Ismo Hölttö

The cover of Hölttö's book People in the Lead Role.

Ismo Hölttö (born 1940) is a Finnish documentary photographer known for his monochrome portraits of Romani people and others living in the cities and countryside of Finland in the 1960s, a time of rapid societal change.

Hölttö shot the main body of his work during the ten years between 1962 and 1971 while working as a goldsmith. When he started documenting the Finnish people, he was only 22; when he ended this series he had turned 31.

His works have been exhibited in France, Denmark, and Lithuania, as well as in Finland.

Books of Hölttö's works


  1. Both this book and another quite distinct book share ISBN 978-951-9086-74-3. This number appears both within the copyright page and on the back cover of Valokuvia / Photographs, which is no. 25 in the series Suomen Vallokuvataiteen Museon Julkaisusarja (ISSN 1239-6141). No. 24 in the same series is Jukka Kukkonen and Elina Heikka, Punamustavalkea: 1918 Kuvat (2008). Both this page and this one of the museum that published both books list both books with this single ISBN. This page of the museum shows a photograph of Hölttö's book with this ISBN. Searches in OPACs for the ISBN usually bring no. 24; no. 25 does not seem to be present within WorldCat.
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