World Islamic Call Society

World Islamic Call Society (Abbreviated: W.I.C.S, Arabic: جمعية الدعوة الإسلامية العالمية) is a non-profit entity established in 1972 that comprises more than 250 Islamic Organizations from around the world who are members of its General Congress.

The General Conference of WICS is held once every four years. Its task is to set the outlines for the Society's programs and activities in religious, cultural, social and economic development for the following four years. The General Congress chooses 36 members from among its affiliates to be part of the International Council for Islamic Call.

The WICS was led and funded by leading elements of the Gaddafi regime. The WICS was generally used to promote Libyan soft-power and interests. After the end of the Libyan Civil War, the National Transitional Council announced a plan to purge elements of the WICS but still preserve its existence as a religious charity.[1]

Financing and income sources

The Society finances the social, economic, religious and cultural programs from returns on the investments made within and outside the State’s Headquarters. The programs are also supported by donations and gifts presented by philanthropists and institutions.


WICS is interested in bridging the gaps among peoples of different religions and bringing them closer by promoting Islamic dominance. One of the main focuses of the Society is to promote a version of Islam opposed to pluralism / interfaith co-existence.

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, funder and founder of WICS, has stated on record, "This religion shall overcome all other religions before it. Their time has gone. It is his promise. Allah shall prevail this religion over the rest.

“There are tens of millions of Muslims in the European continent and the number is on the increase. The number of indigenous Europeans is falling drastically.

“The European continent will be converted to Islam."

“Europe will one day be a Muslim continent.”[2][3]

WICS and women

The WICS programs that address women’s interests comprise education, training and medical care. The Society also provides support in activating women’s institutions such as unions and associations. In addition, it organizes cultural forums, seminars, lectures and conferences that discuss women’s issues and ways to solve the problems that they face so as to enable them to become active and effective participants in the development of their respective societies. The programs also aim at freeing them from perceived injustices such as traditional factors that hold them back in social life, or what the WICS describes as materialistic pressures that force women to imitate men.

Cooperation with the United Nations

WICS has working relationships with UN bodies such as UNICEF and UNESCO. The organization carries out educational and humanitarian projects with the above mentioned UN bodies throughout the world.

Interfaith activities

WICS has working relationships with non-Muslim religious bodies including the Vatican.[4]


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