properties


Target-projectile combinations leading to Z=117 compound nuclei

The below table contains various combinations of targets and projectiles that could be used to form compound nuclei with atomic number 117.

Target Projectile CN Attempt result
153Eu 136Xe289TsReaction yet to be attempted
208Pb 81Br289TsReaction yet to be attempted
209Bi 82Se291TsReaction yet to be attempted
232Th 59Co291TsReaction yet to be attempted
231Pa 58Fe289TsReaction yet to be attempted
238U 55Mn293TsReaction yet to be attempted
237Np 54Cr291TsReaction yet to be attempted
244Pu 51V295TsReaction yet to be attempted
243Am 50Ti293TsReaction yet to be attempted
248Cm 45Sc293TsReaction yet to be attempted
250Cm 45Sc295TsReaction yet to be attempted
249Bk 48Ca297TsSuccessful reaction
249Cf 41K290TsReaction yet to be attempted
252Cf 41K293TsReaction yet to be attempted
253Es 40Ar293TsReaction yet to be attempted

Hot fusion

249Bk (48Ca, xn)297−xTs (x=3,4)

Between July 2009 and February 2010, the team at the JINR (Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions) ran a 7-month-long experiment to synthesize tennessine using the reaction above.[5] The expected cross-section was of the order of 2 pb. The expected evaporation residues, 293Ts and 294Ts, were predicted to decay via relatively long decay chains as far as isotopes of dubnium or lawrencium.

The team published a scientific paper in April 2010 (first results were presented in January 2010[7]) that six atoms of the neighbouring isotopes 294Ts (one atom) and 293Ts (five atoms) were detected. The heavier isotope decayed by the successive emission of six alpha particles down as far as the new isotope 270Db, which underwent apparent spontaneous fission. On the other hand, the lighter odd-even isotope decayed by the emission of just three alpha particles, as far as 281Rg, which underwent spontaneous fission. The reaction was run at two different excitation energies of 35 MeV (dose 2×1019) and 39 MeV (dose 2.4×1019). Initial decay data was published as a preliminary presentation on the JINR website.[8]

A further experiment in May 2010, aimed at studying the chemistry of the granddaughter of tennessine, nihonium, identified a further two atoms of 286Nh from the decay of 294Ts.

Chronology of isotope discovery

IsotopeYear discoveredDiscovery reaction

Theoretical calculations

Evaporation residue cross sections

The below table contains various targets-projectile combinations for which calculations have provided estimates for cross section yields from various neutron evaporation channels. The channel with the highest expected yield is given.

DNS = Di-nuclear system; σ = cross section

Target Projectile CN Channel (product) σmax Model Ref
209Bi 82Se291Ts1n (290Ts)15 fbDNS[9]
209Bi 79Se288Ts1n (287Ts)0.2 pbDNS[9]
232Th 59Co291Ts2n (289Ts)0.1 pbDNS[9]
238U 55Mn293Ts2-3n (291,290Ts)70 fbDNS[9]
244Pu 51V295Ts3n (292Ts)0.6 pbDNS[9]
248Cm 45Sc293Ts4n (289Ts)2.9 pbDNS[9]
246Cm 45Sc291Ts4n (287Ts)1 pbDNS[9]
249Bk 48Ca297Ts3n (294Ts)2.1 pb ; 3 pbDNS[9][10]
247Bk 48Ca295Ts3n (292Ts)0.8, 0.9 pbDNS[9][10]

Decay characteristics

Theoretical calculations in a quantum tunneling model with mass estimates from a macroscopic-microscopic model predict the alpha-decay half-lives of isotopes of tennessine (namely, 289–303Ts) to be around 0.1–40 ms.[11][12][13]


  1. Oganessian, Yu. Ts.; et al. (2013). "Experimental studies of the 249Bk + 48Ca reaction including decay properties and excitation function for isotopes of element 117, and discovery of the new isotope 277Mt". Physical Review C. 87 (5): 054621. Bibcode:2013PhRvC..87e4621O. doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.87.054621.
  2. Khuyagbaatar, J.; Yakushev, A.; Düllmann, Ch. E.; et al. (2014). "48Ca+249Bk Fusion Reaction Leading to Element Z=117: Long-Lived α-Decaying 270Db and Discovery of 266Lr". Physical Review Letters. 112 (17): 172501. PMID 24836239. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.172501.
  3. Oganessian, Yu. Ts.; et al. (2013). "Experimental studies of the 249Bk + 48Ca reaction including decay properties and excitation function for isotopes of element 117, and discovery of the new isotope 277Mt". Physical Review C. 87 (5): 054621. Bibcode:2013PhRvC..87e4621O. doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.87.054621.
  4. Khuyagbaatar, J.; Yakushev, A.; Düllmann, Ch. E.; et al. (2014). "48Ca+249Bk Fusion Reaction Leading to Element Z=117: Long-Lived α-Decaying 270Db and Discovery of 266Lr". Physical Review Letters. 112 (17): 172501. PMID 24836239. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.172501.
  5. Tennessine – the 117th element at
  6. Roman Sagaidak. "Experiment setting on synthesis of superheavy nuclei in fusion-evaporation reactions. Preparation to synthesis of new element with Z=117" (PDF). Retrieved 2009-07-07.
  7. Recommendations: 31st meeting, PAC for Nuclear Physics
  8. Walter Grenier: Recommendations, a PowerPoint presentation at the January 2010 meeting of the PAC for Nuclear Physics
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Zhao-Qing, Feng; Gen-Ming, Jin; Ming-Hui, Huang; Zai-Guo, Gan; Nan, Wang; Jun-Qing, Li (2007). "Possible Way to Synthesize Superheavy Element Z = 117". Chinese Physics Letters. 24 (9): 2551. Bibcode:2007ChPhL..24.2551F. arXiv:0708.0159Freely accessible. doi:10.1088/0256-307X/24/9/024.
  10. 1 2 Feng, Z; Jin, G; Li, J; Scheid, W (2009). "Production of heavy and superheavy nuclei in massive fusion reactions". Nuclear Physics A. 816: 33. Bibcode:2009NuPhA.816...33F. arXiv:0803.1117Freely accessible. doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2008.11.003.
  11. C. Samanta; P. Roy Chowdhury; D. N. Basu (2007). "Predictions of alpha decay half lives of heavy and superheavy elements". Nuclear Physics A. 789: 142. Bibcode:2007NuPhA.789..142S. arXiv:nucl-th/0703086Freely accessible. doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2007.04.001.
  12. P. Roy Chowdhury; C. Samanta; D. N. Basu (2008). "Search for long lived heaviest nuclei beyond the valley of stability". Physical Review C. 77 (4): 044603. Bibcode:2008PhRvC..77d4603C. arXiv:0802.3837Freely accessible. doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.77.044603.
  13. P. Roy Chowdhury; C. Samanta; D. N. Basu (2008). "Nuclear half-lives for α -radioactivity of elements with 100 ≤ Z ≤ 130". Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables. 94 (6): 781–806. Bibcode:2008ADNDT..94..781C. arXiv:0802.4161Freely accessible. doi:10.1016/j.adt.2008.01.003.

External sources

Isotopes of livermorium Isotopes of tennessine Isotopes of oganesson
Table of nuclides
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